Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-03-05 stars in Beckenham

Beckenham: A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰💖

Post #2987 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-loving drag queen extraordinaire! I'm buzzing from my trip to Beckenham, it was a dream!

This post is extra special because you guys, Beckenham actually welcomed me with open arms! Honestly, it was a heartwarming experience from the moment I stepped off the train (and yes, I travelled by train, a truly glamorous journey). I'd been planning this Beckenham visit for months - I had heard so many amazing things about the arts scene there. Beckenham, you've got style! I could just feel the creativity buzzing in the air as I hopped off the train.

My day started with a visit to the amazing Beckenham Place Park. You guys, it was the most beautiful park, ever! And I know a thing or two about pretty gardens – after all, I spent my childhood in Derbyshire where the countryside's breathtaking. I’ve got a few pictures of me enjoying the manicured gardens – the pink peonies really did it for me! I have a weakness for pink florals, it’s well documented on the Pink-Tutu blog, so I had to make time to visit that park, you know. I felt very at home, and even managed to pick out a beautiful bouquet of blush-toned roses for my Mum (who knows, maybe a little pink tutu for her too!). I also had a chat with a delightful lady who does flower arrangements, so now, Beckenham, you’re in my heart (and on my floral supplier list)!

Beckenham's a haven for Ballet

Then, my lovelies, it was time to head to the Beckenham Playhouse! And trust me, it was like walking into a sparkly dream. The venue had a proper, theatrical energy, with those deep-red velvet seats. They were screaming for me to get on stage. As you know, ballet is my love language, so you can only imagine the feeling of pure joy that welled up when I walked through those doors. A ballet performance? In Beckenham? You're kidding me. This is just the kind of place I was meant to visit. I adore that Beckenham embraces and encourages the arts – it's truly magical!

Later, I took a ballet class. Yes, a class, I love learning! There was even a sweet little girl wearing a tutu! Now I've always said, it’s never too early for a Tutu. She was adorable – little ballerinas inspire me. We danced till we were dizzy, I took a tumble on a leap – those tutus don't do a lot for gracefulness, but that's why I love them, they're cheeky! I'll be sharing those funny pics later this week on Instagram - if you’re not already following me you’re missing out. My blog isn’t enough for a drag queen as sparkly as I am!

I fell in love with the pink bakery in Beckenham!

We gotta talk about the bakeries, my dears. Honestly, Beckenham's got more charm than a shop window filled with sparkling pink tutus. I discovered this little heaven called The Pink Baker - now that’s just made for a girl like me! You’d have thought I’d arrived home to find all my childhood dreams laid out in front of me. Their pink frosting was the perfect shade of pink (I'm very particular!), the macarons were light and airy (exactly like the steps in a ballet routine) and, dare I say it, even the strawberry and cream sponge had a little hint of pink to it! The best bit? They even let me wear my tutu while I devoured those treats - no judging, just pure delight! I picked up a cake for my neighbours (they're lovely) and they have to admit I do the best 'pinky' treats!

This pink loving queen has found her new happy place in Beckenham!

Beckenham has captured my heart with its charming little shops, lovely green spaces, and its beautiful theatre, even the bakery was incredible. If you love a bit of glitz, glam and some artistic whimsy – you simply must visit this fantastic little town. Who knows, maybe you will become a Tutu Queen too. I truly believe, when you’re a Tutu Queen you can embrace your sparkle anywhere, it’s the magic of tutus! Beckenham, thank you for being my sparkly retreat - I'm sure you'll see me again, very, very soon.

Don't forget, spreading the pink-tutu love is my mission!

See you next time, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on all socials and check out the Pink-Tutu Shop!
Facebook: PinkTutuSparkles Instagram: @pinktutusp Shop: www.pink-tutu-shop.com

Stay sparkly, Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

*About the Author: Pink Tutu Sparkles is the stage name of Alex, who is a scientist by day and a flamboyant drag queen by night. From his first experience wearing a tutu for a charity event while at university in Derbyshire, Alex became a big fan of ballet and all things sparkly. Alex now brings joy and glamour to every town in Britain while spreading his love for the tutu with his blog and stage shows. *

#TutuQueen on 2008-03-05 stars in Beckenham