
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-06-24 stars in Kirkby

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Kirkby: Post 2732

Oh, my darlings! Buckle up, grab a cuppa, and letโ€™s chat about my fab-u-lous adventures in Kirkby! You know me, always chasing rainbows and the perfect pink tutu. This journey took me on a whirlwind of trains and tulle, culminating in a dazzling performance under the Kirkby starlight!

As I mentioned last week, I've been yearning to grace Kirkby with my presence for ages. Iโ€™d heard tales of a bustling marketplace with vendors brimming with all things fabulous and a little Victorian charm (oh, how I love the history of a place!) And letโ€™s face it, a trip to Kirkby just felt... pink-tastic!

The journey began at the Derbyshire station. Imagine me, dressed in a vibrant hot pink satin bomber jacket with a dazzlingly pink tutu peekaboo-ing from beneath! I call this ensemble my "train-ready" look โ€“ glamorous, comfy, and oh-so-easy for travelling in style. My luggage was, of course, a beautiful antique suitcase โ€“ no dull wheelie bins for me! I always prefer a touch of elegance and practicality, a testament to my impeccable sense of style.

The train ride was just lovely, a tranquil affair. I indulged in my favourite book โ€“ 'The Ballet Diaries' โ€“ with a delightful Earl Grey tea. My fellow passengers were completely enthralled by my fabulous outfit โ€“ which, by the way, sparked several exciting tutu conversations! This truly proved to me that everyone can be a tutu-queen in their own right. Let's face it, darling, a bit of pink fluff never hurt anyone!

Kirkby itself was a true delight! The quaint market square was alive with music, laughter, and the most exquisite sights. I was practically transported back to a vintage fairytale โ€“ it was magical! The moment I spotted the "Vintage Tea Emporium" โ€“ pink painted walls with cascading wisteria vines! - my heart soared. I couldn't resist popping in for a spot of cream tea โ€“ a perfect pink and floral teapot with dainty pink biscuits! Itโ€™s the little things in life that truly matter!

Naturally, I was not simply on a whimsical day trip. My purpose in Kirkby? To bring my Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to a delightful fair โ€“ the "Kirkby Extravaganza" - where I found myself dazzling crowds in the middle of a glorious, colourful fair! There were stalls upon stalls of delightful, sparkly delights, and I, of course, was the glittering jewel!

The show was a blast! My costume was a symphony of pink: a layered tulle tutu in the softest blush with silver sparkles catching the lights just so, adorned with cascading feather boas in every shade of pink. Oh, and letโ€™s not forget my feather-trimmed tiara - I truly felt like a queen! My dance routine, infused with elements of ballet and contemporary flair, was met with thunderous applause! The audience just adored every twirl and flick of my dazzling pink tutu. I even had little girls wanting to wear pink tutus โ€“ so many adorable pink future tutu queens in the making! It was utterly fulfilling.

The real reward was not just the cheers of the crowd but the feeling of being utterly connected to everyone โ€“ even the little lad with a beaming smile wearing a pink sparkly hat who told me "You're awesome!" - pure bliss! It reinforced my lifelong dream: to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu and express their unique sparkle.

But there's more! After the performance, I was absolutely thrilled to meet a fellow tutu enthusiast - a dear lady called "Lady Lillian" who runs the "Pink Tulle Boutique." We spent a joyous evening giggling over tea, sharing stories, and oohing and ahhing over vintage tulle and delicate lace trims! It's these moments of connecting with fellow lovers of all things pink that truly warm my heart.

As I write this, the gentle hum of the train ride back to Derbyshire washes over me. But donโ€™t think for a moment that my pink tutu odyssey ends here! There are countless towns and villages across the UK that await my shimmering presence! So, hold on tight, darlings, for my next blog post is full of pink and surprises.

And remember: itโ€™s not about the perfect tutu, the flawless makeup, or the dazzling costume โ€“ itโ€™s about the joy, the laughter, and the sheer pleasure of being fabulous, just as you are! Be brave, darling! Unleash your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Lots of pink love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2007-06-24 stars in Kirkby