Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-07-18 stars in Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth, Darling! Post 2756

Hello, darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to unleash some fabulousness straight from the sunny shores of Great Yarmouth! This gorgeous seaside town has got my inner sparkle bubbling over, and let me tell you, this is going to be one epic blog post!

As always, I’m back with you after a thrilling adventure, which in this case involved a delightful journey on the trusty old railway. You know, I’m a total sucker for train rides - it’s something about the rhythmic click-clacking of the wheels on the tracks and the hushed whispers of anticipation in the carriage, plus I have way too much fun watching everyone's faces when I sashay down the aisle in my finest pink tutu, naturally. It’s always a little show in itself!

But this time, there was a special something in the air – that salty, seaside scent, you know? The kind that always conjures images of brightly coloured beach huts, the rhythmic crunch of sand underfoot, and the tantalizing scent of fish and chips. Ah, memories!

This week, the whole Pink Tutu Sparkles team has been busy as a bee, working our way through an absolutely jam-packed schedule in the bustling seaside town of Great Yarmouth. My journey here has been absolutely magical, from the moment I boarded the train, feeling the familiar sway as we chugged through the beautiful English countryside. It always feels so different than travelling by car - there’s a feeling of liberation, of being whisked away on an enchanting escapade!

Now, back to Great Yarmouth. You see, dear readers, I've been a busy little bee preparing for my big performance at the annual Summer Extravaganza - a fabulous festival with carnival games, circus acts, and yes, you guessed it, fabulous entertainment. You can bet your bottom dollar, I've been putting together my best set, packed full of flamboyant dancing, lip-sync battles that would make even RuPaul gag, and yes, you better believe that those glorious pink tutus are going to be on full display!

The stage setup was just pure glitz and glamour! My dressing room was overflowing with sequined leotards, sparkly shoes that I could only dream of dancing in and a full arsenal of colourful face paints. The whole backstage atmosphere was full of that familiar excitement that only happens before a big performance – the anticipation bubbling, the sound of backstage chatter, and the sweet smell of stage makeup. Oh, it was so exhilarating!

Speaking of glitz, I must tell you about the most fabulous shop I stumbled upon! The owner had the best eye for design, with walls bursting with sequins and plumes of feathers in all colours imaginable. Honestly, darling, I almost broke my bank buying every sequin-covered piece I could lay my eyes on! I did, however, treat myself to a brand new pink tutu, just for you, my lovely blog readers. This particular number is absolutely fabulous! The colour is a shade of pink so bright it’s practically neon, and the sheer layers of tulle shimmer and sway like a gentle breeze. Let's just say it’s made my wardrobe completely fabulous, and I just know it will be the centrepiece of my upcoming show.

Of course, after shopping comes my other passion - food! Great Yarmouth is renowned for its seaside fare, and I must say, the local seafood was divine. I went to the most adorable little seafood restaurant by the harbour. I simply had to indulge in their fresh-caught oysters, and oh my god, it was like tasting the very essence of the sea! The waiter, bless his cotton socks, was also dressed in a most dapper tuxedo. He truly knows how to create an ambience, and he definitely scored extra points for that charming touch.

After indulging in that exquisite meal, I decided to go for a long walk along the beachfront. It was a clear, sunny evening with a gentle breeze rustling through the tall grasses. The smell of the salty sea air invigorated me, and I couldn’t help but kick off my high heels and run along the beach. It was so freeing, just me and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

Speaking of waves, did I mention my encounter with the cutest little ballerina at the local ballet school? She was about six years old, her eyes sparkling with a fiery passion for dance, just like mine! She had this little pink tutu on, perfectly poised and elegant, and she moved with a grace I rarely see even in seasoned professionals. I found myself chatting with her parents, they’re huge fans of my blog and were thrilled to see me in the flesh! She even did a little twirl for me in her pink tutu, absolutely magical! Seeing that young ballerina reminded me of the day I first discovered my passion for ballet and how much I love sharing that joy with the world!

And that's just a sneak peek into my wonderful adventures in Great Yarmouth, dear readers. Stay tuned for my next post, where I'll reveal more about my performance and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a peek at the behind-the-scenes of Pink Tutu Sparkles! Until then, remember to always sparkle and shine bright. And never be afraid to embrace the magic of the world in your own unique way, especially when it comes to wearing pink tutus!

Now, I have a final confession. Do you know how my love for pink tutus started? It’s actually a rather comical story. Back when I was studying science at the university, I joined the ballet club, purely for the exercise, you know? Then came a charity event – a 'Tutu-thon', to raise funds for the local hospital. My friends convinced me to try it out. One twirl in that tutu, and I felt transformed, like I found my calling. You know, when something is destined for you, you just know! From then on, my life was changed. I found a place where my passion for science met my love for fashion and dance – the stage was my laboratory, and the spotlight was my test tube!

The science part? Yes! It's no surprise for those who know me – Pink Tutu Sparkles isn’t just a drag persona, she is actually a real person. During the day, I work in a lab, analyzing fabric textures for strength, colourfastness, and resistance. This scientific expertise, actually, is perfect for designing and choosing the best pink tutus for my performances! Imagine me, balancing my love for fashion and my love for science – that’s the true essence of Pink Tutu Sparkles! It’s about taking the best parts of yourself and embracing them completely.

Now, I know many of you have told me you are just a bit nervous about the whole pink tutu thing. But trust me, darling, you are missing out! Pink tutus are fun, bold, and absolutely bursting with happiness. You don't need a reason to wear a pink tutu – just wear it! Just imagine, what would it feel like to see an entire city draped in pink tutus? What a dazzling scene! Imagine the pure joy that would spread like wildfire, contagious, irresistible!

That’s what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about - celebrating joy, colour, and individuality! Spread the love, spread the sparkle, and above all, wear a pink tutu – let your inner child, your true self, have a chance to shine!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2007-07-18 stars in Great Yarmouth