
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-10-13 stars in Nottingham

Nottingham, My Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #2843)

Oh my darlings, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with a blog post fresh from the sparkly streets of Nottingham! It's been a whirlwind week, filled with frothy pink tutus, delicious fairground food, and of course, ballet! As always, I've packed my entire wardrobe โ€“ a glorious explosion of pink that would make a flamingo jealous โ€“ ready to spread my signature sparkle wherever I go.

Nottingham itself was like a fairytale come true, cobblestone streets lined with quaint shops, towering castles, and a vibrant energy that set my tutu bouncing! I'd never visited before, and I have to admit, it was love at first sight!

I arrived in style, naturally, via a grand carriage โ€“ well, a train actually, but let's be honest, it was pretty fancy. I settled into my plush first-class carriage (because darling, I'm a Queen, not a peasant!), adorned my pinkest beret and a shimmering pink sequined cape (never leave home without the extra sparkle, right?), and sipped on champagne all the way. It was pure bliss!

As soon as my feet touched Nottingham soil, the city embraced me with open arms and more sparkle than you can shake a diamante stick at! I practically felt a pink glow radiating off every surface! My day began at a charming little cafe tucked away on a cobblestone lane. Imagine my delight when I found a whole corner devoted to "pink delights," from strawberry-pink croissants to marshmallow-filled pink macarons. It was a sugar-spun dream!

Then it was time for the real reason for my visit - a breathtaking performance by the Nottingham Royal Ballet. You guys know I adore a good ballet performance, and this one did not disappoint. It was an ode to the beautiful pink flamingo, with costumes made from actual feather boas (and just slightly pinker than my own!). I practically fainted from sheer delight!

Of course, no visit to Nottingham would be complete without exploring the famous Robin Hood's legendary haunts. I ventured into Sherwood Forest, embracing the emerald green backdrop with my vibrant pink tutu โ€“ a testament to the clash of colours we all need to embrace! There, I encountered a troupe of performers (all dressed in vibrant green!) and a lovely little gnome with an eye for fashion โ€“ we practically struck up a friendship and agreed to a fabulous photo op for my Instagram!

As evening approached, the city truly began to twinkle. I've always said that Nottingham has this magical air about it, and nothing could have exemplified it more than the fairground on the outskirts of the city. The lights, the smell of cotton candy, the sounds of laughter and squeals of joy โ€“ it truly brought a tear to my eye, in a completely fabulous way, of course.

And because Nottingham knows how to put on a good show, I had to perform! It wasn't the grand stage I'm used to (although darling, have you seen my portable pink glitter stage โ€“ it's a work of art!), but the fairgoers were just as excited to see my routines. We've got some real talent in Derbyshire, I'll tell you. I was practically dripping in sweat, but the sheer energy of the crowd kept me going โ€“ and their requests for a "Pink Tutu Sparkles selfie" certainly did my ego no harm.

Now, my lovely darlings, you already know the essence of Pink Tutu Sparkles - it's all about celebrating everything pink! So, if you're ever visiting Nottingham, remember to look for a bit of pink โ€“ in a cupcake, a flower, or a street sign, it's everywhere!

But I wouldn't just stop at pink, my loves, why not go the full hog and embrace the "tutu lifestyle"? Get out there, prance around in a pink tutu, and see the world through pink-tinted lenses! Youโ€™ll be amazed at the positive energy youโ€™ll find along the way. You may even become the Queen (or King) of Sparkle, too!

And to those of you still working up the courage to slip on your own pink tutu: You've got this! Trust me, my loves, once you do, youโ€™ll never want to take it off. Until next time, stay sparkly, stay sassy, and most importantly, stay pink!

With love and a generous sprinkle of glitter,

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles,

Alex xx

(PS: You can check out all the amazing pictures and videos from my Nottingham adventures on my website www.pink-tutu.com! Don't forget to comment below and let me know about your pink adventures โ€“ the more sparkly, the better! )

#TutuQueen on 2007-10-13 stars in Nottingham