Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-03-15 stars in Hitchin

Hitchin: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Blog Post #2266)

Darling readers, it's your favourite pink tutu-clad, glitter-spangled, feather-boa-wielding drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the utterly charming town of Hitchin! As you know, my mission is to spread the gospel of pink tutus, and what better way to do that than by sharing a slice of my adventures with you lovely lot?

Hitchin has truly enchanted me! You know me, darling, a girly-girl through and through, and this place is just bursting with charm. It’s like stepping straight out of a storybook. Cobbled streets, quaint shops bursting with delicious-looking cakes, and buildings with beautiful timber frames that seem to whisper tales of centuries past… It's positively idyllic.

I was initially worried about finding enough sparkles in a place so full of history. After all, even my trusty steed - I can’t mention his name here but you’ll all know who I’m talking about, my lovely chestnut cob - wouldn't bring me to a town this sweet without enough sparkly possibilities. But, I need not have worried, my loves.

The day began at the station with a charming young chap, I’m thinking a right charmer for the ladies, offering me a sweet cup of tea in a porcelain teapot. Now, you know how much I love a proper brew, and it set the tone perfectly for this dazzling escapade!

Of course, no trip to Hitchin is complete without visiting the beautiful Priory Church. What a spectacular example of Tudor architecture! It’s as if someone built a giant dollhouse and adorned it with magnificent stained glass windows. My favourite part, though? The grand, oak timbered roof! You could get lost in its intricacies and details - like a glorious dream world of Gothic splendour.

My quest to sprinkle some pink tutu magic upon Hitchin started in the town's quirky boutiques. I was like a little girl in a candy store, my eyes sparkling with excitement as I discovered unique clothing and treasures, with every little shop telling its own story. A charming vintage emporium yielded a delightful feathered fascinator that, I swear, practically hummed with flamboyant femininity. I just knew it had to be mine.

Hitchin's independent scene truly stole my heart. Every cafe and restaurant was filled with laughter and the joy of sharing delicious, locally-sourced food. And let’s be honest, nothing makes a girl feel better than a cuppa and a delectable slice of cake.

Now, for the pièce de résistance - the theatre! Yes, darlings, the Hitchin Town Hall. The stage lights glistened, the audience buzzed with excitement, and I knew I had to add my own sparkly contribution. As the evening's "star performer", I pranced out in a pink tutu that would make any ballerina weep with joy, adorned with shimmering jewels, feathers, and glitter.

Imagine the spectacle! A whirlwind of pink and tulle, captivating the audience with my flamboyant, dazzling routines! It was pure joy, a fusion of elegant movement and sparkly flair that resonated with every member of the audience. The town embraced the spectacle, their cheers and laughter filling the air with an infectious energy. It was magical!

By the end of the night, I was sure everyone in Hitchin was singing along with my version of "My Heart Will Go On," a song that truly resonated with this town’s captivating romantic spirit.

As the lights faded and the crowds dispersed, I took a final lingering glance at the stage, my heart overflowing with the exhilaration of spreading joy through dance and sequins. You know, darling, that's what I do! I bring colour, energy, and a touch of whimsy to any corner of the world.

I can't help but feel that Hitchin has a special place in my heart now. The town embraces individuality and cherishes the spark that makes each person unique. It reminds me that spreading joy, especially in a place this beautiful, is the truest gift of all.

And that’s all for now, darlings! If you ever find yourselves wandering through the enchanting streets of Hitchin, be sure to grab a cupcake, twirl in the sunshine, and remember to embrace your own inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. Remember, the world is a better place when we let our personalities shine through!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2006-03-15 stars in Hitchin