Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-17 stars in Dover

Dover: The Sparkling Pink Sea

Hiya darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another fabulously frivolous blog post for your reading pleasure! Today's post marks a whopping #2025, can you believe it? I mean, that's more sparkly sequins than you can shake a feather boa at! And to celebrate, we're off to Dover!

Dover! The white cliffs, the dramatic coastline, the windswept beaches...and, yes, you guessed it, Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to bring a little sparkle to this historic town. Let's be honest, when I first booked this gig, my initial thought was "oh, gosh, it's going to be chilly!". Now, I know what you're thinking, "Darling, a pink tutu is a bit breezy in the Great British summer", and you're absolutely right. But fret not, my dears! This Pink Tutu Queen knows how to layer! A little sparkle and sequins can do wonders for keeping the chill at bay!

Speaking of layering, I've just popped off to the shops, of course, for a little shopping spree before my Dover debut. What's a girl to wear? Oh, let me tell you! A gorgeously fluffy pink tutu is, of course, a must! And for the occasion, I've gone for a classic "whipped cream" pink tutu that's soft and swishy, the perfect shade to compliment the chalky white cliffs. Adding a touch of sophistication with a gorgeous vintage velvet bolero – the same shade of dusky rose as the clouds when the sun dips low over the sea – it adds a dash of glamorous vintage to the whole ensemble. And of course, to really take it to the next level, we're accessorising with my sparkly pink tiaras, which look absolutely divine with the sun glinting off them like a million tiny diamonds. And who could forget those dazzling high-heeled pink pumps?! (Now, if any of you fashionistas want to know, they're vintage, snatched from a tiny boutique in Notting Hill for a bargain!)

Now, to get to Dover, I'm ditching the car for the trusty railway! A journey through the English countryside by train is always a treat, and frankly, anything is better than attempting a parking spot in that charming, little town! It gives me time to relax, read my glossy magazines, and admire the picturesque views as they pass by – you know, just the usual queenly activities. I might even have a little napping time. That is if the delightful lady sat opposite me in her fabulous hat doesn't tell me all about her family, which she has a tendency to do, bless her heart.

Arriving in Dover is quite a sight. The train pulls into the station and as I glance through the window, it's a spectacular sight – the wind-battered coastline, the vast expanse of the Channel stretching as far as the eye can see, it’s really quite a sight! And there's that famous white cliff! A dazzling, magnificent wall of rock! Just magnificent! Of course, as I disembark from the train, it’s straight to the car, for my own little trip, to admire those stunning chalky white cliffs. And no, my dears, I won't be sharing the picture of me on the edge of the cliff in my pink tutu for my online fans (I am, after all, a sensible girl, and the wind is pretty savage!). It was, however, absolutely thrilling to be there. It's a moment that fills you with a feeling of awe and wonder.

But Dover is so much more than just those magnificent white cliffs. You know, I absolutely love how charmingly old fashioned Dover is! The quaint little streets, the adorable tea shops overflowing with pastel-colored cakes...it’s like a fairytale! You see all these gorgeous buildings built with red brick and half-timbered houses that look like they were ripped straight from a Dickens novel, just lovely! They have little quirky independent boutiques selling all kinds of unique finds, and it’s impossible to walk through without stopping for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Plus, they're all decked out in beautiful flowers...they even have lavender and sweet peas just peeking out from every window box and basket, just divine.

But back to my main reason for being here. I'm here to perform my drag act for a fabulous audience! They're having this enormous outdoor street festival with live music, stalls galore, and of course, delicious street food. My kind of party, that's for sure. It's the perfect setting to get my glitter bomb going! It’s going to be fun – oh, I can't wait to see those beaming faces when I waltz onto the stage. I already know it's going to be a smashing success. And I know the whole town will be captivated by my sparkly personality and that little extra bit of Pink Tutu sparkle!

Later on, I’ve made my way to the bustling market. It's such a lively, buzzing place! I have to get myself some local delicacies to sample - it wouldn't be a Dover trip without trying their local delicacies, like a succulent piece of locally-caught crab (well, maybe just a crab cake as I'm a bit of a fussy eater and crabs always stare back at me! A shame as they are apparently so scrumptious!). Or a little local gin. You see, Dover is famous for its locally-produced craft gins – and they’re absolutely delicious! With hints of citrus, juniper, and even a touch of lavender... perfect! And a tiny bit of that local fudge! Well, a girl has got to have some sweet treats! The fudge is always so smooth and rich, bursting with flavor! It's heaven in a little bite, you see. I find myself browsing through the market stalls, finding cute trinkets, souvenirs and local arts and crafts, before, eventually, making my way to that adorable cafe I saw earlier. Now, let me tell you, those homemade pastries and cakes looked heavenly! I mean, I’m talking swirls of sugary buttercream, crunchy meringue, and fresh berries galore… Oh my!

And talking of my trip, as always I'll share some of my favourite snippets on my socials for those who follow me - www.pink-tutu.com - yes you’ve guessed it, I post everyday! And it’s important to share the sparkles with the world, right? From the chalk cliffs and the cobbled streets to the gorgeous people of Dover! Everyone has a little pink tutu sparkles within them – you just have to find it! So, make sure you check out my online blog tomorrow for the full, fabulous report, featuring my pink tutu adventures and my super stylish outfit (or maybe I should have worn that sparkly silver sequin frock? What do you think?). Until then, keep on sparkling my lovelies!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-17 stars in Dover