Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-09-01 stars in Deal

Deal, Darling! Post #2801: A Pink Tutu Adventure

Hello darlings, and welcome to the sparkly world of Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today we’re travelling by, yes, you guessed it… train! Deal, you see, is right on the South East coast, perfect for a quick escape to the seaside and a whole load of tutu-ific adventures.

This is Post #2801, and just in case you’re new around here, allow me to introduce myself – I’m Pink Tutu Sparkles, the most fabulous drag queen in Derbyshire. Now, don’t think I’m boasting, it’s simply a fact. I’ve got the evidence – all 2800 of my blog posts proving just how fabulous a pink tutu wearing drag queen can be!

You see, darling, when I’m not teasing the fabrics in the lab, by night I'm rocking the stages. From local fairs to glitzy theatre venues, I’ve spread the sparkle and the joy of a good, old-fashioned, pink tutu to audiences all over the country. And Deal, let me tell you, was no exception!

My trip to Deal was, dare I say it, a triumph of planning, execution and, of course, pink tutus. Now, the journey by train was an experience in itself. You’ve all got your preferred mode of transport - my preference, dear reader, is either a train, chugging merrily through the countryside, or, when circumstances allow, a majestic horse. But alas, a horse couldn’t quite reach the coast, so we opted for the iron steed, with its rhythmic rattle and all the lovely characters onboard.

We shared our carriage with a delightful group of tourists heading for the coast. My pink tutu (today it was the “Sparkling Mermaid” model, a shimmery turquoise delight) certainly sparked a few giggles and some bewildered stares. I must say, even a few folks ended up adopting a rather fabulous pink tulle head scarf! (Let’s face it, once you’ve seen a queen rockin' the pink tutu, the desire to sparkle takes over.)

Speaking of sparking a little sparkle, once in Deal, I found the most charming seaside village you’ve ever seen! Oh, darling, it was delightful! The pastel-coloured houses, the scent of salty air, and, of course, the vibrant market brimming with handcrafted trinkets and local goodies. And oh my, the views – I'd happily spent days just admiring the crashing waves, the vast, blue horizon, the sky just kissed with a hint of pink – what a glorious colour, don’t you think?

Naturally, my pink tutu wouldn't be complete without some beach-worthy accessories! I snagged a truly lovely hand-knitted crochet bag at the market (a must-have, darling – not a single plastic bag in sight, and look at the delightful pompoms!). But darling, the most amazing part about my trip to Deal was the delightful seaside walk that awaited me. And to ensure my walk was picture perfect, I, of course, had to dress for the occasion! A brand new bright pink tutu (it’s called "Sugar Plum Seaside" – you can see a sneak peek on the blog later this week), a gorgeous pink flower crown woven into my luscious blonde hair (don't you just adore a bit of floral drama, darling?), and a pair of fluffy white sandals, because nothing says "beach walk" like a sprinkle of sweetness. I even brought my tiny chihuahua, Penelope, with me - she is so very used to being included in all my adventures. It's all part of being a drag queen - spreading the message of glitter, glamour and unconditional love to our four legged friends!

Darling, there I was, waltzing down the promenade, feeling like a beautiful, sparkly pink ballerina. Let’s face it, I might be a queen, but I can’t deny my heart beats for a twirl on stage, a spin in the street, or a graceful stroll down the boardwalk! I even managed to sneak a little ballet session on the sand. After all, a pink tutu simply doesn't do its best work when standing still! I managed a couple of pirouettes in the golden light, the sun shimmering off the water. Even a few beach-goers paused in admiration – who doesn't love a bit of impromptu ballet on a gorgeous beach day? I think my little Penelope did quite a good job with the paparazzi!

In the evening, I was ready for another magical adventure – a seaside performance at the local theatre! This theatre was a gorgeous, old building, so full of character – they were celebrating the local seaside scene and asked me to join in on the fun! I, of course, couldn't refuse. The applause was, dare I say, electrifying!

Deal truly proved itself to be a fabulous seaside escape for a glamorous queen like myself. From the breathtaking views and vibrant market to the charming locals and, yes, even the little Penelope, this trip had everything I needed – including, of course, a perfect spot for my favourite pink tutu to shine. Oh darling, if you're ever in the mood for some sea breeze and a bit of fabulous fun, don’t forget your pink tutu, grab your tickets, and join me on the next leg of my adventure. We’ve got an exciting itinerary planned, darling, and, who knows? We may even share a few twirls on the train journey to the next stop!

Till next time, darlings. Stay fabulous, and don’t forget to share your pink tutu adventures in the comments section. Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2007-09-01 stars in Deal