
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-04-11 stars in Blyth

Blyth, Darling! πŸ’…πŸ’–πŸ©°

Hello my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from the gloriously bracing seaside town of Blyth, just a quick train journey from my beloved Derbyshire. This is post number 3024 for your beloved Tutu Queen – you can find all my sparkling musings at www.pink-tutu.com, my digital palace of pink tulle and sequins. πŸ’–

Today, I’m all about the seaside! Not the glamorous kind of beach holidays in the sun, but the proper, wind-whipped, salty air variety that makes your nose tickle and your cheeks rosy. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. After all, the weather's just a detail when you're wearing a fabulous pink tutu, don't you think? πŸ˜‰

I have to admit, Blyth wasn't exactly on my "must-see" list before I came here. It seemed a little, well, rough around the edges. But oh my darlings, how I was wrong! Blyth, it turns out, is an absolute gem! A hidden treasure that truly sparkles once you peel back the layers and embrace the spirit of the town.

The locals were a delight, and they adored my performance at the town hall! They welcomed me with open arms, eager to hear my jokes and see my pink tulle twirl. Honestly, you wouldn't have known they weren't used to a pink-tutu-clad queen strutting her stuff on stage! I'd say the Blyth people have got a hidden love of glitter and feathers waiting to be discovered. ✨

Before the show, I had a fabulous afternoon in the town exploring the market. Now, I love a good market – it's where you find those unique trinkets and gems that tell a story, just like me! πŸ˜‰ The stall owners were a quirky lot, and I came away with a gorgeous pink handbag (the perfect accessory for my pink tutu!), a beautifully hand-crafted brooch, and some delectable homemade fudge, of course. Who could resist a pink sugar treat with a perfectly matching pink tutu? πŸ’–

After a well-deserved fish and chips supper, I took a lovely stroll along the promenade. Even the seagulls were impressed with my sparkly tulle, chirping in admiration as I sashayed past. Who knew a simple seaside town could be so much fun?

Blyth was, indeed, a lovely change of scenery, and I’m reminded of why I adore my job as a travelling queen. Exploring new places, spreading joy through my performances, and making people smile, is truly what makes my pink tutu spin. I always find so much inspiration in the unexpected and charming places, and today, Blyth, you’ve charmed me! πŸ’–

Of course, I couldn't leave Blyth without paying homage to the most spectacular part of the trip - the ballet show. The Blyth Ballet School did such a splendid job! I can’t even express how much it warmed my heart to see the talent and dedication in those young dancers! Seeing their shining eyes filled with passion and their moves with such grace filled me with awe. It's just wonderful, watching that joy and skill unfold on stage, reminding me of why I first became so enchanted by the world of ballet, and indeed, the transformative power of wearing a pink tutu! πŸ˜‰

Honestly, darlings, I have to tell you, that ballet show moved me. It had that kind of beauty and energy that really brings you down to the core and speaks directly to your soul. As I watched the graceful dancers swirling across the stage, my own spirit took flight, reminding me that a little bit of sparkle, grace and joy can light up any day, any place.

I’m ready to head off on another adventure, but you know what, I’ll be thinking of my time in Blyth.

Until next time, darling. Remember to live every moment with a smile, some sparkles and a dash of pink tutu magic. ✨

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

PS: If you want to spread the Pink Tutu Sparkles message, share your photos and stories using the hashtag #PinkTutuSquad – you never know, your photo might even make it onto my next blog post!

#TutuQueen on 2008-04-11 stars in Blyth