
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-09 stars in Berlin

Berlin, Darling! Post #2870

Hello, my loves! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train from the dazzling city of lights (well, actually, it was the dazzling city of beer, sausages, and incredible history, but you get the gist!).

This is, I must say, my 2870th blog post. I mean, whoā€™d have thought a little ol' drag queen from Derbyshire would ever be logging this many posts? It's all thanks to you lovely people reading and sharing! You're truly my little pink sparkles!

Anyway, back to the Berlin trip. As always, itā€™s a real whirlwind of fun and frolics! Now, before you get all "Pink Tutu, aren't you supposed to be on stage not on a blog?", I've gotta explainā€¦ the world's my stage darling! Even when I'm not shimmying and shaking for an adoring crowd, I'm always working that Pink Tutu brand. I canā€™t tell you how many surprised smiles and gasps I get when I whip out my big, pink, feather-boasted beauty for a simple picnic. It's all about spreading the joy, darling!

Right, where was I? Ah, Berlin! Iā€™ll give you the quick version because, let's face it, weā€™ve got places to be, looks to do, and glitter to throw!.

Firstly, let's talk transport - Iā€™ve finally managed to wrangle my way onto a train. That's right, my dears, no flying, no car - just me and a carriage, enjoying the scenery and catching up on my reading! Now, I know what you're thinking... ā€œa tutu in a train? Don't be silly!ā€. *But that's precisely the beauty of it, darling, because I did it, with my tutu all perfectly pressed in the carriage! Thatā€™s the secret of travel, darling, embrace the ridiculous and never, ever let your sparkle be dulled!*

*Okay, letā€™s talk about Berlinā€¦ Itā€™s incredible! Just when I thought Iā€™d seen all the amazing places Europe had to offer, this fabulous city comes along and just blows me away! You'll find Pink Tutu Sparkles doing all the usual touristy things: checking out the Brandenburg Gate, doing some very impressive photo shoots with the wall (tutu optional), and getting thoroughly lost in museums filled with mind-blowing history. And as for the food? Oh my god! *So much delicious food and enough beer to sink a ship (and, to be honest, it wouldnā€™t have been the first time!) I had schnitzel at this charming, little cafe that overlooked a gorgeous square. They had a pretty, pink, rose patterned tablecloth which I nearly snatched for myself. *Imagine me: Pink Tutu Sparkles with her own pink rose tablecloth... *You can all come round and help me eat sandwiches when I get back!*

Now, it wasn't all sight-seeing and eating (though it felt that way most of the time!). My highlight of Berlin? The Ballet. It was an absolute dream. I caught a show of The Nutcracker, complete with glittering snowflakes and an orchestra that sounded like angels in the right key. Of course, you can bet your bottom dollar Pink Tutu Sparkles had her own pink tutu to go with it (yes, I wore it, Iā€™m a big believer in colour coordination)! The crowd, so much like the one youā€™d find in a London theatre ā€“ just oozing with elegance and grace. I must admit, I could almost smell the posh champagne they were drinking! The choreography? Utterly breathtaking! I mustā€™ve snapped about fifty thousand pictures of those graceful dancers spinning like pinwheels. Oh, it made me so inspired ā€“ I might even give ballet a try myself! Just a couple of hours in the local ballet class would be amazing! Who knows, maybe next month, my dear readers, I'll be posting my ballerina transformation for you all!

But the absolute piĆØce de rĆ©sistance of Berlin? Well, Iā€™m not quite at liberty to tell you exactly where this is, darling ā€“ letā€™s just say itā€™s something magical, something utterly and utterly pink! This little wonderland - think all-pink tutus and sparkly delights, enough to make you cry tears of happiness ā€“ oh, darling! If thereā€™s ever been a dreamland for Pink Tutu, itā€™s definitely here, in the heart of this wondrous city. * I've never been one to divulge all my secrets at once, but let's just say this - the whole place just whispered ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€. Itā€™s like I'd been born to be there! It was more than a performance; it was an experience - pink from head to toe and an absolutely delightful time. I promise, I'll spill the beans on the magic in my next post!*

So, darling, the city of Berlin may not be pink all over but it definitely stole a big chunk of my heart, and if I have to be honest, I haven't packed it away yet. I might need to get some new luggage. This might be a long-term visit, just saying! But that's life on the road, right? The travel bagā€™s always ready to roll!

Until next time, remember - Never, ever let go of your sparkle. Be a force of colour. Be brave! Be fabulous! And, most importantly... wear pink tutus! Remember, youā€™re beautiful no matter what you wearā€¦but it *always looks more fun in pink, doesnā€™t it?!**

See you soon,

Your darling Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Oh, and donā€™t forget to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com, for exclusive content, sparkly secrets and lots of pink!

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-09 stars in Berlin