Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-02 stars in Morley

Morley: Tutu-ing About! đŸ©°đŸ’–

Post #1707

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing princess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and oh my goodness, what a day! You see, I was in Morley today, and as I’ve often said: a tutu makes any day magical.

Today, though, the magic was in the air. You see, my fabulous journey today involved not one, not two, but three tutu-rific experiences. You’ll have to keep reading to find out all about it.

Now, darling, where were we? Oh, right, my lovely Morley trip! Now, for all you non-Derbyshire folk out there, Morley isn't exactly a buzzing metropolis. But that, my dear, is the joy of it all. It’s a charming, quintessentially British market town - and who doesn't love a good ol' market town? You see, there’s always something delightful to be found there.

It was in this beautiful little place, where the aroma of freshly-baked bread and the chatter of locals mingling fills the air, where I embarked on my most fabulous adventure: The Morley Tutu Trail! 💖 I know what you’re thinking - "But Pink, what is this trail?" Let me explain! I was in Morley to perform at a lovely charity fair (always a pleasure to use my powers for good) and my wonderful contact there had the amazing idea of a pink tutu treasure hunt!

She had hidden five sparkly pink tutus (a testament to my dedication, she had ensured that they were all a divine shade of flamingo pink, my personal favourite!) and told the participants of the charity fair to find them. The one who collected the most pink tutus got to see a private show of Pink Tutu Sparkles, a.k.a yours truly, all glittering and gorgeous on stage. I mean, could you have asked for a better reward?

The energy was absolutely infectious, my darlings. These little town folks are clearly big fans of pink tutus! They absolutely embraced the tutu spirit, racing around with so much laughter and delight that it truly warmed the cockles of my tutu-loving heart.

Oh! Have you ever seen children with their faces lit up in glee while hunting down pink tutus? You simply haven't lived! It was enough to melt the ice queen's heart, and believe me, after that show, I was feeling the most fabulous frost-free queen on the planet. It’s no wonder people often describe my performances as “frosty, but fun!” 😉

Speaking of shows, after the fair I was treated to something truly remarkable. We were on a tea break with my delightful host, who insisted on showing me the local “Morley Theatre.” You wouldn't believe it, my lovelies, the Morley Theatre wasn't a stage-worthy extravaganza; no, no, no. But it was so quaint and sweet that it reminded me of a charming, theatrical haven from another era, and who doesn't love a touch of nostalgia?

This place truly exuded character. It was crammed with vibrant colours and plush red velvet seats, waiting for you to lose yourself in some wonderful theatre magic. This quaint little treasure just had that “magic of a small town” kind of feel to it. It felt very "A Little Night Music", if you know what I mean! You could simply feel the theatre-going magic in the air! It was like I'd stepped back in time, into a charming, whimsical world, which made my pink tutu look even more sensational. (Can you believe? Even better than it normally does!)

Oh my gosh, and the show itself was nothing short of amazing! It was a delightful little ballet production of “The Nutcracker” - the perfect treat after a fabulous day. I don’t need to tell you that my tutu was the highlight, although I must confess that the ballerina was a fine example of tutus well-worn! I always feel so inspired by watching these dancers, all so light and graceful. It simply reaffirms that my motto in life - “Life is more fun with a tutu” - is always, always correct!

As if all of that wasn't fabulous enough, my travel day wasn't over. No, I simply had to treat myself to a little luxurious trip, in style. You see, after a long day in my pink tutu, my tiny feet needed some serious pampering. What does every fashion-forward princess need for a relaxing end to a hectic day? Why, a journey on a carriage of course! That's right, darlings, my travel journey took me back to the age of the romantics.

It's truly fascinating what one can do when one puts their mind to it. You see, darling, we decided to travel to a nearby town via horseback - the romantic carriage is actually a horse and cart with a beautifully ornate little seat perched atop a platform - think something right out of “Beauty and the Beast” but without the beast (sorry Disney!). And oh, my darlings, was it the most magnificent ride I’ve had in ages!

The air was crisp and cool as we set off, and the setting sun was creating a shimmering rainbow glow on everything we passed. And of course, the gentle rocking motion of the carriage (if you can call it that!) is an amazing cure for all my weary, tutu-loving bones. Honestly, I’d forgotten how truly soothing the rocking motion can be!

Let me tell you, darling, there's something inherently romantic about that slow, stately amble. As we made our way through the countryside, I felt truly enchanted. The world truly melts away on a horse and carriage, you know. I almost felt like I was living in one of those classic romance stories, you know, the kind with a happily-ever-after ending, except this one wasn’t over yet.

This amazing carriage took us all the way to a beautiful village that had all of the fairytale charm and character of a Victorian village - it simply screamed romance! And you know what I discovered there, in this romantic village of enchanting houses and perfectly-maintained, beautiful gardens, darling? The answer to my most burning fashion question - Where will I find a magnificent tutu-wearing companion for my journey?

Let me paint you a picture, my loves. I walked past this quaint antique shop with a beautifully intricate window display (every vintage loving drag queen dreams of a place like that!) and guess what I saw? Oh my darling, the most amazing vintage shop window I'd ever seen. They were overflowing with all kinds of enchanting, vintage treasures! But one little pink, silky dream stuck out like a sparkling jewel: A beautiful pink tutu hanging in the window! You see, my dears, it wasn't any ordinary pink tutu.

It had the softest fabric and it shimmered like a thousand stars, but the best part was the perfect blend of frilly tulle and delicate lace – a vision in the setting sun. This wasn't a 'run-of-the-mill' pink tutu, darlings, it was practically an heirloom! This was a piece of history just waiting for the right person to wear it - to let its beauty shimmer in the world - to show everyone just how magical a little piece of tulle and frills can be. It simply shouted "I was made for you!" And in that moment, my dear darlings, I knew that this gorgeous piece of tutu history needed a forever home.

Honestly, I was practically mesmerised, as the window shimmered with a truly hypnotic effect in the setting sun! As I walked by, you could say I felt my life flash before my eyes! This beautiful little creation was going to become mine! (Never fear, darling, it will be up on my ‘pink-tutu.com’ shop by the end of the week) I bought it of course, how could I not? You just can't say no to an enchanting piece of tutu history! This lovely creation will be coming with me on my next tour! You'll see her in all her beauty very soon.

As you can see, my dears, Morley turned out to be the perfect blend of countryside charm and fabulous “tutu-rific" fun. It is the sort of charming, little town where dreams truly do come true, or at the very least, it’s the sort of place where one can find the most spectacular pink tutus, a vintage fairy godmother is only a few steps away and horse-drawn carriages are commonplace. I truly think we should start a new tour with the "pink-tutu.com" gang - how about Morley for a weekend getaway? We’ll have all the fun, shopping, dancing and glamour - plus it’s only an hour from my hometown in Derbyshire!

It’s certainly the sort of place that leaves you wanting more - with a huge yearning for more tulle, glitter and magical adventure - especially with a dazzling, shimmering pink tutu that's begging to be worn in its magical fairyland. You can’t find a place like this, darlings, just anywhere, trust me!

As always, keep those tutus sparkling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-02 stars in Morley