Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-04-26 stars in Oxford

Oxford Adventures in Pink: Post #1578!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the enchanting city of Oxford, where the air is thick with history, the buildings are straight out of a fairytale, and even the pigeons seem to strut with an extra bit of elegance! Oh, and I can’t forget to mention the divine Oxford University!

It feels like ages since I’ve been here, and it’s such a delight to be back. The last time I visited was for a rather splendid theatrical performance in the Sheldonian Theatre. Do you know, I even wore my very special peacock feather pink tutu, and the entire audience was spellbound! That’s the power of pink tutus, darlings! They truly capture hearts and inspire wonder.

This trip is all about indulging in my passion for the stage, specifically the grand and historic venues of Oxford. And to think, I actually started my drag journey by happenstance! Just a few years ago, I was studying to be a scientist - a real brainy babe - but during a fundraiser for the university ballet club, I took a daring leap and tried on a tutu. The rest, as they say, is history. But let’s not forget the essential part - it was a bright, shimmering pink tutu! And that’s the point where my life was transformed. My life was instantly bathed in pink and, you know, ever since, pink tutus have been my everything. It was simply love at first sight.

Of course, I haven’t abandoned my love for science - in fact, I still apply my scientific know-how in the lab, testing fabrics and whatnot. However, come nightfall, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles and, let me tell you, it’s a far cry from beakers and microscopes! It's pure, unadulterated magic.

So, where have I been since I last graced this blog? Oh, well, it’s a tale worthy of a grand, pink-feather adorned tutu. Since my last visit, I’ve been touring all over England, performing my act everywhere from village halls to fairgrounds, charming audiences with my dazzling performances and spreading the gospel of pink. I have even performed in a stately home - a proper country house, you know. Imagine that, darlings! It felt a little like being part of the Downton Abbey cast, just a little more sparkly.

However, none of this is possible without my fabulous travel companions: the majestic train and the graceful horse! Who needs airplanes when you have a train whizzing you through the English countryside or a noble steed patiently waiting to carry you on a romantic adventure? Honestly, what’s better than riding through rolling green hills in a carriage pulled by a team of horses? You get to feel like a fairy tale princess while looking like a glamorous drag queen. Talk about the perfect combination!

I am always searching for ways to explore the world in all its grandeur and, you know, the pink tutu is the perfect way to do it. It allows me to express my own unique style, while captivating every heart in my path. So, darlings, whether it’s a fancy city centre like Oxford, or a tranquil village in the countryside, I make sure to always be seen - or at least heard - rocking my pink tutu.

And oh my, have I been busy with my own preparations! There's nothing more inspiring than getting into a creative flow, making my own little world come alive, full of bright pinks and sparkling colours. I’ve already had the delightful pleasure of meeting some truly amazing artists and designers who’ve created breathtaking tutus just for me. Imagine, darlings! Tutues, feather boas, costumes, hair, makeup - the list is endless! There’s always something new and exciting happening, always a new colour or a unique design, that will simply take your breath away.

I believe it's important to have a positive attitude and to always embrace life with joy, creativity, and a pinch of sparkle - of course! We are, after all, just trying to make this world a bit more colorful. I aim to achieve it one pink tutu at a time! I've already convinced a fair share of people to at least wear pink in their day-to-day life, and it fills me with pride! Imagine a world bathed in pink, darlings - it's almost enough to make me burst!

I’ve met such a fascinating variety of people in this little adventure of mine, and it’s truly an inspiring experience. One of the things I cherish most is watching how the audience, no matter where I am performing, respond to the energy, the love, the laughter, and, well, the pink, of my act. Their reactions are often very touching.

But, before we delve into that, let’s take a look at a little sneak peek of Oxford, which, of course, has to feature Pink Tutu Sparkles, my stunning, majestic pink tutus, and all the pink magic we can gather!

(Here Pink Tutu Sparkles posts 5-10 photographs of herself in Oxford, dressed in varying outfits featuring pink tutus, in front of famous Oxford landmarks like the Bodleian Library, the Radcliffe Camera, and Oxford University itself).

So, darling, are you ready to delve into the fabulous world of Oxford, where the historic cobblestones are practically begging for my shimmering pink tutus to walk upon them? Don’t worry - you’ll hear plenty more from me as my pink adventures continue.

(Pink Tutu Sparkles posts more pictures from the performance - including a photo of herself taking a bow on stage. She writes a short blog post under the photo.)

Oxford, you truly stole my heart! My performances in this vibrant and historic city were simply divine! The audience was incredibly enthusiastic - I think I saw some tutus bobbing in the crowd. They loved every moment, laughing and clapping along with me - I even saw a tear or two in the eyes of some ladies! But who can blame them, darlings? The magic of pink and sparkle really gets to you, and I believe everyone should embrace the inner spark within. I am forever grateful for the warmth and support of Oxford and its incredible residents, both old and young. This city truly deserves its prestigious title: "The City of Dreaming Spires!" You really make one want to sing a beautiful aria or perform a rousing ballet, with a pink tutu twirling all the way! Oh, how I hope to return soon.

(Pink Tutu Sparkles posts several photographs of herself having afternoon tea with other members of the Oxford Drag Scene - two or three others - who she has met for a drink at a tea room. In the photo caption, she gushes about the "absolute darlings," whom she finds very amusing and with whom she had a great conversation about drag, makeup, the arts and so much more - "the perfect afternoon of feminine bliss!")

My journey through Oxford has been filled with magic and sparkle, but it wouldn’t have been as glorious without my dear friends, fellow drag artists who welcomed me with open arms and embraced my passion for pink and tutus. I am lucky to be part of the vibrant drag scene that embraces all styles and expressions - oh, such a joyous celebration of creativity, humour, and a bit of sass. I am ever grateful for the opportunity to share my art, love, and sparkle with such incredible performers, and, let’s face it, they’re all so incredibly talented. Who would have thought, darlings, that there was such a magical community waiting to be discovered?

Speaking of incredible talent, the dance scene in Oxford has totally captivated my heart. I had the sheer joy of attending a breathtaking performance at the Oxford Playhouse Theatre - my jaw almost dropped right off - and it inspired me in more ways than one. And, of course, my feet were twitching and my tutu was wanting to join in with the dancers! Don’t tell anyone, darlings, but I may have snuck out in the middle of the night to visit a ballet class - you know, for some extra inspiration. It’s been a long time since I've been dancing in a ballet class. Maybe, just maybe, one day I'll perform a ballet show - I can dream, can't I? Oh, just imagine the beautiful tutu I’ll design for that performance - it’ll be fabulous, with lots of sparkly, light, floaty things, all in the prettiest shade of pink! I could practically imagine the audience gasping in delight and then showering me with applause!

You know, darlings, one of the best things about this whole drag experience is the friendships I make along the way. You meet so many amazing and creative individuals who inspire you to dream even bigger and create something even more spectacular. They truly make you feel like anything is possible, even having the audacity to dream of a pink-tutu-filled world, even if it feels slightly insane and improbable. I say let your freak flag fly high, be fearless and celebrate what makes you different and unique! Be yourself! And let me know what's unique and wonderful about you!

So, darling, with my pink tutu safely packed and a suitcase full of precious memories, it’s time to say a fond farewell to Oxford. You know, as I board that trusty old train, I’ll be looking back at the stunning views of this captivating city and, yes, of course, thinking of the incredible people who’ve warmed my heart and brightened my day. I feel truly blessed to have experienced the joy, laughter, and support from the city that, honestly, always has a little sparkle about it - as, indeed, we all do! And maybe, just maybe, you’ll hear more stories from the pinkest princess that exists! But now, it’s time for Pink Tutu Sparkles to venture onwards, in search of new pink-tutu-filled adventures! See you soon, darlings.

Don't forget to check in again on www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuQueen on 2004-04-26 stars in Oxford