
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-02-15 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes: Where the Seaside Meets the Sparkles! ✨

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! This is Post 2238, and I am thrilled to be writing to you from the beautiful seaside town of Cleethorpes. As a proper Derbyshire girl at heart, I am always partial to a bit of coastal air. Combine that with a trip that involved both a steam train journey and a visit to the theatre, and you know I'm absolutely living my best life! πŸ’–

Now, some of you may know that this little Pink Tutu has a serious soft spot for all things tutu-related. I’ve been known to frequent the ballet studio as often as I can - there's just something about twirling in a pink tutu that makes my soul sing! But sometimes, even a Queen of Pink needs a little change of scenery. And what better place for that than a quaint seaside town with a rich history?

My Cleethorpes adventure began in the most delightful way imaginable – with a ride on a steam train! I adore the romanticism of vintage carriages, the gentle clatter of wheels, and the anticipation of arriving somewhere new.

Arriving in Cleethorpes, the fresh salty air instantly blew away any stresses and anxieties. The harbour was buzzing with activity, fishing boats bobbing in the water and a gaggle of seagulls screaming their joyous greeting. The sound of children laughing echoed in the air – Cleethorpes truly has that magic of a timeless holiday destination.

My mission this trip, however, wasn't just about a seaside stroll (although I definitely took time for that too!) It was a pilgrimage to the magnificent Cleethorpes Pier Theatre! This theatre is such a treasure – full of history and stories from generations of performers. It was on the Cleethorpes Pier stage that I was thrilled to perform as Pink Tutu Sparkles to a completely sold out audience. The energy was absolutely electric, and you'll never guess who came to see me?! The Mayor of Cleethorpes herself! She even wore a pink tutu to my performance – a true queen, I tell you! 🀩 I really had a blast!

After my show, I felt utterly energised and was ready to explore Cleethorpes further. There was something about the gentle breeze, the rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore, and the bright sunshine that had me feeling all kinds of joyous. We headed for the seaside for some delicious fish and chips and I soaked up the warm afternoon sun in my favourite pink tutu, of course!

One of my favourite things about travelling, darlings, is discovering hidden gems. Well, Cleethorpes delivered in that regard. In a little side street, nestled between shops, I found the most fabulous vintage clothing shop! You'll never believe it - I discovered an entire section devoted to tutus. Yes, you read that right, entire section! There were tutus of all colors, textures, lengths, and sizes - it was a dream come true. I had to get a few new pieces to add to my collection! πŸ‘—

And what’s a seaside trip without a stroll along the promenade? I have to say, I felt incredibly glamorous posing in my pink tutu on that scenic walkway with the vast, beautiful sea in the backdrop! The gentle waves made a perfect backdrop to my flamboyant pinkness! πŸ’–

And as the day drew to a close, the setting sun cast an ethereal glow over the town. The last few moments before the sun completely set, painting the sky with a vibrant mix of orange, pink, and purple hues, really were quite magical. The stars started to appear, twinkling brightly in the velvet black sky – and I knew this wasn’t just a trip, it was an experience. I really feel I leave Cleethorpes feeling truly rejuvenated.

I am going to end this post, darlings, with some important tips if you’re ever visiting Cleethorpes:

  1. Bring your dancing shoes! The pier is an ideal place to bust out some moves.

  2. Always wear a pink tutu! The more the merrier - let’s get the whole world in pink tutus, together!

  3. Embrace the charm! The history of this place is undeniable. Don't be afraid to slow down and enjoy it all!

Cleethorpes was just what I needed. A rejuvenating break that sparked a whole new kind of magic, even for a seasoned queen like myself. As I always say, a touch of pink, a twirl in a tutu, and a good old fashioned bit of seaside fun is the perfect way to get the endorphins flowing!

Until next time, keep it fabulous! πŸ’‹

Yours in sequins,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2006-02-15 stars in Cleethorpes