Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-08-05 stars in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Stage - Blog Post #2044

Hello my darling dears! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another sparkling adventure in the world of pink tutus and fabulous performances. Today I'm writing to you from the charming town of Melton Mowbray, the home of pork pies and, yes, you guessed it, fabulous pink tutu magic!

Melton Mowbray is quite the charmer, with cobbled streets, quaint shops, and a lively atmosphere. But even with all the delightful bustle, you just know there's a hidden sparkle in the air. And Pink Tutu Sparkles is here to uncover it!

This trip wasn't about horses this time. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for another blog post to hear about my latest horsey adventures. Nope, this journey was all about the theatre!

It’s actually quite remarkable how a town like Melton Mowbray, with its heart firmly set on pork pies, could hold such a passionate, creative soul within its boundaries. You see, nestled in its centre is The Little Theatre, a beautiful Victorian space that radiates a kind of magic you simply can't deny. And guess what, they just so happened to be looking for a touch of pink tutu magic to brighten up their weekend show. Now, I’m not one to turn down a call for sparkly duty, so I dusted off my brightest tutu (a fetching fuchsia, darling!), packed my signature feather boa, and hopped aboard the train, ready to share a little sprinkle of joy.

Oh, the journey! It’s truly the most delightful part of these escapades. As I gaze out from the carriage window, watching the rolling hills of Derbyshire melt into Leicestershire’s countryside, a sense of calmness washes over me. It's as though the world pauses, waiting patiently for Pink Tutu Sparkles to arrive. And of course, with every click-clack of the train’s wheels, the excitement builds, as does the pink tulle around my legs. I swear, there’s nothing quite like feeling the breeze dance through a pink tutu while hurtling towards a new adventure.

And what a performance it was! The audience in Melton Mowbray was delightful! I could feel their smiles stretching from ear to ear, as they swayed and sang along to my sparkling setlist. I gave them my signature mix of glitter-fueled tunes and heartfelt ballads. Even managed to work in a cheeky, pink tutu-themed rendition of “This is the Moment!” – always a crowd-pleaser. I must say, there was something magical about sharing a stage with such an enthusiastic crowd, surrounded by the smell of freshly baked pastries and pork pie fillings. Talk about a real sensory overload in the best possible way!

After the show, there was a wonderful warm-up of hot drinks and pastries backstage – a must in Melton Mowbray! As I chatted with the kind folk from the Little Theatre, we exchanged stories and laughter. These are the real gems, darling, these little moments of human connection. The shared joy of performance, the warmth of community – they remind us that true sparkle shines brightest when it’s shared with others.

My adventures in Melton Mowbray left me feeling utterly enchanted. You see, even in the most unassuming of places, a bit of pink tutu magic can truly make a difference.

Now, my darlings, if you're feeling inspired to join my little revolution and wear a pink tutu, don’t be shy! The world needs more sparkles. But for now, I bid you farewell from my hotel room here in Melton Mowbray. My fabulous pink tutu and I are ready for whatever exciting adventures await us next. As they say, "life’s too short to wear boring clothes" – especially if you've got a fabulously fluffy pink tutu tucked away in your closet!

And remember, keep checking back to www.pink-tutu.com for the latest in pink tutu-licious fun!

Until next time, keep shining!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2005-08-05 stars in Melton Mowbray