Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-09 stars in Bournville

Bournville Bound! 🩰💖 - Post #2566

Oh darling, hello darlings! Your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle a little shimmer onto your day! 💫

This past week has been such a whirlwind of twirls and tulle. My love affair with Bournville continues - this delightful chocolate town (don't you just love the name?!) has so much to offer. Today, my blog post takes you along with me, documenting my trip in the pinkest possible way, as always!

First, let's get this out of the way - it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles travelogue without a mention of transportation. Now, my dears, Bournville is nestled in the heart of the Midlands, and there's simply nothing more enchanting than a train journey to reach such a destination. I must say, the British railway system - when it behaves itself! - is so delightful. And can you even imagine the looks I received at Birmingham New Street Station? Purely divine!

Bournville's Ballet Bliss:

But the train journey was just the start! Arriving in Bournville felt like stepping into a storybook - all quaint streets, charming houses, and of course, the iconic chocolate factory! And my first stop? The Bournville Ballet School, naturally! Oh my dears, those girls could twirl! You'd think the Nutcracker itself was right there, with those precision jumps and effortless grace. And the costumes?! Honestly, you can never go wrong with tulle. I'm starting to feel a little bit of inspiration, myself! Maybe I'll incorporate some ballet-inspired elements into my next drag performance. Just wait for the twirls, darlings, the twirls!

Pink in Every Corner!

You'll be happy to hear that my mission to spread the pink-tutu gospel continued seamlessly throughout the day! Honestly, Bournville is the perfect town to embrace the power of pink. Imagine: me, strolling through the beautiful park (that was practically bursting with pink blooms, no less!) in a perfectly fitting, fabulous pink tutu! It felt almost surreal, like a scene from one of those enchanting ballet productions that transport you to another world. I even spotted a sweet little girl sporting a pale pink tulle skirt - such a delight! My work is clearly done.

The Chocolate Craze!

You all know I can't resist a good bit of chocolate, and Bournville delivered on all fronts. I simply had to take a peek at Cadbury World - my dears, it's a sensory feast! They have this interactive chocolate fountain where you can dunk anything you like - even marshmallows! I might've accidentally had a little too much chocolate, but who could blame me? It was irresistible! My sugar-induced haze didn't stop there. I found this charming, old-fashioned sweetie shop on a back street that sold every candy imaginable! There were even penny sweets, oh the nostalgia! I ended up with a bag full of colourful delights. What a way to sweeten my journey!

My Pink Tutu Travels, Day to Night!

After my sugar high, I had to treat my poor feet with a proper dose of dance, so off I went to Bournville's beautiful theatre. Imagine a fantastic theatre, the smell of popcorn, the rustling of fabric as people settled in. That magic was a total experience, and to make it even more glorious, they were performing an amazing play with a beautiful soundtrack! As always, the whole experience brought my inner theatre girl to life - the lights, the sound of laughter from the audience...it truly was magical. I mean, where else can you go from dancing chocolate fountains to theatrical wonders in the blink of an eye? That's what I love about my life! It's never dull.

The Beauty of Simple Things

But my dears, sometimes it's the quiet moments that hold the real magic. Bournville reminded me that there's beauty everywhere, even in the simplest things. The way the sunlight catches the pink blooms in the park, the way the warm scent of chocolate lingers in the air. I took a stroll by the canal and simply breathed it all in - the peace, the serenity. I truly do love the simple things in life! It’s in these moments, my dears, where I feel most connected to the world. The pink tutu is the vessel, but it’s these quiet reflections that make my journey meaningful.

One Day, You’ll Be Wearing Pink!

You’re probably wondering: “Alex, where can I find a pink tutu and how can I wear it like you?!”

I can see the question forming in your mind, darling. But fret not! Finding the perfect tutu is easier than you think! A great option is to hit up a fancy dress shop (you can find ones online!). Be warned: there’s some real glitter-bomb gems out there. Do your research, check the material, make sure it’s comfy (don’t be afraid to feel the tutu). Then it’s time for the real fun: customizing!

Pick some fabulous ribbon, or a sparkly feather boa (this is an absolute must). Or be daring with sequins! Get out that hot glue gun and start accessorizing like crazy. It's a journey, my dear. But oh, it's so worth it. You're going to love it! And remember: confidence is key. When you wear a pink tutu, you wear confidence, you wear fun, you wear yourself. So get out there, shimmy, and sparkle, darlings!

As always, I'll be here sharing my pink tutu adventures on www.pink-tutu.com! Join me on this fabulous journey as I discover the world, one pink twirl at a time! And never forget, my darlings: life is about embracing the pink, so twirl on, my dears! 💕

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-09 stars in Bournville