
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-22 stars in Mitcham

Mitcham Calling! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–โœจ (Blog Post #2426)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to regale you with tales of a recent jaunt to Mitcham! Yes, believe it or not, the tutu fairy landed herself in this charming little corner of South London for a performance at the Mitcham Fair. Honestly, you couldn't ask for a better crowd - Mitcham embraced my pinkness with open arms (and perhaps a few open mouths too, at some of my moves)!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Mitcham? But darling, how could you leave the glittering, exciting, glamorous centre of the world, i.e. Derbyshire, to travel to somewhere like that?" But the beauty of it all, my loves, is that a queen never really leaves home. Every corner of this gorgeous globe has a story to tell, and even Mitcham, nestled among the greenery and the gentle rolling hills, has a spirit all its own!

So, off I trundled, suitcase crammed with sequins and enough feather boas to rival a peacock's wardrobe (although let's be honest, none could ever hold a feather to my dazzling plume!) It was an absolute thrill to travel via train - the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks is pure magic to this queen. Of course, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without some glamour. My trusty steed, a lovely, pink-saddled steed, was waiting for me at the station (my "chauffeur" โ€“ a dear friend from my local riding school - insisted on dressing for the occasion too. You know how much I love pink and he was a good sport!). I'm telling you, this journey had it all, even a sneaky trip to a local vintage shop to grab some gorgeous, pre-loved silk scarves!

Now, onto the fair! The atmosphere was buzzing with life and laughter - a lovely, wholesome sort of joy. There was the usual carnival fun, a bustling food market overflowing with mouth-watering delights (I may have had one too many of those strawberry-topped, sugar-dusted cream buns - worth every delicious, sugary, delightful bite!), and then there was ME!

My performance was, naturally, spectacular. I shimmied and I sashayed, twirled and flipped, to the roar of a hundred excited eyes (Iโ€™m being generous; Mitcham may be lovely, but a massive turnout isnโ€™t what it's known for! ๐Ÿ˜‰). I even threw in a few moves inspired by my recent ballet class (always love a bit of elegant pirouette in my performance, darling!), much to the delight of the audience. But the best part? My signature finale โ€“ a grand ballet finale with a flourish, where I spread my magnificent tutu (my โ€œPink Paradiseโ€ one with the hand-stitched embroidery and sparkly sequins, for all you Pink Tutu aficionados) and performed a majestic pirouette. You could practically feel the collective "Oooohs!" And "Aaahs!" from the crowd!

Honestly, you know a queen is truly in her element when her glitter shines brighter than the fairground lights! After the show, I got the most incredible feedback. A little boy, maybe seven, was simply speechless and then he pulled his mumโ€™s pink purse close as though in awe and clutched it to his chest, clearly deciding there and then that the pink was definitely the colour to embrace! I met some delightful ladies who couldnโ€™t resist a picture with me and had a lovely chat about ballet shoes and tulle. They were so excited that my stage name involved tutus and said I looked just like a ballerina from their favourite Disney movie โ€“ apparently, โ€œCinderellaโ€ has quite the passion for tutus too. I felt so much love and acceptance from these fabulous folk.

My travels always open my eyes to new experiences and, trust me, it's the same with every person I meet, a delightful kaleidoscope of stories!

Of course, no trip is complete without a good night's rest! Mitcham had a charming little B&B โ€“ and the room had a vintage vanity, a beautiful touch to help this queen maintain the dazzling glow! And I can't forget the yummy breakfast: Eggs, toast, a little pot of jam, and yes, you guessed it, a pink grapefruit - the sweetest touch!

So there you have it! Mitcham, a day out at the fair, pink-tutu-ing it up with gusto. You know the drill, my darlings! Join me on the journey โ€“ the magic of tutus and laughter await! Stay pink! Stay fabulous! And most importantly, stay tutu-fied! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ๐Ÿฉฐ

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’‹

P.S Did I mention that the little boy who had fallen in love with the colour pink even had a cute pink polka dot shirt on? My heart almost exploded with joy and a touch of pink tutu magic, just like that! ๐Ÿ’•

P.P.S. I must share this exciting news! A local news agency came to see me perform at the fair! I hope you can see my big, pink smile on the front page of their newspaper! Keep an eye out, darlings! And just to answer any burning questions you may have... they did not mind my glitter or feather boas one bit! Itโ€™s so lovely to spread a bit of tutu magic! ๐Ÿ’–

P.P.P.S. Want to know more about Mitcham, its history and lovely spots to visit? Drop me a message and I'll gladly fill you in! Just remember, pink tutus and travel, hand-in-hand! ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-22 stars in Mitcham