Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-12-20 stars in Burnley

Burnley, A Pink Tutu Wonderland (Blog Post #2911)

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! I'm so excited to share this incredible trip with you all, my loyal TutuQueens and TutuKings. Today, we're jetting off to the wonderful town of Burnley!

Now, Burnley isn't usually the first place that pops into mind for a Pink Tutu Queen on tour. But you know me, I love exploring the unexpected, finding beauty and sparkle in the most unassuming of places! And Burnley definitely has its own unique charm. It was like stepping back in time a bit, but in a good way. The Victorian architecture was beautiful, the cobblestone streets gave me a real old-fashioned vibe, and the locals were so friendly and welcoming, you could practically taste the Yorkshire friendliness! It’s no surprise they call Burnley the “The Home of the Roses,” the floral arrangements on the balconies of all the homes just added to that homey feel.

Before we get to my fab Burnley adventure, I'd love to hear about your week. What's been happening in your little corners of the world? Did you finally take that ballet class you've been thinking about? Did you wear your pink tutu out and about? Did you score a new sparkly pair of shoes? I wanna hear all about it!

Oh! I've also been loving my daily routine at work in the lab - don’t worry, all this traveling does take it out of me. It’s such a contrast, don't you think? Going from all-things sequins and glitter to microscopes and test tubes. But it’s that contrast that makes the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkle so potent, wouldn't you agree? Besides, you can never have too much sparkle in your life.

Now, onto my incredible journey to Burnley. I got a real lucky break and got a booking for a local fair, all in my sparkly pink tutu, of course! My dear friend Charlotte (aka Cherry Lips on the drag scene) from Cheshire recommended it, saying there’s a great sense of community there, with tons of interesting local artists and craftspeople. Of course, Charlotte being the fantastic drag artist she is, knows the good gossip in the world of sequins and feather boas. And, she knew that my little heart was already smitten with those cobbled streets of the north, and Burnley, she was right! So off I popped on the train for my first journey into Lancashire.

It felt good, sitting in that carriage. People do take some serious notice of someone like me in a full pink tutu in public. Some give a side glance, some look back, and some folks stare a while. I think that it makes everyone look around them a bit more. They start to take notice of what’s going on around them instead of just checking their phones!

The journey was about an hour and a half from Chesterfield. The rolling green countryside went past my window, interspersed with occasional industrial buildings, until the hills just morphed into the cityscape. You see the chimney stacks of a city a good while before you arrive in Burnley, so you really know you are on the right track.

As soon as I got off the train at the station I knew that my visit to Burnley was going to be fun and quirky. You can really feel the vibrancy there, especially when they're hosting something like a local fair. All around the station were stalls set up, and there was a good feeling, like you were attending a party. There was already a kind of happy commotion going on around me as I made my way towards my booking.

And there, standing before me, were two majestic white horses. Yes, you heard that right – horses! This local fair, it was called the “Burnley Horseshow & Artisan Fair!” And I had a booking with them! Of course I had to use those trusty horses!

First of all, you all know I’m obsessed with anything remotely horse-related, it's why my other persona, Alex, was studying horse science. In my heart of hearts, I know that the true dream is to find some fabulous pink saddle cloth and tour in a sparkly carriage driven by those fabulous four-legged animals! It wouldn't be that much of a stretch for a Pink Tutu Queen. In fact, if anyone is listening, if you’ve got any good pink saddlery connections out there, please do give a girl a shout!

So, let me tell you about the Burnley Horseshow. Imagine this: open green fields full of beautiful flowers. A white gazebo with a large circular ring inside, with hay bales and obstacles all lined up to challenge the talented horses and their riders. This whole idyllic picture was surrounded by rows and rows of colourful stalls. And guess what? There was pink everywhere, pink balloons, pink stall displays and best of all – Pink Tutu Sparkle! I was really the only performer there that wasn’t human, let alone that was draped in bright pink satin with sparkles, it made my pink tutu stand out!

Well, my Tutu Queens and Kings, the audience loved me, they went wild for my performance! The best bit was getting to be there with those amazing horses. You could tell those animals just loved performing in front of a crowd. It felt so wonderful being able to showcase my talents, I love my tutu, and being a part of such a diverse community of amazing talents. Everyone seemed to be thrilled that a Queen of the pink tutu was amongst their local craft artists and even more thrilled when my horses were the perfect shade of white that just happened to complement my outfit!

Oh, and talking of the stalls, you wouldn't believe the wonderful things I found in Burnley. Some amazing craft workshops and local produce. It’s an actual artisan heaven in that little town. I spotted some gorgeous handmade candles from a stall called ‘Beeswax Blessings’, each scented differently, a gorgeous lavender and honey set was destined to be a gift for my best friend Emily, plus the beautiful soaps that smelled of geranium and grapefruit, which I think will be amazing as a birthday treat for my grandma. I do love to treat my family to something special, after all it's the simple things, especially with those subtle pink tones! And don't even get me started on the food stands! The freshly made pastries, from the delicious chocolate fudge to the fluffy fruit tarts – oh my goodness, I’m salivating just thinking about them!

But the highlight of my trip has to be my fabulous trip to the theatre, well it wouldn’t be a visit to Burnley if I hadn’t been to a theater performance would it! Of course, it wasn't the grand old West End Theatre in London, it’s just your average, everyday, but delightful theatre in the heart of the community. They say the show was “Beauty and the Beast” by a local theatrical group. It was truly magical! The sets and costumes were stunning and the actors all poured their hearts into the performances. Of course, my absolute favourite had to be the Ballroom scene, you all know how I love to waltz! They all danced with such grace, but you know what, all that swirling and twirling just made me yearn for the day when I would be able to join them on stage!

But after all that fabulous entertainment, I felt it was time to put my tutu away for the day and make my way back to the railway station. And as I took one last look at those Victorian rooftops, all bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, I knew I’d be back! This wasn’t the last time you would see Burnley featured in Pink Tutu’s Travel blog! And trust me my little TutuQueens, when I get back I will be on the look-out for any of those amazing local craft stands for a little present for all you lovely people! Maybe even an early Christmas gift!

Oh, speaking of gifts, what are you planning to get your loved ones this year? Share your festive plans and ideas with us below!

In the meantime, don't forget to wear your pink tutu and sparkle like you were born to be fabulous!

Until next time my TutuQueens, stay fabulous and stay sparkling.

With Love and Sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkle.

#TutuQueen on 2007-12-20 stars in Burnley