Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-02-18 stars in Ilkeston

Ilkeston, Here I Come! (Post #2241)

Darling! You won't believe what an adventure this past weekend was. From the moment I boarded the train, it felt like I was stepping into a fairytale. Let's be honest, there's nothing quite like travelling by train dressed in a vibrant pink tutu. The other passengers all looked so impressed – I mean, who can resist a splash of pink? Honestly, it just adds a little extra sparkle to your journey, doesn't it?

Now, I know what you're thinking - Ilkeston? Really? It's not exactly the first place that springs to mind when you're planning a glamorous drag tour. But hold your horses, darlings, this place had something special in store! It was the first time I'd visited this little town, and it certainly surprised me!

See, I had received this magical invite from a lovely gentleman, a fellow pink enthusiast, who asked if I would perform at his friend's birthday bash. They were having a bit of a "sparkly soiree" - can you believe it?! I knew I just had to say yes, even though it involved a rather lengthy train journey. I always say, "Never pass up a good pink opportunity!"

To say I went all out would be a gross understatement! Now, we're talking about a full-blown Pink Tutu Sparkles spectacular. Let's just say the entire train carriage knew exactly where the party was headed. Everyone kept peering out of their windows to get a peek. It was absolutely hilarious.

I did tell you all about the pink floral tutu, haven't I? It was this glorious fluffy dream of a garment with delicate flower embellishments and ribbons. I had been saving it for a special occasion. You know how it is: some tutus just demand a truly worthy performance!

My travel essentials are of course an absolute necessity. I'm always on the lookout for ways to add a bit of magic and glitter to any occasion, and I've gotta say, even with the simplest of items, the train journey felt incredibly special. Imagine: a trusty sparkly hand mirror to keep the makeup pristine, my trusty pink sparkly bag (a complete must-have) with my essentials like lipsticks, and of course, some lovely floral perfume for a little extra oomph. Who knew a journey on the train could be so delightful? Honestly, darling, I felt like royalty. And a Pink Tutu Queen has to look the part at all times.

Now, my first order of business after I arrived was to explore. Ilkeston might be a bit of a hidden gem, but trust me, the locals are absolutely delightful! It was like stepping back in time, and in a good way. It was quite the contrast from all the bustling city centres I’ve frequented.

I mean, you won't believe the tea room I stumbled upon, it was called "The Pink Teapot!" Imagine: pastel pink walls, adorable china teacups, and the most divine selection of cakes you could possibly dream of. They even had a selection of pink-themed goodies – it was like a Pink Tutu Queen's dream!

My inner girly-girl squealed with delight. Now, I don't need to tell you about the delicious selection of scones I tucked into – it was a tea time feast fit for a queen! Honestly, the lady who served us was so friendly. She must have thought I was mad wearing a tutu at a tea room. However, it added some much-needed sparkle to their regular customers, as you can tell by their wide eyes. And you just know there's a pink-tutu enthusiast out there in Ilkeston. Perhaps they’re reading this right now?

With my tea time adventures finished, it was time to head over to the party venue! The friend's garden had been transformed into this vibrant, vibrant space – streamers and fairy lights everywhere. And they'd even built this stage for me – I can tell they’d put their heart and soul into it! There were pink balloons and a glittery pink disco ball – talk about a perfect Pink Tutu Sparkles paradise!

You guys, this crowd was AMAZING! It was a good mix of young and old, and let me tell you, they really knew how to party! Everyone seemed absolutely charmed by my sparkly presence, which I have to admit, boosted my confidence tenfold. It's just such a buzz seeing everyone come together and have such a lovely time. I even caught a little boy staring with awe. Oh how I dream of encouraging that joy and confidence in everyone, to never fear being different, never fear of a bit of colour and flair. That's what makes Pink Tutu Sparkles, me.

It turned out this wasn't just any birthday party! It was for the friend’s grandmother's 90th! Honestly, darling, the grandmother was so sweet. We danced, sang, and chatted about our favourite tutus – she even shared some wonderful tales from her childhood! Now, it’s not every day I can share a personal story of a Pink Tutu Queen with a real queen, and what a story she had too!

Let's talk performances, darling. I'll never forget it – my performance was so much fun! It’s been a while since I’ve had an audience so enthusiastic. I started with my signature song: “Pink is My Favourite Colour." It’s this high-energy number all about loving everything pink, with a catchy melody and some absolutely spectacular choreography – you know, the full-on twirls, kicks, and jumps you’d expect from a true pink goddess. Honestly, they cheered like crazy – it gave me all the energy I needed.

It was a total blast – every second of it.

As a Pink Tutu Queen, I know it’s vital to never shy away from expressing ourselves. Every single time, I bring my joy, my glitter, and my pinkest best, to show that there’s always a need for more love and sparkly things in this world.

And, speaking of love and sparkly things…

Did I tell you about the pink ballet show I caught in Ilkeston? I managed to sneak away before the party for a quick afternoon visit, It was held at this beautiful old theater right in the centre of town – an absolute gem of a place.

The entire theater felt so whimsical, as though you had entered a fairytale world. There were velvet seats, dazzling chandeliers, and this gorgeous old stage with twinkling lights. The moment I saw it, it felt right, somehow. They were doing "The Sleeping Beauty," darling! And it was beyond beautiful, I can tell you. There was grace and beauty in each and every step, a sheer mastery of the art of ballet. Of course, as I sat there, with my Pink Tutu Sparkles headband on, I couldn't help but think about all those little dancers practicing away for their debut performance in their beautiful pink tutus. What a dream come true that must be. Honestly, watching that performance reignited my passion for dancing in my tutu.

One day, darlings, you will all get to see a full-on ballet performance by me – a Pink Tutu Sparkles production – that's definitely in the works. And honestly, you’ll have to promise you won’t laugh at my awkward ballet steps (even if it is a tutu moment). And I can already tell it’s going to be so pink, so dazzling, and so utterly incredible. It's going to be the absolute ultimate Pink Tutu Queen experience!

After my show-stopping performance and tea time treats, it was time to hop on that trusty train again! You know me, I love travelling by train! Honestly, the carriage was quite crowded, but I've mastered the art of fitting my grand tutu in those seats. Everyone looked at me, and of course, I was all smiles and sparkles.

So, darling, that was my grand adventure in Ilkeston. I'm telling you, this little town has something special. My advice? Don't knock it till you try it – even if you think it's not glamorous, trust me, it has its own charm. And the most lovely people, always welcoming to a sparkly Pink Tutu Queen like me! If you ever find yourself near Ilkeston, do check it out – especially if you love pink tutus, tea rooms, and friendly faces! And don’t forget to leave a comment below, my darling friends. Let me know what your favorite colour is, how do you prefer to travel and what your favourite part of this post is? If you're lucky enough to find a pink tutu I hope you make it the first of many and share it with the world!

#TutuQueen on 2006-02-18 stars in Ilkeston