
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-07-18 stars in Ealing

Ealing - A Pink Tutu Dream! ✨🩰

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another slice of fabulous from my whirlwind travels! Today's adventure takes us to the lovely Ealing, and boy oh boy, does this town have some sparkle! This is post number 2391, so grab your pinkest tutus and let's get twirling!

The train journey was just dreamy! I'm a sucker for a scenic train ride, and the countryside whizzing by really put me in a twirly mood. Remember darlings, I love trains, and the smell of those old carriages just transports me to a different world! I can imagine myself dancing my way down the aisles, all 6 inches of my heels clicking happily. Just picture it!

Now, Ealing. I was drawn here by the scent of sequins and the promise of a ballet performance! A truly breathtaking production of "Giselle," starring the utterly fabulous Ealing Dance Academy. My love for ballet, as you all know, is practically an Olympic sport. Every twirl, every pirouette - a masterpiece! The artistry and precision are truly something to behold!

After the show, naturally, I needed a bit of retail therapy! Let's just say I found myself knee-deep in gorgeous pink accessories at a charming little vintage shop tucked away in the town's cobbled streets. A touch of pink is just what this vintage shop needed, wouldn't you say? And a little sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles always helps boost the spirit.

But darling, it wasn't all pink tutus and pretty flowers! Ealing surprised me with a hidden gem - a vibrant street performance by the talented troupe, "Streetbeats." Their mix of breakdancing, acrobatics, and infectious energy truly blew me away. Talk about a fun burst of color and dynamism - it really showed me that artistry comes in all shapes and forms!

I must tell you all a little secret about my journey to Ealing... I travelled here on horseback! Yep, a magnificent creature called "Scintilla" (because we are ALL about sparkly names!) who helped me conquer the long journey with elegance and grace! Now, that's a way to arrive, darling! The sound of those hooves and the wind in my tutu...simply magical! And you know, after that little trot through the fields, I felt truly connected to nature...the earth, the breeze, all in one, beautifully pink, glittering ensemble.

Now, if you are wondering where all the funding for my lavish travel comes from, dear reader... It comes from the art of the Pink Tutu! As a performer, I sprinkle my magic everywhere, performing at village fairs, bustling city markets, even quirky art galleries. My act is an explosion of color and sass! But it's not all about sequins, you know... I get to inspire and uplift! And it feels brilliant! My secret weapon, you ask? A dazzling smile and an overflowing bucket of pink glitter. And, darling, every sequin on my costumes has a story to tell!

To be honest, being a drag artist is quite a lot of work. You've got the stage presence, you've got the choreography... I have to remember, every time I hit the stage, that I am more than just a pretty face and sparkly costume. I'm sharing a piece of my heart with the audience, every time I throw a pose.

Back to my roots, as you may know, I work as a scientist in a lab testing fabric during the day. Yep, by day, I'm in the lab with my scientific lab coat, and by night I become Pink Tutu Sparkles! A bit of a double life if you ask me, but it’s the kind of life that fuels me!

It was studying for my science degree that sparked my obsession with pink tutus! I joined the university ballet club, and for a charity fundraiser, they gave me this magnificent pink tutu to wear. Well, let’s just say I was born for pink and I haven't looked back. Now my pink tutus and outfits have a space dedicated in my lab, right next to the centrifuge and microscope!

If you're ever feeling lost or blue, darlings, remember... The world needs a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkle. And even if you're not a science-loving scientist by day, I encourage you to let your inner sparkle out! Try on a pink tutu - it might just be the thing to get you twirling.

But remember darlings, this is just one little adventure. There's so much more to explore, so many more dazzling sequins to find. Keep on twirling with me!

Catch you later, darling! πŸ’–


Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2006-07-18 stars in Ealing