Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-24 stars in Stourbridge

Stourbridge Sparkle: Post 2428 - A Tutuful Day Out

Oh, my dears! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and you won’t believe what a smashing day I’ve had! It all started with a whistle stop trip to the beautiful town of Stourbridge. This gorgeous place in the West Midlands is known for its history and, naturally, for its lovely little shops. But me? I was there for a special reason…to spread the pink tutu love!

You see, I've been planning this adventure for weeks, since the postman delivered my invitation. I had been booked to perform for a right royal bash, a garden party held by a family with a passion for all things girly. You see, my dear readers, a certain member of this fab family has a love for tutus, and I’m absolutely certain, she's already got one in a glorious shade of pink. That’s just my gut feeling!

I started the day in my favourite pink fluffy dressing gown. You know, the one that has little embroidered pink hearts down the side and a matching, perfectly fluffy hood. And since the weather had turned just right for some sunshine, I paired this divine ensemble with a fetching pair of sparkly slippers (always best with fluffy pom-poms) and popped my beloved tea set into a bag - just in case of a impromptu pink tea party. Of course, my essentials for a journey include the most fabulous, extra-long, pink beaded necklace - a perfect pop of pink sparkle for any adventure.

The journey? Well, wouldn’t you know it? I caught the train. Honestly, nothing beats the romance of a long, luxurious train ride. After all, we don't just get around, we journey! Especially in a beautifully furnished compartment with soft, velvet seats and views of the English countryside. So very charming. As for the outfit I chose, it's all about chic. I popped on my latest pastel-pink, polka-dot, silk blouse. You know how I like to throw a bit of colour around and make people smile! I matched it with a pair of fitted trousers in a luscious coral, and of course, I had to give a nod to my beloved pink tutus - my tiny but perfectly pink handbag is a fabulous homage to the quintessential tutu look, wouldn’t you agree? And naturally, with a trip out on the cards, a pair of my signature, dazzling, pink high heels were a must! As always, I topped off the whole ensemble with a fabulous hat - this time a delightful wide-brimmed, bubblegum pink creation that’s absolutely guaranteed to stop you in your tracks!

Now, the train ride was a bit of a blur - probably all that excitement, I tell you. You see, performing at a garden party with teacups and sandwiches? Oh my dears! What a joy. When I finally stepped onto the grounds of the grand house in the idyllic village, I couldn’t help but get a touch sentimental. The air was thick with laughter and a scent of honeysuckle. Truly perfect! It was like I had stepped into an episode of my favourite soap, only even more fabulous!

When it came to my performance, I wanted to pay a lovely tribute to Stourbridge - you see, it was an important location for pottery and the production of glass for many, many years. I’d planned my act to focus on both sparkle and strength. After all, when it comes to glass and tutus, you’ve got to be strong! So, I dressed in a spectacular, fully pink tutu and a dazzling bodice with crystals catching the light, almost like miniature bits of glass reflecting the sun. The whole thing just glowed!

You’ve got to see it, it was an absolutely breathtaking spectacle!

First, I had the whole audience cheering with my signature “Pink Tutu Twirl”. The music began with a light and airy melody, like a gentle waltz on the breeze, and my feet glided through a series of swirling, sparkling moves. Imagine a beautiful ballet dance, but with an extra touch of fabulous pink, and that's what I gave them! I brought the first half to an incredible, climactic finish with a dazzling series of high kicks - each one with its own extra dose of pink energy! But my act couldn't possibly stop there!

For the finale, the music became a bit more energetic, and the mood shifted to full-on pink power! I'd planned a dazzling series of ballet jumps, just a tad more dramatic than usual, and you won’t believe the number of times my friends cheered and stomped their feet. That moment made all the planning worthwhile - the pink tutu glow of the whole crowd, their faces beaming with delight, was simply wonderful!

Now, if you haven't noticed, the most fab part of a garden party isn’t just the lovely performance - it’s the delightful food! The little party treats they provided, especially the sandwiches with cucumber and the most delicious, buttery cakes were the best. Then again, how could a little cake go wrong, really, especially when you add that beautiful touch of pink icing? And let me tell you, a pink tutu simply needs tea. You need that delicious cup of warm English tea and those biscuits! The afternoon tea served was a delicious affair, with dainty sandwiches, miniature cakes and finger foods - perfect for the perfect party! The family had chosen beautiful china for the whole occasion, pastel-pink and gold, oh, the sheer extravagance of it! They just knew I would adore the whole set-up. As soon as I finished a tasty scone with jam and cream, they even got me a tiny pot of pink lemonade for a quick refreshment. Just lovely, they are.

After my lovely little dance, the family even brought out their pet rabbit, which was dressed in a miniature pink tutu! A fitting homage, really. You just can't beat a bit of pink fluffiness! You'll love it.

So, there you have it, another delightful day with Pink Tutu Sparkles, and the end of yet another delightful pink tutu adventure. Oh my dears!

And what do you think? Has my blog made you wish you had a pink tutu waiting in your wardrobe?

And my lovelies, please do visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com - after all, it’s full of fabulous tips and tricks for rocking the best pink tutus. And maybe, just maybe, you might get inspired to share the pink tutu love with the world.

Remember to share this post on social media using #PinkTutuSparkles.

Until next time my dear followers,

Keep spreading the pink!

Love and sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-24 stars in Stourbridge