Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-10 stars in Rugby

Rugby Calling: Tutu Adventures, Post 1896

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the charming town of Rugby. That's right, folks, your favourite tutu-wearing queen has traded the bright lights of the London stage for the historic charm of Warwickshire! This is my 1896th blog post, can you believe it? It's hard to think that it's been almost five years since I launched www.pink-tutu.com. I can't thank you enough for all your support, your love for my little pink world, and for sharing my journey. Every click, every like, fuels my fire to bring pink tutus to the world!

Now, where was I? Ah, Rugby! I journeyed here via the most magical of methods: by train, of course. The rhythmic clattering of wheels, the scenery zipping by like a colourful ribbon, the gentle swaying of the carriages... It's an experience I wouldn't trade for the world.

The minute I arrived, I knew Rugby was going to be a good time! The town square, buzzing with activity, seemed to hum with a delightful energy. It's such a different vibe compared to London. The air smells fresher, the buildings whisper stories of a gentler era. The people have a kindness in their eyes that I can't help but fall in love with.

The first thing I did, naturally, was grab myself a steaming cuppa at a quaint little café. While I savoured the perfect blend of English tea, I was plotting my pink tutu assault on the town. And boy oh boy, did I have plans!

My initial objective: a full-blown pink tutu invasion of Rugby's historic rugby grounds! The birthplace of the beloved game? It only felt natural for it to embrace the divine power of the tutu! Imagine the photos, the social media frenzy! I'm practically bursting with ideas. A flash mob in pink tutus during halftime? Maybe a tutu-clad dance off between the opposing teams?

Of course, no trip to Rugby would be complete without visiting the famous Rugby School. I envision myself gliding through those hallowed halls, leaving a trail of glittery tulle and rosy charm. Perhaps I could even inspire the school's talented drama club to embrace a little theatrical magic, maybe a play featuring an abundance of fluffy pink tutus. The possibilities are endless, darlings!

After Rugby School, I plan to spend the afternoon browsing Rugby's antique shops, hoping to discover vintage finds I can reimagine for my next show. I've already envisioned a gorgeous pink satin dress from the Victorian era, paired with a layered tulle tutu for a truly regal look! It's about the little touches that make all the difference.

Speaking of my next show, I'll be performing at the Rugby Arms later tonight, bringing my brand of tutu-fied fabulousness to the people of Warwickshire. My setlist? It's all about those catchy pop tunes, but with a twist! We're talking 'Shake Your Groove Thing' but with extra sequins, and a rendition of 'I Will Survive' that will leave you believing you can literally survive anything while wearing a tutu! I always aim for something upbeat, something that makes people smile, something that reminds them that even a drab Monday night can be transformed with a sprinkle of pink.

This entire trip, as you can tell, is fuelled by my love for travel and spreading the pink tutu gospel. The train journey here was quite the spectacle, I must say. The ladies in their floral frocks and sensible shoes gave me a look I swear I saw when I first donned the pink tutu as a university student. They were shocked, amazed! It was my very first tutu-clad performance and, frankly, I wasn't entirely sure I'd even pulled it off.

It's funny looking back. That tutu I wore was a simple, second-hand affair, nothing like the elaborate creations I wear today. But back then, when I donned that bright pink tutu at the student charity event, it was a complete game changer! All those people watching me... the cheers, the laughter, the feeling that, yes, I belonged here in this fantastical world! I realised then, I wasn't just wearing a tutu, I was wearing a symbol of confidence, joy, and acceptance. It felt like wearing a halo, a statement that I'm not afraid to be myself.

Of course, I didn't become Pink Tutu Sparkles overnight! My day job, believe it or not, is working in a lab! Who would have guessed that someone who loves all things pink and twirly spends their days analysing fabrics for their tear resistance and tensile strength? Don't judge a tutu by its fabric content, I say! My two worlds – science and performance - perfectly complement each other!

After all, creating the perfect tutu requires understanding the fabrics and the artistry! It's a constant learning curve and, dare I say, a little bit of science. It’s a blend of delicate embroidery and vibrant colours, a testament to the human ability to express oneself. It’s an expression that I hope inspires others to embrace their own personal quirks and dare to dream a little pinker!

Now, back to Rugby! The sun is setting, and I can almost smell the excitement building up for my show. The people of Rugby are about to experience the sheer magic of the Pink Tutu Sparkles! I'm feeling a little bit of butterflies in my tummy, and let me tell you, there’s nothing more exciting than knowing you’re about to share a little pink joy with the world. I've got my sparkle on, my smile is ready, and I'm here to bring a little bit of sunshine to Rugby!

Don't forget to keep up with all my Rugby adventures! I’ll be posting stories and snaps on my Instagram (follow me @pinktutuspsparkles, of course!) and keep an eye out for a full-blown review of Rugby and its incredible tutudom!

Until next time, darling readers, remember, you don't need a special occasion to wear a tutu. Every day is a celebration, and every moment is an opportunity to let your inner spark shine bright!

Your dearest,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-10 stars in Rugby