Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-18 stars in Upminster

Upminster: Tutu Adventures!

Post number 2575, serving up pink glitter and glamour with a dash of science!

Hello darlings, it's your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And boy, oh boy, do I have a tale to tell!

Yesterday, I hopped aboard the train to Upminster. As you know, my love for travel knows no bounds. I just love whizzing through the English countryside, feeling the wind in my hair (well, not really as I always have a stunning wig in place!), admiring the passing landscapes and imagining the stories unfolding in each quaint village. Today, my heart is all aflutter because Upminster promised to be an enchanting destination! And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!

The streets of Upminster were bursting with charm! Quaint tea rooms, vibrant florists, and friendly faces lined the pavements. I felt right at home – a little slice of pink-tutu paradise nestled amongst the traditional charm.

Finding the Sparkle:

As I sashayed down the high street, my eye caught a glimmer of a most enchanting vintage boutique called “The Dusty Diamond.” A sign whispered "Sparkly Treasures and Pretty Threads” in a font that just screamed “come in and be fabulous, darling!” How could I resist? A whirlwind of delightful fabrics and treasures awaited me – silk scarves in vibrant hues, dazzling vintage jewelry, and oh my, some stunning hats, the kind that would have Queen Elizabeth II begging for a hat swap!

I found myself drawn to the most exquisite pink lace top. A truly ethereal creation, it was as if it had been designed just for me. It was as though the stars had aligned and this masterpiece had been waiting for my arrival. This top had my name written all over it and I knew it would look simply divine with my shimmering pink tutu and some killer heels. I purchased it with a giddy delight! This top was a stroke of sheer brilliance!

The Perfect Ballet Inspiration:

Next up, it was time for a delightful adventure – a ballet show! I am completely besotted by ballet. The beauty, the elegance, the artistry… It speaks to the pink-tutu lover in me like nothing else. A show at the Upminster Arts Centre called "La Fille Mal Gardée" promised a classical performance.

Now, let’s be real. Even though I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, there's a real scientific mind bubbling away beneath the glitter! During my university years, I actually studied a science degree. But, let’s not dwell on the technicalities! Let's just say that those long lab hours were brightened by ballet performances at the university club! My first time ever in a tutu was during a fundraising event at the university. It was for a charity called "Dance for Dreams", and they asked all the lads in the ballet club to get on stage. Oh the memories! The thrill of that moment – feeling the fabric swirl around my legs and knowing I was helping a worthy cause… Pure magic!

In that sense, you can say that both science and ballet run deep in my veins. So naturally, as I watched the performance at the Arts Centre, I felt that sense of excitement! Every movement was captivating! It was the perfect way to end my Upminster escapade – elegant, enchanting, and infused with a sprinkle of science (you could just hear the DNA swirling in my tutus!)

Pink Tutu Adventures, Next Stop...

Now, as I’m sure you know, there’s more to life than just pink tutus (although some days, it’s tempting to argue that point!). But, honestly, pink tutus are my muse! They’re my canvas. They’re a platform for expressing the playful, fabulous side of my personality. My passion? Spreading the love for tutus. Pink tutus! To the moon and back!

But before I bid you farewell, let me give you a sneak peek into the Pink Tutu Sparkles schedule for the coming days:

  • Next Friday: It’s a fancy-dress festival at the county fair in * Ashby de la Zouch. Imagine! Pink tutus aplenty! I am preparing a *stunning ensemble – it involves sequins, glitter, feather boas, and possibly even a sparkly pink umbrella (rain or shine, right?).
  • Sunday: I'm travelling by horse-drawn carriage to * Bakewell* for a charity fundraiser – my new lace top will be the star of the show, I promise.

Now, to all you darling readers: Have you embraced the pink tutu spirit yet? If you haven't, well then... it’s time to twirl into action, darlings! Join the Pink Tutu revolution, one tutu at a time! And don't forget to join me over on www.pink-tutu.com.

Stay sparkly, stay fabulous, stay pink!

Yours, always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2007-01-18 stars in Upminster