
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-12 stars in North Shields

North Shields Sparkle: Post #2781

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to shimmy into another fabulous day of glitz and glamour! As you know, I'm a firm believer in spreading the pink tutu love far and wide, and today, I'm taking that love all the way up north to the charming seaside town of North Shields.

The train journey was a dream, especially after a cheeky afternoon tea at my favourite Derbyshire tea room - they actually had a special "pink tutu" tea set! I couldn't resist snapping a quick selfie with the teapot, obviously wearing my favourite pink tutu (it's the one with the sparkly butterfly detail, if you're wondering).

Speaking of tutus, I can't help but gush about the sheer joy of dancing in them. I mean, what's not to love? Twirling, leaping, pirouetting - the world transforms into a magical stage, and I'm the lead ballerina. I can feel the whispers of "Bravo, Pink Tutu Sparkles!" Even if the only whispers are coming from my own reflection in the mirror.

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without a dose of shopping therapy, and North Shields did not disappoint! The vintage shops were brimming with delightful finds, like a beautiful coral feather boa (it's perfect for a flamenco-inspired performance) and a shimmering emerald green hat with a tiny, perfectly-placed pink tutu detail on the brim! (Can you even believe it? This hat was literally MADE for me!)

I did, however, face a slight sartorial dilemma this morning - my favorite pink tutu is a littleā€¦well, let's call it ā€œtravel worn.ā€ So, I was forced to choose a new companion for the evening's show. It was a difficult decision, but I finally settled on a bright fuchsia number with sequined swans dancing around its hem. Letā€™s just say I'm ready to unleash my inner Swan Lake, North Shields style!

I've been invited to perform at the ā€œPier Pressureā€ event, a festival celebrating all things artistic and creative. Itā€™s the perfect spot for a Pink Tutu Sparkles showcase! They've even offered to create a "Pink Tutu Sparkles Lounge," which will be adorned with pink fairy lights, tutus galore, and, of course, a generous supply of champagne!

Speaking of sparkle, let's talk about my stage name! I get asked this all the time. Honestly, it happened on a whim back in uni. My bestie and I were working on a fundraising event for the university's ballet club. I got a little carried away and ended up wearing a tutu, which was a bit out of character for a science student. But you know what, it felt liberating! So we added the pink sparkle (of course!), and "Pink Tutu Sparkles" was born!

I've always felt drawn to pink - it's such a playful and joyful colour. I think it really resonates with the essence of drag: the audacity, the joy of self-expression, and the confidence to wear whatever makes you feel fabulous. As for the tutuā€¦well, itā€™s a symbol of grace, beauty, and strength, even for a big clumsy gal like me.

Now, darlings, letā€™s not forget that beneath all the glitz and feathers is a regular girl called Alex. By day, I spend my time testing fabric at a laboratory. (Donā€™t worry, itā€™s all scientifically safe and environmentally sound! My experiments never involve tutus, just tiny robots. Although I do think those tiny robots would look fabulous in a little ballet costumeā€¦) By night, I put on my pink tutu, grab my mic, and embrace the joy of performing!

Being Pink Tutu Sparkles isnā€™t just about entertainment, though. It's about sharing a message of love, self-acceptance, and yes, even the power of a little pink tutu magic! If I can get even one more person to embrace the tutus and sparkle, my day will be made! So, wherever you are, dare to dream big, shine your brightest, and rememberā€¦you are absolutely fabulous!

Until next time, darlings, keep on twirling and glittering!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-12 stars in North Shields