Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-10-01 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli! My Pink Tutu Adventures, Post #1736

Oh darlings! Llanelli! How do I even begin to describe the utter joy of my recent trip to this beautiful Welsh town? It was like stepping into a fairytale, but with less woodland creatures and more sheep (don't worry, I love sheep). As always, I travelled in style, of course, a majestic train journey through the Welsh countryside, with me being the only pink tutu-wearing spectacle on board. It was a dream come true. I was seated by a lovely lady who, to her credit, did not faint when I unleashed the full pink glory of my "Sparkle Sparkle" tutu upon the carriage. I think she might have been a tad scared at first, but I soon charmed her with stories of my ballet obsession and the divine wonders of pink.

Llanelli greeted me with open arms (or should I say, open pubs?)! The town is bursting with a friendly, vibrant energy, and it immediately felt like a perfect fit for a pink tutu-wearing gal like myself. You can just feel the history here, the cobbled streets, the quaint shops... Oh, and don't even get me started on the incredible bakeries! It was like a pink frosting-laden dreamland, I was positively giddy!

My purpose for venturing to Llanelli? The answer, my dear reader, is always the same - to share the joy of the pink tutu! This time, I was invited to perform at the Llanelli Little Theatre, a stunning building with a rich theatrical heritage. Now, anyone who knows me knows that a pink tutu has never looked so magnificent, nor has a theatrical performance been more fun, than when paired with a stunning stage set and some dramatic lighting. This was my night to shine, and shine I did! My act, entitled "The Pink Tutu Spectacular" (very creative, I know) was a blend of ballet, theatre, and comedy that was absolutely devoured by the Llanelli audience! It’s not just a show; it’s a celebration of all things pink and glittery. Think feathers, sequins, a touch of magic, and, of course, my pink tutus, my lovely, fluffy companions!

But before we get to the show itself, let's talk fashion. Let's talk Llanelli! Shopping in Llanelli was like an amazing theatrical performance! We have to discuss those quaint little boutiques - my bank account was positively trembling at the thought of all the beautiful pink clothes, but my inner pink flamingo could not be subdued. Let’s just say I acquired a delightful array of new garments to add to my pink tutu wardrobe. From a delightfully flamboyant flamingo pink feather boa to a sparkly pink top for the grand finale, I simply could not resist. It was truly a joyous experience, one that will forever be etched in my pink tutu memory bank.

Now, for the real star of the show! The theatre itself, my dear friends, was like a whimsical time capsule of theatrical grandeur, with ornate ceilings and a sense of magic in the air. I can practically picture those long-ago actors and actresses stepping onto the very stage I would grace later that night! Oh, I love a theatre, the smell of old fabric and sawdust, the gentle rumble of anticipation before the curtains rise, it’s a true magical feeling, you know. And when those curtains opened, revealing a set designed just for me (pink, naturally) - well, the whole place just buzzed with anticipation. I, of course, chose a "pink galaxy" themed tutu for this show; think constellations, sparkling galaxies, and shimmering pink fluffiness. The audience absolutely adored it, giving me an overwhelming standing ovation, a truly unforgettable experience that had me practically flying back to my hotel in my excitement.

Of course, my time in Llanelli wasn't solely about the show, although it was certainly a highlight. After my dazzling performance (naturally, I had a costume change after the standing ovation, a beautiful, deconstructed, multi-layered tutu for my finale) , I made sure to enjoy the best of Llanelli's vibrant culinary offerings. We had the most delicious Welsh lamb, accompanied by creamy mash potatoes and a bottle of something very bubbly and pink! There’s something about a good bottle of pink prosecco or some refreshing pink lemonade that really adds a certain je ne sais quoi to a dining experience. We followed this with a delectable pink chocolate dessert from that amazing bakery! It was truly a dream dinner and I almost burst out dancing in the middle of the restaurant, but thought better of it, after all, this is not the Moulin Rouge!

Before heading off to the station to hop on that big, wonderful pink train for the return journey, I managed to get a little bit of shopping done. I’ve been working on building up my “tutu-by-train” wardrobe; we all know a pink tutu can get pretty creased on the journey and that’s a faux pas that even I would avoid. Luckily, Llanelli is a pink haven. The shops are overflowing with wonderful options for adding to my travel tutu-wearing fashion arsenal. What's a girl gotta do to find a pink scarf or a pink handbag? I got one of each, darling, but with a bit of help from the shop staff!

Llanelli was magical, you could just feel it, but I'm afraid my trip had to come to an end. As my train pulled out of the station, waving farewell to the sheep and the quaint shops, I already felt that urge to return, to see this stunning town in its beautiful, bright, sparkling light. It's no surprise, really. The beauty of Llanelli, like a delicate ballet move, captured my heart in a single graceful stroke. Llanelli, I’ll be back. Just as soon as I find another excuse to wear my pink tutu and perform for a fabulous audience. But for now, my pink-tutu-loving friends, I bid you farewell, and of course, remind you to follow me on my adventures over at www.pink-tutu.com! I'll see you on the next train, darlings, wearing my pink tutu of course, it goes everywhere with me, you know, it's my constant companion, my fluffy best friend! Don’t be shy! Put on a pink tutu yourself, or at the very least, just find a nice bit of pink in your wardrobe and spread a bit of sparkly joy, my dear, dear readers! It's time to let the world sparkle in all its pink glory!

#TutuQueen on 2004-10-01 stars in Llanelli