Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-04-30 stars in Leith

Leith: The Pinkest of Adventures (Post #1947)

Hello, my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another slice of life in this dazzling pink world! As you know, my motto is to bring the pink sparkle to every corner of the globe, and today, I'm frolicking in Leith, a vibrant little seaside town tucked away in bonnie Scotland!

Leith itself is a charming place, overflowing with history, culture, and – let's be honest – a real pinch of pink sprinkled throughout! As you can tell from my dazzling outfit today (more on that later), I always bring my pink fashion flair to every destination!

Now, how did I even end up in Leith? Well, let me tell you – the journey itself was a pinktastic adventure. My latest trip started with a gloriously sun-kissed train journey straight from the heart of Derbyshire. That's right, darlings, I believe in travelling with panache! While I would happily flit around on horseback like a unicorn, sometimes practicality dictates a comfortable journey, and my oh my, a first class train ride is quite the delight. With a good book, a cheeky tipple, and, of course, my pink travel necessities, the journey was just as magical as my final destination!

Speaking of necessities, can we take a moment to appreciate my look? Oh darling, I'm practically dripping with pink sparkle! I chose my most voluminous tutu – we're talking layers of pink tulle here! – adorned with sparkly sequins and ribbons in every shade of bubblegum, flamingo, and rose quartz imaginable. This, my dears, is my version of a "casual" daywear outfit. For a night time show I may bring out my extra tutu, a veritable explosion of neon pink feathers and iridescent rhinestones!

Of course, no pink-loving princess can neglect her wardrobe, and trust me, I wasn't about to leave Derbyshire without a full suitcase of pink tulle and a few sparkly statement pieces! Leith might be a charming seaside town, but darling, it’s also bursting with independent boutiques and vintage stores just begging to be explored! Now, imagine a princess, armed with a penchant for pink and an endless love of sequins, discovering a shop stuffed with gorgeous pastel treasures... It was practically a pink dream!

After I’d enjoyed a morning browsing the local boutiques (and acquired several very sparkly souvenirs!), I was simply itching to hit the streets. You see, Leith is a true haven for ballet enthusiasts, and I adore a good pirouette! You wouldn't believe it, but they've even got this adorable ballet studio right on the waterfront, complete with giant floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the glittering ocean!

Now, I wouldn’t go around calling myself a prima ballerina, darling, not unless you mean “prima ballerina of the pink universe” haha! I just enjoy the graceful movements, the elegance of a well-executed arabesque, the pure joy of dancing in a swirling pink tutu. I popped into the studio for a quick “Drop-In” ballet class, and the instructor was a sweetheart. Of course, she adored my dazzling pink outfit and immediately invited me to take part in their community theatre production later that evening! How could I say no?

Later, my darlings, I performed! Leith might not be the typical stage for a pink-tutu clad drag queen, but it certainly doesn't mean the audience didn’t adore my performance! We had such a blast together, it was almost like we were transported to a grand, shimmering pink wonderland. The people of Leith absolutely loved the pink magic, the flamboyant outfits, the sparkling joy! And me? I thoroughly loved performing for them.

After a truly pinktastic performance, my friends and I hit up a delicious pub in the heart of Leith, enjoying some local ales and delectable seafood (I had the cod and chips – don't you judge me, it's pink!). The entire day felt like a chapter ripped straight from a pink fairytale, with a delightful seaside ambiance, laughter shared with lovely new friends, and a magical ballet show under the stars. What more could a girl, or, I suppose a queen, ask for?

But the true highlight of the entire day was a discovery that happened quite by chance. While we were exploring Leith, I noticed a teeny-tiny antique shop filled with beautiful relics. Curiosity piqued, I wandered inside. And what did I find?

An absolutely gorgeous pink velvet ballerina dress from the Victorian era. Just imagine it – an old-fashioned, knee-length dress with tiny little velvet rosettes cascading across the skirt and the tiniest lace sleeves imaginable. I almost snatched it right up for myself, darling! You know I can never resist a good antique, especially if it’s covered in pink and sequins! I ended up gifting it to my best friend, as a tribute to the beauty of our shared love for the elegance of ballet, a little piece of Leith magic, a reminder of this delightful, vibrant seaside town, and of course, a small token of appreciation for our time spent here.

Well, my darling dears, that was Leith. A magical day bursting with vibrant color, the sweetest kind of sparkle, and an endless sea of pink magic.

Oh, and don't forget my pink challenge for you! What’s your favorite shade of pink? Don't be shy, tell me everything! What about your ultimate pink outfit – go crazy with those details! And of course, what’s your favourite thing to do in pink? Don’t be afraid to get your pink on! And as always, spread that sparkle with love and light!

Until next time, darling dears! Remember to always keep it pink and sassy. Your pink princess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing off.

#TutuQueen on 2005-04-30 stars in Leith