Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-04-24 stars in Folkestone

Folkestone Calling! (Pink Tutu Blog Post #1941)

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, here with a brand new blog post hot off the presses (well, hot off the laptop!) – a whirlwind tour of my recent travels to the lovely Folkestone! I have been absolutely bubbling with excitement for this one – and if you follow me on Instagram you’ll know I can’t resist a good selfie in a pink tutu, and a stunning backdrop only adds to the fabulousness, right?

Now, as many of you know, I have a slight penchant for pink tutus – ahem, what can I say, it’s a lifestyle choice – and the seaside has this incredible power to make anything feel a bit more magical. Plus, let's face it, who wouldn't want to wear a tutu while gazing at the endless expanse of the sea? It just feels so incredibly chic, darling. So, naturally, Folkestone was the perfect destination for a fabulously fashionable Pink Tutu Sparkles trip!

From Derbyshire to the Kent Coast!

Before I dive into the dazzling delights of Folkestone, I thought I'd share a little journey with you lovely lot! I absolutely adore train travel. There's just something so delightful about sitting by the window, watching the world whizz by, and of course, there's a fantastic view when you’re looking over the rolling countryside. My trusty, well, tutu-stuffed (it goes without saying!), suitcase and I set off on a morning train, all smiles and excited energy. I packed a delightful range of fabulous, flamboyant looks, and even snuck in a copy of the classic ballet "Swan Lake" just to inspire my upcoming performances.

Let’s be real, you can’t really get dressed up to travel by train. But if I can find a way to squeeze a pair of ballet shoes in, why would I not? Oh! And of course, my little travelling pal: my tiny, but extremely sparkly, portable PA system. Because darling, Pink Tutu Sparkles never lets the music stop! You could say I'm quite a 'prepared' queen!

Folkestone itself was pure charm. We found ourselves a little hidden haven, nestled right near the bustling harbour. And don’t even get me started on the little pastel-hued cottages! They were positively bursting with character.

Glam on the Harbour Front!

Folkestone harbour is simply stunning. I’m telling you, the combination of fresh sea air and an endless sky is enough to make any girl's heart skip a beat – or in my case, get into a dance-filled frenzy! I was positively gushing over the cute little boats, and the sheer sparkle of the sea against the sky. The sunshine even made my pink tutu shine a little extra!

I know, I know, you're probably thinking, “Alex, is it truly ever about the location when you're in a pink tutu?” And honestly? Darling, you might be right! But hear me out – that backdrop at Folkestone was absolutely begging for a photo op! I knew the vibrant seaside vibe would set off my shimmering sequined ensemble perfectly, and well, it totally did! There's something about a dramatic seascape that makes you feel both powerful and delicate, just like a real-life ballet performance!

Folkestone Fun and Fancy!

We didn’t just pose for Insta-worthy photos, though! The energy in Folkestone was electric! The entire town felt like it was bubbling with creativity. There were charming boutiques full of treasures waiting to be discovered and so many cute little cafés. Plus, darling, it was just brimming with people enjoying themselves. We wandered along the pier, marvelling at the vibrant artwork that adorned every corner. The cobbled streets were a feast for the eyes and we felt every step was right out of a musical!

Oh! And let's not forget the stunning view of the famous White Cliffs of Dover. The breathtaking view left me speechless! They are, without doubt, an embodiment of powerful natural beauty, making Folkestone an even more enchanting and unique destination. They practically made me want to do a ballerina pirouette, wouldn't you agree?

Putting on a Show!

Folkestone truly is the epitome of "creative spirit". And the good folk of Folkestone certainly do embrace living a creative life. My favourite find? The local arts center. They had this brilliant programme packed full of diverse performances. I’m a sucker for live theatre and performing arts! And what better place to indulge my passion than in a town full of creativity?

We made the most of the local offerings and spent a night enjoying an awe-inspiring, breathtaking ballet performance – it's all about sharing your passions with the world. The energy was just so uplifting! We were utterly blown away by the talent and passion of the performers.

And just when I thought the trip couldn’t get any better, guess what? I found a hidden gem – a community hall hosting a talent night, an open mic night in all its glory. Now, darling, if you know Pink Tutu Sparkles, you’ll know there is no way on earth I could miss out on an opportunity like that. My little glittery friend and I set up our PA and I got ready to sashay, shimmy, and spread the Pink Tutu gospel with everyone there!

The response from the locals was electric! Everyone was just so welcoming and supportive. It reminded me why I love this whole drag thing - it's a fantastic platform to spread joy, positivity, and glitter. You could say they were the perfect audience! After all, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn’t just dress like a princess, but she makes sure everyone feels like one!

Folkestone is All About Fun and Fabulousness!

Well darlings, Folkestone stole a little piece of my heart! It’s that kind of place that's easy to fall in love with! The beautiful seaside scenery, the charming seaside village atmosphere, and the creativity in the air – it really is a perfect mix of everything I love.

Honestly? I’d say, take my advice and go check it out! And don't forget, Pink Tutu Sparkles says: put on a pink tutu, enjoy the little things, and let your sparkle shine!

I hope you've enjoyed this blog post, darlings. Do drop me a comment below and let me know what you think. And don’t forget, you can find even more Pink Tutu fun at my official website: www.pink-tutu.com

Love and Glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles. xx

P.S. If you want to see me in action, make sure to keep an eye on my website. You might just find yourself face to face with the Pink Tutu Queen, herself, in a city near you. Who knows where I might turn up next?

P.P.S. This post was a total blast! Next stop, maybe London! But darling, I can't share all my secrets, can I? Tune in tomorrow for another adventure in fabulousness.

#TutuQueen on 2005-04-24 stars in Folkestone