
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-01-12 stars in Scarborough

Scarborough Sparkle: Pink Tutu's Grand Adventure! (Blog Post #2204)

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another day of pink-tastic brilliance on www.pink-tutu.com!

Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to the charming coastal town of Scarborough, a place that has definitely earned its place in my pink-hued travelogue! As you all know, I adore exploring the world with my trusty tulle sidekick and a penchant for a little bit of sparkle. This time, the journey took me through the rolling green hills of Yorkshire, arriving at Scarborough with the crisp air carrying the scent of salty sea breeze and anticipation for a delightful performance!

Let me tell you, I love travelling by train. Itā€™s a chance to get my head down and dream up my next dazzling pink-tutu themed look, or have a good old gossip with my fabulous friends who all came to the show! The journey on this occasion was a real joy.

You see, I love taking the train. As much as I love driving in a cab, especially with a vintage, horse-drawn carriage when I can - and it has happened on many occasions, let me tell you - the train really gives me time to reflect and relax. You know how I feel when Iā€™m being dragged to an opening for a fashion exhibition or invited to be the guest of honour at a grand gala... it is all truly exciting, but a good journey by train allows me to simply chill out in my fluffy pink bouclĆ© coat, have a spot of tea, maybe a little slice of cake if Iā€™m feeling particularly fancy, and get into the creative spirit. Itā€™s no surprise that some of my most amazing performance outfits are designed on train journeys, which have been an endless source of inspiration ever since my first performance on stage - a drag night in Derbyshireā€™s local town, the very first time I wore the Pink Tutu persona on stage! It felt exhilarating. My nerves buzzed, but I went for it - a whirl of twirls and feather boas with a splash of vibrant pink - I was instantly a hit.

And Scarborough - what a treat! I had been invited by the fabulous folks at the The Grand Hotel to put on a spectacular show. Let me tell you, they really did make me feel like a proper diva, and I, of course, embraced the occasion with all the glamour that Pink Tutu can muster. The Grand, a stunning Victorian seaside palace with its imposing faƧade and elegant interiors, became a magical backdrop to my performance, its grandeur mirroring the magic that we, my lovely Pink Tutu enthusiasts and I, created together in the evening.

My costumes, well, I'd call it my ā€œScarborough Seaside Chic Collection,ā€ were truly dazzling. Think pink feather boas, flowing layers of tulle, sequined bodices, shimmering fishnet tights, and, naturally, those spectacularly voluminous pink tutus - all inspired by the vibrant seaside beauty and Victorian elegance of this coastal gem!

The crowd was an absolute joy! A lively mix of folks, some visiting for a weekend getaway, some enjoying a luxurious stay in this iconic hotel. They truly embraced the sparkle and the pink - there wasn't a frown in sight, only joyous cheers and enthusiastic claps for my every twirl. And for me, this is the absolute essence of what I do! Sharing the magic of Pink Tutu, spreading joy and empowering everyone to feel beautiful, confident, and comfortable in their own unique ways - it is all a privilege.

The hotel itself was a revelation, a truly wonderful experience for me! From the grand lobby, filled with ornate chandeliers and a sea of sparkling chandeliers - oh, I felt instantly at home! I felt so elegant in my pink-feathered cocktail hat (my new obsession, canā€™t resist those fancy hat shops now, oh dear!) and this truly fab, vintage pink brocade handbag - a real vintage beauty, found tucked away in a treasure-filled vintage shop in Manchester, you see, where the show took me just before Scarborough. Every corner of the hotel seemed designed to transport you back in time, with plush velvet furniture, patterned wallpaper, and exquisite stained glass windows - perfect for a bit of pink-tutu photo opportunities, Iā€™ll have you know!

Scarborough is not only known for its vibrant, coastal vibes - you have to take in a traditional English Fish and Chip meal there, and it did not disappoint. Itā€™s the best! The seaside town also boasts a stunning 18th-century theatre, the Scarborough Spa. Sadly, the tour of this grand old building fell a bit flat. Apparently, they were only open until noon! That is simply rude for a fellow theatrical performer, not to mention how sad to miss out on the historic building, filled with Victorian opulence! The theatre - think ornate balconies, twinkling chandeliers, and a regal stage area - had me wishing I could see a ballet performance on that stage. Imagine!

Luckily, my favourite part of any trip to any seaside town is the beach. You simply cannot miss the view of the coastline and the sprawling coastline - just take it in for all its magnificence, donā€™t worry too much about getting sand in your shoes - well, I guess I donā€™t need to worry because those pink ballet shoes are easy to dust! I love that open, boundless air, and as soon as the afternoon arrived - and after Iā€™d finished all the interviews with the newspapers who were writing about the fabulous pink Tutu queen, a bit tiring you see, and I had a lovely dinner - it was time for the beach. The sand under my feet as I looked out at the rolling waves - a moment to take a moment to breathe!

My time in Scarborough was a whirlwind of pink-tutu joy and I made new friends in this town by the sea. One woman in particular was simply darling! She'd spotted me in my sparkling, pink tutu walking down the high street and, let me tell you, her face lit up with delight! She insisted we take a photo and to add to this joyful occasion, she even gifted me a beautiful shell ā€“ and that reminded me, so my love of sea shells - it's an entirely separate post Iā€™ll have to write when I get home, after all, those shell designs are pretty fantastic when turned into dazzling earrings! She told me her story, she too has been hooked on pink tutus! And so, there it is, a further proof of the pink tutu effect - people all over the world, young and old, drawn to its magical enchantment. The magic of pink tutus knows no age!

Now, before I let you all go, I have a little something I need to share, and this time it has got NOTHING to do with a sparkly dress. A lovely new friend told me that her granddaughter is simply smitten with my pink tutus. And guess what! She told me about a local charity fundraising event where they are going to have a little performance, all in pink tutus, of course! I loved the idea and suggested they raise funds for ā€˜The Little Ballet Trust,ā€™ which promotes dance and its amazing impact, to everyone young and old, and especially to those who may not be able to afford dance lessons. You know my dear Pink Tutu enthusiasts, I truly believe that dance is the purest form of self-expression and joy! That evening I even met the sweet, young ballet hopefuls - you wouldnā€™t believe it - they are already little ballerinas-in-the-making! I must tell you, they're already little stars - all pink tutu enthusiasm! It brought tears of joy to my eyes. And to make their day extra special, I gave each little ballerina a small pink tulle flower! Itā€™s something simple but symbolic: a tiny touch of Pink Tutu magic, for a big impact on the world.

That is it from Pink Tutu Sparkles! It was simply magical. And until my next exciting adventure, stay fab, stay sparkling and keep rocking those tutus! You know what to do!

Don't forget to visit my website and let me know what you think about my Scarborough adventures. See you soon my little darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2006-01-12 stars in Scarborough