
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-14 stars in Spalding

Spalding: A Tutu-ful Journey to the Fens

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with you for blog post number 2783! Can you believe it? Over 2,700 posts on the www.pink-tutu.com website, sharing my adventures with you. And today? I'm bringing you right into the heart of Lincolnshire - the beautiful, historic town of Spalding! This week, the Fens are calling and darling, my fabulous self just had to answer.

Now, let's talk travel, because, you know, when Pink Tutu Sparkles journeys, there's nothing less than glamour! And while my heart still leaps at the idea of a horse-drawn carriage, let's be real - for this trip, it's all about the majesty of a steam train. Can you picture it, dearies? Me, in my new oh-so-pink silk dressing gown and matching slippers, enjoying a leisurely journey through the countryside with a pot of tea and a good book, the sound of the steam engine adding to the sheer magic of the trip! You wouldn't believe the stares, all those admiring glances! And I'm sure my Pink Tutu Sparkles' travelling accessories (a new suitcase just for my shoes, don't you know) make the train journey extra fabulous.

And once we arrive in Spalding, darlings? Well, the fun really begins! Iā€™m planning a grand adventure ā€“ exploring the town's hidden gems. Spalding's famous for its market, so of course I'm adding that to my itinerary, ready to be dazzled by local crafts and maybe find a new pink feather boa to add to my collection (never can have enough of those, can we?).

Naturally, no journey of Pink Tutu Sparkles would be complete without a performance! This week I'm gracing a local community hall with my dazzling drag. You know, my mission, dear friends? It's a lifelong one, to get the entire world wearing pink tutus! One performance, one person, at a time. And the wonderful people of Spalding, you can be sure theyā€™re ready to tutu-tally fall in love with the joy and beauty of pink!

As usual, the show is sure to be oh-so-extra! Expect sparkly sequins, glittering eyelashes, fabulous hair extensions (always gotta be dramatic!), and of course, a costume so dazzling it's going to bring sunshine to even the cloudiest of Spalding days. Itā€™ll be a riot of colours and I'll have you all saying, "Sheā€™s just fabulous!" by the end of it.

So why not join me on this pink-tastic adventure, darlings? Keep your eyes glued to www.pink-tutu.com because I'll be posting photos and stories galore. Spalding is calling, and weā€™re going to have the pinkest time, donā€™t you worry about a thing!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

The Making of Pink Tutu Sparkles - From Derbyshire Science Lab to the Stage!

Dearest darlings, you know I love a good story, and you have to know how it all began ā€“ my journey from Alex, the everyday lab scientist, to Pink Tutu Sparkles, your dazzling queen of the pink tutu.

Itā€™s all thanks to a moment of pink-tastic inspiration while studying for my science degree! (Youā€™d be surprised, darling, but a girlā€™s got to keep up appearances even amongst all the test tubes and Bunsen burners, donā€™t you know). Itā€™s in my blood, you see.

Back in those days, I joined the university ballet club - yes, dear readers, I love dancing, it just doesnā€™t end! It's so expressive, you can let loose your emotions and put all those worries aside - itā€™s my form of meditation and a perfect contrast to my rather serious scientific job. It's such a creative, passionate form of expression, isn't it? Anyway, at the club, they held a fundraising event - you know, those charity sales to buy the club new tights and things. The university student body never fails to be hilariously good at fundraising (in all the wrong ways, I should add, bless their hearts!). Anyway, the students were selling anything and everything. A stall had the university drama societyā€™s old costume props and I happened to spot the most adorable tutu hanging in the window - it was a glorious shade of pink, so beautiful I knew I had to have it!

ā€œHow much?ā€, I asked the girl manning the stall.

ā€œThree quid for the tutu and another for the feather boa?ā€, she chirped, ā€œtake ā€˜em, itā€™ll go to a good cause!ā€

She gave me a wink and then it dawned on me... why stop at just three quid? Why not embrace this whole 'tutu-tastic' look? That day was the start of something magical - and dare I say - a little pink!

You see, dear readers, I never realised just how much my life was missing the magic of the pink tutu! I went from dressing for lab days - in trousers and a sensible blouse - to an entire pink wonderland, and believe me, it was more liberating than a PhD in science could ever be! That day, dear friends, Alex turned into Pink Tutu Sparkles and that, darling, is the best decision I've ever made!

From those early days in the university lab, Pink Tutu Sparkles has been creating magic everywhere, whether it's a high street theatre performance, a town hall cabaret, or a countryside village hall. You'll never catch me saying no to a good time, or the opportunity to spread joy and glitz with a little pink tutu!

My favourite part, dear readers, is meeting you! Every day I get messages and emails from so many wonderful people. All sorts, too: from people wanting advice about picking a perfect tutu for their upcoming drag performance (because every performance needs that perfect tutu), to people wanting advice about finally finding the courage to express themselves.

I guess Pink Tutu Sparkles is a kind of inspiration for the everyday person whoā€™s always dreamt of wearing pink and twirling with joy. Just like when I finally put on that first pink tutu. It really is amazing, just waiting for the perfect moment to step out and show the world your fabulous true colours. Don't be afraid, darlings - just step out, put on that pink tutu, and twirl your way into happiness. You can always call on Pink Tutu Sparkles for a little extra sparkle in your life!

And so, darlings, I hope that my little story of how Pink Tutu Sparkles came to be inspires you! It's never too late to discover a whole new you, to discover the joy of dressing up, to find a passion that truly makes you come alive, to find the confidence to spread happiness with your own unique style!

A Glimpse Into My Glamorous World - From Stage to Wardrobe and Everything Pink!

Now darlings, for this truly fabulous post, you have to know, I love nothing more than giving you all a sneak peek into my day-to-day life as Pink Tutu Sparkles! You know, my journey of making everyone embrace the tutu-tastic life, from Derbyshire to Spalding and everywhere in between!

First, of course, we must talk about the wardrobe, darlings. The Pink Tutu Sparkles wardrobe is no ordinary wardrobe - it's a treasure trove of shimmering silks, sparkling sequins, feather boas in all colours, glittery eyelashes and enough lipstick to make a make-up artist swoon! And I won't even begin to talk about the shoes! Weā€™ve got everything, from vintage ruby slippers to glittering rainbow-hued platforms that stand taller than I do.

Donā€™t worry darlings, even with my daily lab-life routine I still get my sparkle on! Yes, you read right. In between those laboratory days testing fabrics in the textile lab, I transform from scientist to drag superstar, darling, ready to hit the stage and spread the message of sparkle, sass, and love. Just imagine: me in the lab one minute, with a white coat, goggles and serious-faced determination, then later on, covered in glitter and shaking my tail feather with a big smile on my face, wowing the audience. I tell you what, you donā€™t need to live a double life. We can be the fabulous people we want to be, on and off the stage!

Next up? Weā€™re heading to a ballet studio. Of course, you know how I feel about the ballet. For me, itā€™s about graceful movements, dazzling costumes, and that sheer elegance that only a beautifully performed ballet can convey. The whole experience is something that truly takes my breath away. The elegant ballerinas, the beautifully choreographed sequences, and that captivating storytelling all set to enchanting music! Itā€™s one of those things that gets the glitter bug in my heart singing!

I always make sure I schedule a few classes a week. Because when you spend your life twirling and dancing (like a queen with a penchant for the dramatic), youā€™ve gotta keep those muscles strong and that ballet technique fresh. Thereā€™s something so soothing, so calming about the art of ballet and I adore spending those hours every week lost in the elegance of ballet, a bit like my own little world of serenity!

But, my lifeā€™s not just all about sequins, tutus, and high heels. I do make time to embrace the world's little beauties, too! There are those gorgeous garden strolls to admire the colourful flowers and breathe in that crisp air, all the better if there's a pretty tea shop nearby, wouldn't you say? Sometimes I also head out for picnics - think beautiful blankets, fluffy pink cushions, and a spot of champagne to top off my fabulous time in the countryside. Thereā€™s no denying that all of it gives me tons of inspiration and a great sense of perspective, too!

So there you have it, darlings! Thatā€™s the fabulous life of Pink Tutu Sparkles: a delightful blend of pink tutus, captivating shows, exciting travels, a little bit of science, a lot of creativity, a whole heap of joy, and lots and lots of sparkle! Don't forget to stay tuned for my upcoming posts, full of all the exciting new things coming my way - I'm always up to something and thereā€™s never a dull moment in the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-14 stars in Spalding