Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-30 stars in Manchester

Manchester Sparkle! - Pink Tutu Post #2587

Oh darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a fabulous trip to Manchester, a city bursting with character and charm. Let me tell you, I’ve been so busy dazzling those lovely people that I hardly had time to blog!

But never fear, my darlings, because your Pink Tutu Sparkles is here to recount every glittering detail!

I don't think I've ever travelled quite like this before. Let me backtrack and give you a little back story. You see, this trip to Manchester was a whirlwind. I was booked to perform at a fabulous charity fundraiser, right smack dab in the middle of the city. And guess what, darlings? A very generous sponsor provided me with first-class train tickets. A private compartment all to myself, comfy seats, and a full set of fancy-pants snacks! Talk about living the high life, don’t you know?

As I settled into my plush seat and looked out at the countryside flitting by, I was daydreaming about all the possibilities that lay ahead. A new city, a new audience, a chance to spread the magic of pink tutus! Now, some of you might know this but my ultimate dream, aside from winning a glitter-coated Grammy award for “Best Tutu Performance”, is to get the whole world to wear a pink tutu! It's just that darn catchy. There's just something so wonderfully joyful and playful about a pink tutu! It takes the everyday and transforms it into a little bit of magic!

So back to the train journey! It was all kinds of wonderful, especially as it gave me a chance to plan out my looks for the show. My handbag, by the way, was packed to the rafters with sequins, feather boas, and my beloved stash of pink tutus, of course. Why carry around one tutu when you could be carrying six? Never underestimate the power of a spare!

Anyway, as the train rolled into Manchester, I was filled with a heady mix of excitement and nerves. My outfit was immaculate, the pink tutu flowed gracefully with every movement of the train, my make-up flawless and I had packed my favourite pink sequined boots – they looked spectacular in the train window! The day I have been waiting for, the day I have been practicing for, had arrived!

After a brief taxi ride (always ask your cab driver to turn the radio up to the greatest pop hits!) I arrived at my venue. The atmosphere was buzzing! All the glitterati, fashionistas, and charity patrons were just teeming with anticipation, eager to be dazzled. I popped my sparkly bag down and started my transformation in the bathroom. Don't you just love dressing up in public bathrooms? There's always a little air of secret drama going on! Once transformed into my alter ego, I did a quick pep-talk in the mirror to boost my confidence. "Pink Tutu Sparkles, you've got this!" I muttered with a confident wink and a flourish of my feathered fan.

The show itself was a complete triumph! The crowd was amazing, their laughter, cheers, and thunderous applause filling the room. I whipped through my signature performance routine, including a showstopping twirl that brought the house down. They were howling!

Then, the best bit – the finale! I ended my act with my most heartfelt request. With the room falling silent I gazed across the crowd with a playful twinkle in my eye, "Everyone, I have a dream... To see the world covered in pink tutus!" It’s crazy, darling, but as soon as I spoke the words, I knew it was time. Time for the Tutu Takeover!

You could feel the magic in the air! I ripped off my scarlet scarlet cape (a total shock to everyone! they thought I was wearing an oversized sequined scarf! It had been in the planning for weeks!), to reveal the most stunning ensemble underneath: A cascade of billowing tulle, every colour of the rainbow in a beautiful ombre that was impossible to miss. I held the dress aloft as I walked through the audience, beaming from ear to ear. Then, in the most dramatic finale yet, I invited all the lovely ladies to join me in a celebratory whirl. My lovely dance team had planned this whole thing – you would never know that they had all secretly snuck extra pink tutus into their purses, so within a second the audience were dancing around with the loveliest and fluffiest pink tutus imaginable! The entire crowd was laughing, twirling, and posing for pictures - a room filled with sparkling pink! What more could I have wished for? It was magical, darling!

This performance was something else, truly special, and I felt it in my core, deep inside. But remember, a successful Pink Tutu performance is more than just dazzling sequins and fantastic costumes. It's also about bringing joy and inspiration to those around me, and for one incredible evening, we created that magic in Manchester! You could hear whispers of “pink tutu takeover” all over the dancefloor – I think that idea is going to catch on!

My next blog post, darling, will be a thrilling travelogue about a trip to the north Yorkshire Moors – you can be sure to hear all about the fabulous train journey (this time with the full horse drawn carriage treatment!), and the amazing countryside we are riding through.

Remember, stay beautiful, keep sparkling, and wear pink tutus! Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

Pink Tutu Sparkles' Tip of the Day:

Feeling adventurous? Throw on a pink tutu, a few feathers and a healthy dose of confidence. Then, go out and embrace the world with open arms. Don't forget the mascara! You’ve got this darling!

*Website: *www.pink-tutu.com

Twitter: @PinkTutuSparkle

*Instagram: *#PinkTutuSparkle

You Tube: ThePinkTutuQueen

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-30 stars in Manchester