Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-14 stars in East Ham

East Ham, You Pinky Little Gem!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, darlings! This is blog post number 2661, and I'm bursting with excitement to tell you about my recent trip to the charming little town of East Ham. Let's be real, it might not be the most glamorous destination on the map, but for me, the true glamour comes from the journey.

This time, I opted for the classic - a jaunt by train. The gentle chugging rhythm really gets me into a dreamy mood, you know? I mean, you'd think a girl like me who loves ballet would be all about fancy high-speed trains, but something about the slow, contemplative journey really helps my creativity bubble over. And that, my dears, is essential for a diva like myself.

Speaking of creativity, let's talk fashion! You've heard of "East End fashion"? Well, let me tell you, I put my own sparkly spin on it! I pulled out my favourite pink tutu, a billowing creation that could make a swan jealous, and paired it with a vintage jacket, a fluffy feather boa (essential for any self-respecting drag queen on the move), and a hat that wouldn't look out of place on a high tea party.

Now, let's talk about the highlight of my trip – a local theatre production of Swan Lake. Swan Lake, my absolute favourite! This show was spectacular! You can't get a better setting than a small town theatre. The audience was buzzing, and the atmosphere was electric! As soon as those first notes of Tchaikovsky started playing, I knew this was going to be magical. I, of course, took the opportunity to bust out some ballet moves during the interval. I mean, I had to! Ballet and I are like two peas in a pod, a tutu in a tulle – inseparable, darling!

After the performance, I treated myself to a late-night feast of fish and chips from a local chippy – a true East End experience! You know, there's something incredibly charming about finding these little gems in unassuming places.

Speaking of gems, I must tell you about a wonderful independent boutique I discovered tucked away in a side street. I found a beautiful pair of rose-gold earrings that sparkled like diamonds, which are, naturally, now an essential part of my drag look! I always believe a good accessory can truly transform a look, especially if it’s pink!

Of course, no trip would be complete without a sprinkle of that Pink Tutu magic, so I found myself in a local community centre doing a small performance for their summer fundraiser. You wouldn't believe how enthusiastic they were! Turns out, there's a little bit of pink sparkle in everyone. And hey, it's my life's mission to bring it out, one glittery tutu at a time!

This journey wasn't just about glamour, my darlings. It was about connection, about exploring, about reminding myself why I love what I do. And you know what? East Ham, with its unassuming charm, provided just that. It was a breath of fresh air, a reminder to always keep an open mind and look for beauty in the unexpected.

Until next time, keep spreading that pink sparkle wherever you go!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, out!

(But remember, darling, to stay tuned to www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates on my glamorous adventures!)

A Little More About Pink Tutu Sparkles

For those who don't know me, my name is Pink Tutu Sparkles, a 20-something year old drag artist with a serious case of tutu-mania. You could say I have a bit of an obsession! It all started with a little bit of fun - back in university, I was in the ballet club and had to wear a tutu for a charity fundraising event. You can't imagine how many compliments I got on that outfit. It was then that I realised – this was the way to go!

I live in a quaint little village in Derbyshire and by day I am a scientist in a lab, but once the lab is closed, the Pink Tutu Sparkles emerges, with all her glitter and glamour! I perform whenever I can - local festivals, parties, charity events – the more glitter, the better, don't you think?

There’s nothing like stepping on stage in a shimmering pink tutu, feeling the audience’s energy, and seeing smiles break out all around. My aim? To bring a little bit of sparkle to everyone’s lives – one pink tutu at a time!

Pink Tutu Travels: My Favourite Mode of Transport

One thing I absolutely love doing is hopping on the train and exploring new places. There's something so romantic and magical about train travel, especially when you have your favourite pink tutu and a big bag of sparkling accessories along for the ride!

Yes, I have also tried horseback! Don’t judge me. It was a gift from a wonderful gentleman in one of the towns where I had a performance. What was I supposed to say? “Oh, I can’t go riding a beautiful white steed; I need to wear my pink tutu?” Besides, riding a horse in my signature outfit was a blast! A whole different type of glam. Just imagine the stares on the High Street. It felt so freeing!

As much as I love hopping on the train to my destination, it is more likely to find me behind the wheel of my trusty vintage car. Not always, though, sometimes I just need a slower journey. There are few things more therapeutic than relaxing in a comfy armchair and letting the world fly by while the train rattles gently down the tracks! It helps my brain to generate brilliant new performance ideas. My mind is an intricate place, you see! I guess I’m a little bit of a diva on a budget! It keeps my touring affordable and my schedule exciting.

Travel is an important part of my life as a drag artist. It allows me to see the world through rose-tinted spectacles and to spread a little pink sparkle wherever I go. I often find inspiration for my acts from my adventures and from the different communities and places I encounter. I think it’s important for artists, especially drag artists, to go out and explore, to experience new things and bring those experiences back into our performance, into our creative selves.

Oh! I'm also getting more and more into the ballet, especially "ballet street." Did I tell you that I recently learned a little bit of the tango? So much fun, so much swish and movement! And, the dresses? Fabulous. So I might get my very first pair of dancing shoes. Can you imagine me in the latest pink dancing shoes with a shimmering pink tutu, swishing it up on the stage?

A Typical Day For a Scientist/Drag Queen!

You can find me working my science-loving day job at a very well known and reputable lab, testing all kinds of different materials to find their suitability for new clothes designs. Think “technical fabrics.” Oh, I forgot to tell you. The company has its headquarters near … yes you guessed it… London! So it’s a super easy train ride for me!

I always carry around a travel-sized set of cosmetics and of course, a whole selection of sparkling clips. So after a long day in the lab, the fun truly begins. It’s time to transform into a dazzling, sparkling drag queen! And boy, is my drag transformation fun!

My typical day, once I’m in my apartment, starts with a long, hot shower, and then, the magic happens. I put on the right tunes, a playlist I carefully curated, and that’s when my pink transformation begins! I use the most spectacular make-up (not the kind that my science friends wear!). Then, I get into my glitzy getup, do my hair and – there you have it – my sparkly persona takes over. My friends can attest that by this time, the entire place is buzzing with that unmistakable “Pink Tutu Sparkles” energy.

When the energy’s pumping, there’s nothing more fun that getting my glam on before the evening's show!

Where To Find Pink Tutu Sparkles!

My darlings, if you want to see this fab queen in action, come say hello at the venues near where you are. I am looking forward to dancing with you. Just visit the website www.pink-tutu.com, check the event schedule, and make a note of the dates of my appearances.

You'll definitely spot me in a glamorous new pink outfit! My tutus come in different styles for every event – a classic ballerina tutu for that touch of fairytale elegance; a tutu-inspired dress when I want a dash of glamour; or even a short pink tutu and thigh-high pink boots for a little something extra cheeky! There’s no end to the fun of playing with pink, and every new outfit, darling, is always pink-tastic.

Pink Tutu’s Big Dream: A World Dressed in Pink!

Now, here’s a little dream of mine, something I like to call “A world dressed in pink!” A beautiful pink world, all shimmery, all joyful, where tutus, sequins and sparkly heels are commonplace! Just think, a world of rainbows and dancing, where even the clouds are fluffy, pink and sparkly.

I'm serious, I would love to have people in the world thinking that it is more than okay to dress up, get a little crazy and let their sparkle show! To put their dreams into action. We all need to find something that gives us a bit of extra pep in our step, something that makes us happy! For me, it’s tutus, a dash of pink and all the glamour that comes with it! That, and making sure everyone has the chance to laugh and to express themselves.

I guess that’s the message I want to give you, dear readers: Live your life with all the glitter and sparkle! Let the pink tutu in you shine, even if you can't bear to leave your fluffy slippers for the night. You can get that feeling just from reading my posts and joining in on my journey to a world brimming with pink, positive, creative, and beautiful vibes.

Now, isn't that an inspiring idea?

And until my next adventure, keep it pink and sparkling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing out.

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-14 stars in East Ham