Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-19 stars in Deal

Deal, My Dearest Darlings! 🩰💖

Helloooo my gorgeous girlies and gents! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the seaside town of Deal! I’m practically bursting with excitement, as you can probably tell from the sheer volume of exclamation marks flooding this post. Honestly, this trip has been a complete and utter dream – a total sugar rush for my soul, if you will! 😉

This is blog post number 2027, darlings. You can imagine how hard it is to keep up with all these posts, especially with all the travelling I’ve been doing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer pinkness of it all, hop over to www.pink-tutu.com, where all the latest, greatest adventures and outfit choices are documented.

Anyway, back to Deal! It was all so wonderfully quaint. I mean, come on, imagine – cobbled streets, charming little shops, and the sound of seagulls chirping in the salty breeze. Perfect for a tutu-clad adventurer like myself, don’t you think? I'm not going to lie, the travel wasn't without its quirks. As always, I decided to forgo the dull, modern way of transport and took a grand journey on the train. Not just any train, darling, a beautiful old steam train. So romantic, isn't it? You'd be surprised how many stares I get from fellow passengers when I board with my big, pink, glittery carry-on suitcase. Don't even get me started on the looks I get when I unpack my tulle in the carriage! It's truly a sight to behold! 💖

I just love finding little gems off the beaten path. When it comes to outfits, my rule is this: every occasion deserves a statement piece! This time, I opted for a delightful powder pink tutu with shimmering sequins and delicate lace trims. You see, my loves, the art of dressing isn't just about the garment, it's about the energy it evokes. I want people to feel happy and sparkly whenever they see Pink Tutu Sparkles! I call this outfit "Pink Lemonade Fizz"! 💖✨

Oh, and did I mention I treated myself to some adorable, handmade vintage earrings that looked like miniature pink teacups? So delicate and lovely! As soon as I saw them in the little antique shop, I knew they had to come home with me. A girl's gotta indulge once in a while, wouldn’t you agree?

This trip was truly about the experiences, not just the shopping. The moment I saw the seaside pier I practically shrieked. It felt like stepping into a picture postcard! You can imagine my delight when I found out a little theater company was putting on a rendition of The Nutcracker right on the pier! Of course, I was absolutely obliged to go. Let’s just say that my version of the Sugar Plum Fairy is decidedly more fabulous than what they were presenting, but I had a fantastic time watching the production anyway. It’s good to admire other performers, especially those young ones, and appreciate all their hard work.

But my own performances, darlings, that's what I truly live for! In Deal, I had the pleasure of performing at the local farmers' market. Honestly, it's quite an experience having people buying vegetables and sausages just inches from a tutu-clad drag queen! But I brought the magic to their everyday lives, and I could see it in their smiles as I spun and pirouetted, my pink tutu billowing in the breeze. There is no feeling quite like performing, being surrounded by the energy and appreciation of the crowd, and most of all, knowing you've brought joy to everyone around you. I always aim to lift people's spirits with my acts, make them forget about their worries, and remind them that even on a grey day, there's always a sprinkle of sparkle waiting to be unleashed.

Of course, a trip to Deal wouldn’t be complete without visiting the gorgeous seaside and taking a nice walk along the beach. And no walk is complete without a twirl, darlings. So naturally, I pranced along the shore with my signature, sparkle-tastic strut, ensuring that every single passerby knew a Pink Tutu queen was in town! I felt so energised by the fresh sea air, so empowered and ready to spread the joy! 💖🌊

My favourite part, however, was meeting a group of young ballet students taking lessons in a quaint studio on the seafront. Their energy was contagious. It was a full circle moment - being able to share my passion and inspire these aspiring dancers who are already taking steps toward their dream. As we talked about tutus and pliés, I realised that passion can really connect people, no matter their age or background. That's the power of tutus, darlings, it brings us together and encourages us to embrace the beauty within, just like I do.

Leaving Deal was hard, especially after my lovely encounter with those ballet dancers, but I always tell myself every journey, every experience is a stepping stone to the next grand adventure. I'm already itching to put on a show at the next fun and exciting fair!

Speaking of the next adventure, I can't say too much yet, but let me just hint at this – a grand ballroom, horse-drawn carriages, and a shimmering ballgown. You heard me right, darlings – a ballgown! I’m going to make everyone forget they even own trousers! Get ready, dear followers, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is coming for the ultimate grand occasion!

And who knows, maybe one day, I’ll even convince the whole world to embrace their inner pinkness and slip on a tutu of their own. That, my darlings, is the ultimate goal - to make the world a little bit more sparkly, a little bit more fabulous, one pink tutu at a time!

Until then, stay sparkly! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-19 stars in Deal