
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-07-16 stars in Fulham

Fulham: Where the River Thames Meets Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with you for another fabulous day of shimmering sparkle and twirling delights! This is blog post number 2389 - you can catch all the glitz and glamour at www.pink-tutu.com. Now, prepare to be absolutely floored because this post is about my recent trip to the charming borough of Fulham in London!

Right, let's get straight into the fun. My journey to Fulham was truly something special. As a girl who truly appreciates a grand entrance, what better way to arrive than on a majestic steed? (A lovely, fluffy white horse, naturally!) You'd think arriving at Buckingham Palace in a carriage is impressive, but I'll tell you, a horse can turn even a rainy English afternoon into a truly glamorous occasion. Just picture it: Pink Tutu Sparkles, in a fluffy pink tutu and sparkling tiara, being led down a cobblestone street, with a horse making those "clip clop" noises, the very sound of pure magic!

Now, before we move onto the glamour of Fulham itself, let's talk about something near and dear to my heart โ€“ tutus! I mentioned in my last post, my trip to Nottingham, that I was hunting down some truly spectacular tutu options. Well, darling, Fulham has simply blown me away! You won't believe the incredible vintage boutiques I discovered - stuffed full of stunning, dusty, yet surprisingly still quite fabulous, tutus, just waiting for a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! Honestly, my darling, they're simply divine. Each and every one is a masterpiece - like a work of art just waiting to be worn and adored.

And while I'm on the subject, Fulham truly delivered when it came to fashion. I mean, who can resist a good old fashioned shopping spree? I absolutely adore the boutiques on the King's Road - full of those irresistible gems that have you saying "must have!" before you've even had a chance to try them on! Think vintage elegance mixed with a hint of that London sass, and you've got the perfect recipe for some truly fantastic fashion finds.

I spent an entire afternoon just flitting around these stores, picking up treasures and turning heads, you can imagine the sparkle and wonder, oh dear! And wouldn't you know it, I even found a beautiful pink scarf that perfectly matches my signature colour! A perfect addition to my "Pink Tutu Sparkles" wardrobe!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "What about the ballet?" Well, Fulham was positively bursting with theatrical wonders. A ballet school here, a performance hall there, oh my! This place truly is a dream for any dancer! I managed to sneak into a performance at the beautiful Riverside Studios. Talk about an inspiring evening! Those dancers were absolutely incredible - graceful and poised, but also with a real sense of passion and emotion. I left feeling utterly exhilarated and utterly inspired!

To say I fell head-over-heels in love with Fulham would be a massive understatement. I have to say, darling, it felt like I was in a magical land, with all the best things in life neatly tucked away around every corner. What with the fashion, the tutus, the performances, the charm, and that river, darling, it truly felt like a piece of paradise, with a touch of the fantastical, which you know is just my style!

Now, before I disappear, let's take a quick recap of why Fulham has earned its spot on the Pink Tutu Sparkles map:

First: the majestic horses! Truly the perfect mode of transport for someone as glamorous as me!

Second: the shops, oh those fabulous shops! Fashion, tutus, and anything a girl could want - pure retail bliss.

Third: the dancing! My love for ballet runs deep and Fulham delivered on that front - the Riverside Studios performance was nothing short of magic!

Fourth: that London vibe! There's just something about London, that effortless chic mixed with a bit of rebellion - I love it!

Now, my darlings, I have to whisk off! I've got a very important meeting with a very special horse! You see, I've been offered a chance to do a performance right here in Fulham, on a carriage pulled by none other than my magnificent new horse friend. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll have a brand new pink tutu specially designed for the occasion! Stay tuned for all the glitz and glamour.

Until next time, darling, stay sparkling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2006-07-16 stars in Fulham