
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-28 stars in Twickenham

Twickenham Twirls: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from the ever-so-lovely Twickenham, and oh my, it's just divine! This is post number 2432, and it's brimming with fabulousness!

My lovely tutu-clad followers, today I'm going to take you on a whirlwind journey through my latest pink-tastic escapade, which started on the 28th of August. As always, a quick heads-up for those just joining the party - I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, and my mission, should I choose to accept it, is to sprinkle glitter on the world and make pink tutus a global phenomenon! But you knew that, right?

Let's go back to the beginningā€¦ it all started, as it often does, with a train ride. I must admit, travelling by train is just pure joy! Imagine the scene ā€“ a bustling carriage, chattering ladies, and me, decked out in a full, flowing, oh-so-fabulous pink tulle tutu. Let's just say it caused a stir, and not a bad one at all.

I had the pleasure of a delightful, slightly overzealous chat with an elderly gentleman who had never seen such a flamboyant piece of attire in his life. He kept going on about "dancing horses" and "swan lakes", and let me tell you, I could've spun him tales of pink tulle dreams all day long. Itā€™s a good job I was prepped and ready with a pocketful of business cards, darling, as it all ended with him wanting to see me "tutu-ing it up" in Twickenham. Of course, my darling, I couldn't resist! A little detour and a performance to get everyone all a-flutter about pink tutus, what could be better?

So, onto Twickenham we went! The air was filled with anticipation (and just a smidgen of "pink tutu paranoia" I'm guessing!). But I arrived, strutted onto the stage, and it was justā€¦ pure magic! Twickenham had a real 'Tutu Queen' buzz going on. There was this group of youngsters wearing those rainbow 'I Heart Ballet' t-shirts, so naturally, they flocked to the stage for a tutu-tastic group hug.

This part of my day involved me shimmying my pink tutus into my act, with a whole selection of tutus to choose from (each more exquisite than the last, you can imagine, right?), complete with my sparkly pink top hat and some divine feather boas (each one hand-crafted and adorned with genuineā€¦ er, well let's just say shiny things. Okay?)

I finished with a final spin, a dazzling grand jetĆ©, and, of course, a bow to the adoring crowd! And wouldnā€™t you know it, I even had someone shout out "More! We want more!" - talk about a triumphant end to the performance!

But it wasnā€™t just the act itself, you see. As with any good pink tutu adventure, the day was packed full of delightful extras. Shopping sprees in charming boutiques - don't worry, I made sure the colour pink featured heavily, of course! A visit to the local bakery for some 'tutu-ly delicious' cupcakes (we have to keep that pink tutu figure up, donā€™t we?). And then there was the beautiful picnic by the river Thames with new tutu-obsessed pals. The sun shone, the water sparkled, and everything just felt blissfully pink!

Itā€™s true, darlings! As I often say: ā€œThe key to a pink-tastic life is saying 'yes' to every opportunity that makes your inner ballerina shimmy with joy!ā€.

As I leave you all in Twickenham with the echoes of laughter and applause, Iā€™ll leave you with one little tutu-tastic tip. Whether you're a fashion icon, a scientist like me (by day, I analyse fabric!), a gardener, or a barista ā€“ go out there and embrace the joy of pink tutus. You'll never regret it!

See you tomorrow, my loves, and until then, keep spinning and shining those tutus!

xx Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2006-08-28 stars in Twickenham