Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-12-10 stars in Broadstairs

Broadstairs Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Seaside!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from your favourite corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com, where fabulousness reigns supreme! It's time for post number 1806, and believe me, this one's a real doozy.

This week, I'm taking a little trip to the seaside – oh, the joy! – to the beautiful seaside town of Broadstairs, Kent. It's a town that exudes an old-fashioned charm, a little bit like the feeling of walking onto a vintage theatre stage! All that salty air, and quaint little shops - it makes you feel all giddy, especially when you're dressed in a magnificent pink tutu! I can already see myself twirling on the promenade with the wind in my hair and the waves crashing around my sparkly-studded shoes!

It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a touch of theatricality, so I'm taking my ballet training to the beach - yes, that's right - ballet on the beach, just like my absolute favourite ballerinas, except I'll be wearing my beloved tutu, of course! I'll be sharing pictures of my daring (and hopefully graceful) beach ballet on the gram, so watch this space!

My journey to Broadstairs was an adventure in itself, with the scenic journey being the highlight of it all. I opted for a grand Victorian railway journey, and believe me, the vintage carriage interiors really took me back in time! You know I always love a good vintage look, and the elegance of the old railway cars was simply divine! And you know what's truly splendid? They don't mind me carrying my beloved tutus on board – those conductors have become well acquainted with the joys of pink ruffles!

But first, darling, a little trip back in time for all my new followers. Let's delve into how I, a girl of science, a true Derbyshire lass, ended up living and breathing tutus! You wouldn't believe me if I told you it was all a matter of chance. You see, darling, before I was Pink Tutu Sparkles, I was Alex - just your average science student with a passion for all things pink! While studying for a science degree at the esteemed University of Derby, I joined their university ballet club. It's true - a girl can be a scientist and a dancer too! One day, during a charity event, we decided to auction off some unique items - and I decided to try on a pink tutu. It was fate. As soon as that sparkly fabric danced around me, I felt…different. It was a lightbulb moment - a pink tutu revelation. And from then on, the universe knew my true calling - Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Being Pink Tutu Sparkles has brought such colour and excitement to my life! I can still remember my first show, my legs wobbled, but that tutu gave me such confidence. The audiences, the cheers, the laughter - it truly makes me feel like a queen. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

So now, by day, you can find me working in the lab testing textiles - I like to tell everyone my science background is the reason I always get the perfect tulle for my tutus! And by night, well, that's when the real magic begins! My beautiful sparkly tutus, the vibrant colours, and of course, the applause of the crowd - nothing brings me more joy! My ultimate goal in life? It's not just to perform, darling, but to inspire every single person to unleash their inner pink tutu! To celebrate life, embrace colour, and just dance like nobody's watching. Why wouldn't we, eh?

Talking about inspiring folks to wear tutus - I’ve been making a big effort to share my passion for ballet. I even joined a beginner's ballet class recently and you know what, darling? The teacher loved my pink tutu - said it gave everyone a little extra motivation! Now, it's hard for me to resist showing off my fancy footwork when I'm not on stage. If you’re in Derby you might have even seen me practising some ballet street in my beloved tutus! I always make a point of stopping at local stores or coffee shops to spread a little bit of tutu-powered joy. You'd be surprised how many folks want a selfie with a dazzling pink tutu princess!

Well, darlings, I'm off to Broadstairs! The seaside awaits, the sun is shining, and my tutu is ready to be twirled. Be sure to follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com. Until next time, darlings, keep sparkling and don't forget your tutu!

#TutuQueen on 2004-12-10 stars in Broadstairs