
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-09-25 stars in Harrow

Harrow! Oh Harrow!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready for your daily dose of pink-tastic fun! It's day 2095 on the pink-tutu.com journey, darlings, and we're rocking the Harrow vibes.

Let's be honest, sometimes the journey is as magical as the destination, right? Now, I've had my fair share of glamorous journeys - trips to the theatre, glamorous shopping sprees, ballet classes that have left my feet begging for mercy... But there's something absolutely exhilarating about arriving at your destination by...well, let's just say, unconventional methods.

Today, darling, it was by horse. Yes, you heard me right! Horses.

It started innocently enough. A charming invitation from the Harrow Fair to perform my cabaret act. I practically leaped at the chance! You know me, I can never resist a good fairground atmosphere. But how to get there? I toyed with the idea of hiring a vintage car - something elegant and sassy - but the fairgrounds were a little too far afield, and let's face it, finding a driver willing to tow my ridiculously large, glittering pink suitcase...well, that was an entirely different ball game!

So, I reached for a touch of whimsical flair (and frankly, practicality). A trusty, and somewhat pink (okay, maybe more a muted blush, but it was close) carriage arrived, driven by a delightful gentleman in a bowler hat who simply adored pink tutus. (I told you, it's catching!) He explained the horses were named Candy and Fudge – how utterly darling!

The ride was an experience, darling! The crisp autumn air, the sound of the horses' hooves on the tarmac, the thrill of seeing Harrow's spires peeking out from behind the autumn leaves...I felt like a Victorian fairytale character! My inner child absolutely squealed!

Once we reached the fairgrounds, darling, well, it was simply chaotic but so much fun. I think I saw everything imaginable - people dressed up in ridiculous costumes, kids running wild, clowns who seemed to think they were terrifying (well, darling, when you’re covered in stripes and have a comically large red nose, I suppose a little fear might be expected), and a guy who made balloon animals with amazing precision. Truly spectacular.

Of course, my act at the fair was a triumph! They adored my 'pinkalicious' choreography (I even managed to work in a touch of "Can-Can" - a tribute to all things Parisian and fabulous), my witty one-liners, and the sheer brilliance of my tutu - it had rhinestones for crying out loud! A large section of the audience even attempted to wear tutus with varying degrees of success - truly heartwarming, my dears.

But as always, my mission, the mission of Pink Tutu Sparkles, remains: get the whole world wearing pink tutus! And in Harrow, I truly felt like I'd made a start! Who knew a horse and a pink tutu could be such a magical combination?

Don't forget, darlings, to stay pink and fabulous. I'll leave you with some inspiring thoughts for today:

  • Never stop believing in the power of a pink tutu!
  • A smile can light up a room... and even a whole fairground.
  • Let's bring back carriage rides and vintage style!
  • Be a shining example of creativity and courage!

See you tomorrow, my precious pink-loving peeps! And don't forget to check out the photos of my day on Harrow in our latest gallery on pink-tutu.com - it’s a sight to behold! Until then, stay pink, stay sassy and... stay sparkly!

Your fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, (a.k.a Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2005-09-25 stars in Harrow