
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-17 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Coast! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Post Number 1722

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today I'm bubbling with excitement about my latest adventure! I'm here in Cleethorpes, perched on the seaside promenade, the wind whipping my pink tulle into a frenzy, and the salty air tingling my nostrils. It's truly a day to be living in pink!

As you all know, I'm always on the move, exploring the nooks and crannies of our fabulous isle! This time, the pull of the coast, its rugged charm and sandy beaches, beckoned me to the seaside town of Cleethorpes. The name itself conjures up images of Victorian charm, seaside trinkets, and, of course, ice cream! ๐Ÿฆ

So, where do I begin? I travelled by train, a rather glamorous experience in itself, as I was fortunate enough to snag a seat in the first class carriage! Oh, to feel the plush velvet cushions beneath me, and the genteel chitter-chatter around me...it was divine! But I wasn't going to Cleethorpes for an afternoon tea, no siree! I was on a mission, my darlings! I was going to dazzle the coast, spread some pink sparkle and joy, and, as always, bring a touch of elegance to the good ol' seaside!

My arrival in Cleethorpes was nothing short of a spectacle! Stepping out of the train station, my bright pink tulle billowing around me, I immediately attracted the attention of the local pigeons. They seemed rather confused, darting around my feet, their beady little eyes glued to my magnificent skirt. "Have you never seen a princess, little fellas?" I chuckled to myself, and went on my way, determined to grace this charming seaside town with my presence.

First on the agenda, naturally, was a trip to the famous Cleethorpes Pier. The bustling activity of the fairground made me dizzy with delight! Every colour imaginable flashed before my eyes, every sound from the candy floss stand to the echoing laughter of children filled my ears. And then there were the rides! Now, I confess, I'm a little afraid of heights, but even so, I braved a jaunt on the carousel! A truly splendid experience, I must say, and one that really got my pink feathers ruffled!

After a bit of fairground frolicking, I found myself wandering along the promenade. A delightful breeze caressed my cheeks, my pink tulle gently swirling behind me like a shimmering cloud. Oh, how I love a sea breeze! A seagull, perhaps impressed by my majestic figure, decided to land on my shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh - even the seagulls knew a princess when they saw one!

It was a beautiful day for a seaside stroll, and I found myself chatting to locals, taking photos, and just soaking in the charm of this lovely town. Every shop window was a treasure trove of colourful delights: pastel-toned seaside trinkets, vibrant nautical souvenirs, and even a charming vintage clothing shop! I, of course, had to indulge myself in some window shopping - and wouldn't you know it, I spotted the most darling pair of pastel pink high heels. The universe really does work in mysterious ways! ๐Ÿ‘ 

Naturally, a seaside escapade wouldn't be complete without a traditional British seaside lunch! Fish and chips! A must-have for any discerning adventurer, and I was fortunate to stumble upon a charming little cafรฉ right on the seafront. The salty air mixed with the tantalizing scent of frying fish and the laughter of the diners โ€“ the perfect mix of nostalgia and joy! The crispy batter and fluffy chips, dipped in a generous helping of vinegar, were divine!

And no trip to the coast would be complete without a bit of beach action! Donning my swimsuit (in pink, of course), I headed for the sands. I may not be a surfer, my darlings, but I certainly am a queen of sandcastle building! With my pink tutu fluttering behind me, I meticulously crafted a magnificent castle, complete with a moat, turrets, and, of course, a pink flag flying proudly atop the highest tower! A majestic feat of sandcastle engineering, if I do say so myself!

I spent the rest of the afternoon basking in the sun, enjoying the gentle warmth on my face and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The day truly was an enchanting fairytale. I am, after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles! And a little bit of magic never hurts!

As evening settled over the town, I bid farewell to Cleethorpes, with the promise of returning again soon. This seaside town had truly captured my heart, its beauty and charm were simply divine! And before I depart, dear friends, a quick word to all of you: never be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve, or in this case, on your tutu.

I am a shining beacon of pink positivity, my darlings, and I'm not afraid to spread my joy and glitter wherever I go. So don your most glamorous frocks, put on your favourite pair of dancing shoes, and let's spread the joy!

As Pink Tutu Sparkles says, 'Always Sparkle! Always Shine! Always Be Yourself!" ๐Ÿ’ซ ๐Ÿ’–

Keep those pink tutus flying, and see you all in my next post!

And be sure to catch me live on www.pink-tutu.com!

Till next time, my lovely lot,

Your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to share your own pink tutu adventures with me on my website! I'm always looking for new inspiration and amazing stories! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-17 stars in Cleethorpes