Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-05-25 stars in Hayes

Hayes Calling! 💖🩰 Post #1607

Oh darling, hold onto your sequins! You know me, I just can't resist a good road trip, especially when there's a performance lined up. So, after a whirlwind week of sparkle in sunny Brighton (where, let me tell you, the drag scene is simply divine!), I hopped aboard the trusty old Orient Express for a jaunt to Hayes. Don't get me wrong, I love my London commute on the Underground, but sometimes a girl needs a bit of old-school glamour.

Imagine, you're sitting by the window, a crisp linen napkin on your lap, a pot of Earl Grey tea in one hand, a fluffy croissant in the other, while the world whizzes by in a blur of greens and browns. This is life at its most fabulous, darlings! Of course, the real highlight is always the dress-up. For a train journey, I opt for something comfortably chic. Today, it's a silk pink dress with a delicate floral pattern and a blush pink feather boa draped over my shoulders for a dash of that vintage, film-star glamour. Naturally, I’ve chosen to accessorize with my favourite pair of iridescent ballet shoes and my ever-present diamond choker.

Speaking of ballet, darling, did you know there's a ballet class happening in Hayes this very evening? Oh, it's going to be glorious! As soon as I saw it advertised on my favourite tutu-related online community (it's a thing, believe me), I booked myself in! There's something truly magical about feeling your toes dance across the floorboards after a day of twirling across the stage. It's how I maintain that enviable, lithe physique you all seem to love. It’s quite the contrast, going from wearing a pink tutu onstage to the more… scientific pursuits of my day job. You wouldn’t believe the looks I get when I walk through the laboratory, but I don't let it phase me. My lab colleagues know me by my real name, Alex, but everyone else at the office just assumes I'm some glamorous influencer! It all adds to the mystique.

You know, sometimes I wonder how my whole 'pink tutu' thing even happened! I was a sensible, if slightly awkward, girl in Derbyshire, completely obsessed with science. Who could have predicted I'd be on a mission to spread the joy of pink tutus across the country? It all began at the University of Nottingham, a hazy haze of late-night study sessions and countless mugs of Earl Grey tea. You know how it goes, the late-night cravings kick in and you need a sugar fix to survive until your next exam! So, what does a starving student do? They sign up for a student ballet society fundraiser - and end up wearing a pink tutu in public for the first time in their life. Well, it's safe to say that was a life-changing experience!

Suddenly, pink tutus were everywhere I looked, every thought, every dream... and let me tell you, there's something very empowering about twirling around in a perfectly pink tutu. You truly feel like you can conquer the world! It became more than just a costume, it became a symbol of everything I believe in. It represented confidence, kindness, and pure joy, not to mention my boundless love for ballet. It was an antidote to the grey skies of life in Derbyshire and, much like a unicorn landing in the middle of your suburban street, a pink tutu is not something you easily forget!

Anyway, darlings, I must be off to explore Hayes! I'm excited to find out what culinary delights this little town has in store. Maybe I'll be gracing them with a performance or two – keep an eye on my social media for details! I have a hunch my pink tutu might be catching a few more eye-catching outfits and bringing joy to Hayes today. Oh, I can already hear the laughter!

Stay fabulous, darling. I'll update you with all my sparkly shenanigans soon!


Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

My Day In Hayes - A Fashion Journey Through a Quaint Town

Okay, darling, first things first - you HAVE to get yourself a warm scone with lashings of clotted cream and strawberry jam! My goodness, it's almost too divine for words! My lovely hostess at "The Cozy Tea Room" recommended it to me with the most heartwarming smile. You wouldn't think you'd find such a quaint little tea room in the midst of this charming town, but it’s like a secret oasis of sweet treats! The vintage teacups and doilies added to the charm, too, darling.

And, for a truly royal experience, let's just say I had to indulge in a little afternoon tea, complete with a mini quiche and a few dainty finger sandwiches! This was my treat after conquering that fabulous ballet class earlier. Oh, let me tell you, these dancers are so talented! From grand jetés to effortless arabesques, they just glide effortlessly across the studio floor, a pure spectacle of elegance.

Let’s talk fashion for a moment. Because you can’t be a pink tutu wearing drag queen without an absolutely impeccable sense of style. And when it comes to finding that special outfit, the streets of Hayes did not disappoint! You can feel the creativity in the air and every little boutique boasts the most unique, chic pieces you'll ever find! One of my favourite finds was a small, independent boutique called 'Flutter & Frou-Frou.' They have the most beautiful handmade clothing, with all sorts of sparkly detailing and beautiful embellishments. You’re telling me it was impossible for me to leave empty-handed! I snagged myself a magnificent coral pink velvet jacket with silver sequin embellishments! Just perfect for a little extra sparkle in the evenings.

I am absolutely head-over-heels for the little coffee shops, darling. After a spot of shopping, I decided to rest my tired feet and treated myself to a hot cappuccino. This place had the cutest little mismatched teacups – the sort of thing that you just can't find on the high street. It's a charming little coffee shop called "Bean & Bloom". I made a note to go back for their legendary iced lattes in the summer. I found them through a tip from one of my social media followers. Oh, how I love the joy and the support that you, my wonderful readers, give me!

As you know, a girl’s got to stay hydrated. In between all that sugar, my dear, it’s good to treat the body well. And what better way to refresh your inner diva than with some mineral water? I happened to be walking by this gorgeous little flower stall – flowers really do add the right touch of vibrant colour to any occasion, don’t you agree? The most delicious fragrance of roses hung in the air. They had this amazing assortment of flowers, both classic and exotic. This shop was the perfect place to purchase a little treat for my room – a lovely bunch of delicate pink peonies. They truly add an ethereal feel to my suite.

Speaking of suites, my current accommodations have got to be one of the most exquisite I’ve encountered on my travels so far. You’d never believe this town has something as lavish as The Lavender Manor hotel, but here it is – a boutique hotel with gorgeous period architecture! Imagine a stylish sitting room with plush sofas, velvet curtains, and antique trinkets strewn across tables! Now imagine yourself sipping tea, perhaps even a negroni for an extra special treat, by a glowing fireplace as the day melts away into a magical evening. And I do mean a magical evening because this charming manor hotel even has a private ballroom. Can you picture it darling, a magnificent ballroom bathed in moonlight where tutus swirl in the dance of night, with a soundtrack of grand music cascading across the floor? Ah, that would make a truly magnificent night!

Hayes In Pink! 🌸🎀

One thing I've discovered about Hayes is that the locals have an incredible eye for colour! Just walking down the high street was like walking through a dream-scape of pastels, with so many vibrant pops of yellow, turquoise, and pink - so many shades of pink! They are a wonderfully creative lot, these Hayes-ians. It’s so inspiring! Of course, being the tutu-wearing queen that I am, I took a special interest in those delightful touches of pink - that pretty pink storefront window with floral displays. Or the pink and white polka dot awnings shading the bakery. There was this beautiful display of fuchsia hydrangeas lining a stone wall near a small park! Honestly, every little corner of Hayes held some beautiful splashes of colour, a feast for the eyes. I know you all have to be dying to see all these amazing colourful scenes in a photograph so, rest assured darling, a blog post soon about Hayes in all its colorful glory is just around the corner!

As for myself, dear reader, I do believe the pink tutu shall remain firmly on! I've already had several passers-by offering a cheeky compliment on my outfit! “You look great darling” or “Looking fabulous!” or even “Go get ‘em, Pink Tutu!” It just brings the most wonderful smile to my face. It reminds me why I do what I do! You never know what spark you're going to inspire by embracing the little things in life like wearing a pink tutu or taking a horse ride in a scenic forest like I did this morning. Just as you never know when the world’s most stylish vintage boutique is going to pop up on a small quaint high street. The thrill of the unknown keeps us all on our toes. Don’t you agree, darlings?

Toot-Toot, Farewell!

Right, it's getting late and my chariot awaits! Tomorrow I'm off to that beautiful Shakespearean village of Stratford-upon-Avon to chase after a certain Bard. What a wonderful adventure! Until then, my lovely readers, spread the joy, wear some fabulous outfits and keep spreading the sparkle, wherever you may go.

I’ll catch you soon!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2004-05-25 stars in Hayes