Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-11-19 stars in Burton upon Trent

Burton upon Trent: A Tutu-licious Trip! (Post #2150)

Darling, get ready for a blog post brimming with pink perfection and shimmering sequins! I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, your favourite tutu-tastic queen, and today we're headed to the charming Burton upon Trent!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Burton upon Trent? Isn't that a bit… industrial?" But honey, you'd be surprised! This little town has a vibrant soul hidden under its historical facade, and it's waiting to be discovered. And as usual, your girl is leading the way in a tutu, naturally!

So how did I get here, you ask? Why, it was a whirlwind of tutu-clad glamour, of course! My trusty steed, the majestic "Orient Express" train, took me on a journey through the countryside. The scenery whizzed by in a blur of autumn hues – golden leaves falling from trees, fluffy sheep grazing peacefully, and oh, a cheeky little fox scurrying across the tracks. You know, sometimes even travelling can be a fashion show, darling!

Now, I must admit, this journey had a touch of unplanned drama. The train had a slight delay… I know, darling, a train being late! Shocking, I tell you! But worry not, your girl had her emergency sparkly hand mirror handy, and managed to snap some fab selfies for Instagram while we were stuck. My followers simply adored them, naturally.

And then, the train doors finally swung open, and the platform at Burton upon Trent Station welcomed me with a grand "Welcome back, Tutu Queen!" (or at least, that's what I like to think). Honestly, this town feels so welcoming, the kind of place where everyone would stop and say "Oh, look! That pink tutu! Isn't it splendid?" And you know what, darlings, I don't think they'd be wrong.

After I settled into my fabulous digs - a boutique hotel that looked straight out of a fairytale – I donned a new outfit. We're talking about a stunning pink sequin dress (I simply cannot resist sequins) paired with my signature pink tutu, of course! My aim? To find a magical cafe to enjoy afternoon tea, a staple on every Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure!

I did a little exploring, soaking up the history and charm of Burton upon Trent, stopping to chat with locals and learn all about their beloved town. The locals were absolutely delighted by my bright pink presence – everyone's a little happier with a tutu around, darlings.

Speaking of delight, my journey through the town's winding streets led me to "The Secret Garden Tea Room." It was everything I'd imagined – quaint, charming, and brimming with delectable treats! They had the most gorgeous floral cake, a pink teacup perfectly coordinated with my tutu, and oh, those miniature scones! Simply divine, darlings. I savoured every moment, sipping on my delicate Earl Grey while imagining I was Alice, falling down the rabbit hole! (It really was that charming).

Later, I hit up the Burton upon Trent Market, where I managed to snag a few fabulous vintage accessories – a pair of feather boas in a perfect shade of pink, and a vintage beaded clutch to go with it, of course! I have to say, I'm so glad I explored the local markets, it’s the perfect way to find something uniquely stylish for every drag queen!

The afternoon unfolded with a delightful shopping spree – some glorious fabric samples for my lab work! (Yes, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles does have a secret double life!) You wouldn't believe the variety of silks and chiffons I found, the colours! Simply divine. I even snagged a beautiful silver brocade for a custom gown that'll have the world talking, darlings, just wait and see!

As the sun began to set, I returned to the hotel, to get ready for a magnificent dinner at the town's most popular restaurant, "The Clock Tower." Imagine: delicious food, sparkling chandeliers, and the faint sound of music playing in the background - just perfect!

Before dinner, I spent some time putting on a spectacular new makeup look. This involved all the shimmery pink eyeshadow imaginable, because honey, if a touch of sparkle is good, then a whole lot of sparkle is even better! For tonight’s performance, I knew I was gonna need extra sparkle, and after all, it is Burton upon Trent, right?

I arrived at "The Clock Tower" ready to turn heads and set the place on fire. I settled into my booth, surrounded by charming couples and festive holiday cheer – and the whole restaurant buzzed with anticipation as I unveiled a dazzling surprise!

You see, darlings, "The Clock Tower" hosts a drag show every Friday, and your Tutu Queen just had to participate, naturally! It was an absolute riot. I sang, danced, and even cracked a few cheeky jokes that sent the audience roaring. Imagine my delight when, at the end of my performance, I was crowned the queen of Burton upon Trent! (It wasn't a real crown, but who's going to tell the Tutu Queen that she isn't a royalty? Nobody, darling, nobody!).

This little town's energy is truly captivating, filled with an undeniable charm and hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. After spending time with these wonderful people, I have a secret: I think everyone could use a little bit of sparkle. You know, a touch of pink in your life!

And you know what? You don't have to be in Burton upon Trent to spread some sparkly magic! We can bring a touch of that pink-tastic fun everywhere we go, whether it’s at the pub, the office, or even just on the way to the supermarket! The point is, we all need a little sprinkle of glitter in our lives, don’t you think, darling?

Remember: you're never too old, too serious, or too shy for a pink tutu. So get out there, be bold, embrace your inner sparkle, and let your true colours shine, darlings!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2005-11-19 stars in Burton upon Trent