Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-10-15 stars in Salford

Salford Sparkles: Pink Tutu Adventures, Post 2115

Oh my darling readers!

Today's adventure takes us to the vibrant and charming city of Salford! I'm so excited to be sharing all the delightful details of my latest trip with you. As you know, my mission in life is to spread the joy of pink tutus far and wide, and Salford is the perfect setting to do just that.

Salford is known for its bustling city life, but I've discovered a hidden gem in its heart – the vibrant community theatre scene. This is a real haven for performing arts lovers like me.

The Journey Begins

I chose the most delightful mode of transportation for this trip – the trusty railway. The gentle sway of the carriage, the clickety-clack of the wheels, and the delightful view of the countryside rushing past are all perfect for letting the creativity flow. My trusty pink suitcase was packed with enough sparkle to light up the whole train, including a selection of feather boas, bedazzled shoes, and, of course, my most stunning pink tutus!

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Salford

I'm never short of bookings. Being a versatile performer means I can make a fabulous show of things wherever I go! This trip has been particularly exciting as I’ve been booked to perform a selection of ballet pieces at the fantastic The Lowry theatre in Salford Quays. Now, it's no secret I love ballet! It’s pure elegance and grace, not to mention a great workout. This show is part of a community dance project called 'Tutus for Everyone', which, of course, right up my street, pardon the pun.

For those of you who don't know, I have a very secret and totally shocking side hustle. I work in a lab by day! That's right. While I may spend my evenings dazzling on stage in my fabulous tutus, I'm a scientist in a lab during the day. Believe me, the transition from testing fabrics to glittering on stage is as seamless as my dance moves! I have to be quite careful not to get my sequined tops and feather boas mixed up with the scientific beakers!

My afternoon was filled with glamorous pre-show rehearsals. Getting ready with the lovely local dancers was a delight. There's something so heartwarming about sharing the joy of movement and expression with others.

The show was spectacular! We put on a vibrant performance featuring a medley of ballets, with me as the lead tutu-wearing fairy! The audience was fantastic. Everyone was thrilled to see my stunning, hand-crafted tutus, which, I must say, have gotten rave reviews for their fluffiness and sparkle factor. There was even a charming little girl in the front row sporting her own tiny, fluffy pink tutu. Seeing that smile on her face made the whole trip worthwhile!

Salford Sparkle

After the show, the real fun began! The backstage energy was buzzing! All the other performers had some absolutely sensational outfits. They weren’t afraid to showcase their personalities. I even had the pleasure of trying on a sequined cowboy hat! One performer had such beautiful long feather boa which made my envy just a touch jealous. It’s the mark of a true performer to find someone who looks fantastic in your outfits.

The After Party

Naturally, a fantastic show deserved an even more fantastic after-party. Salford Quays was truly buzzing! We indulged in delightful drinks (don't worry, mine was a sparkling pink cocktail!), laughed until we cried, and reminisced about the glorious show. The most joyous moment? When I pulled out a bunch of miniature pink tutus to give to the audience, each member delightedly placed their little tutus on their heads, with pride. I was in seventh heaven! The mission to get the whole world wearing pink tutus, one tiny tutu at a time, is well underway!

I absolutely adored my time in Salford! The friendly faces, the thriving art scene, and the fantastic reception for my pink tutus have filled my heart with joy. And let's not forget the charming horse-drawn carriage ride I took through the city center - a true fairytale moment.

If you’re looking for a city that's overflowing with personality and sparkle, then look no further than Salford. As I always say, put on a pink tutu and embrace the joy of life. Until next time, darling readers!

#TutuQueen on 2005-10-15 stars in Salford