Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-05-16 stars in Deal

Deal, darling! 💅 (Blog Post #3059)

Hello lovelies! 👋💖

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the beautiful seaside town of Deal in Kent! ✨ As you all know, I’m a firm believer in embracing every opportunity for a fabulous adventure, and a trip to the Kent coast just screams "tutu-rific time" to me!

Let me tell you, arriving in Deal by train was absolutely enchanting! I felt like a glamorous ballerina stepping out of a vintage railway carriage – a bit like the start of a magical ballet, really! 🩰 The sea breeze, the quaint Victorian buildings, the smell of fish and chips wafting from the harbourside… it just all added up to pure magic! 💖

Speaking of magic, the moment I stepped onto Deal Pier, I knew it was going to be a "Pink Tutu Sparkles" kinda day. The sunlight was shining, the air was crisp, and the seagulls were squawking a cheerful melody in the background. I felt like I was in a technicolour dream!

The first stop, of course, was the Deal Pier, where the views of the English Channel were simply stunning. The sheer vastness of the ocean and the power of the waves really made me think about how tiny we all are compared to the wonders of the world. It’s important to have those moments of awe, wouldn't you agree? 💖

Then it was time for some retail therapy. Let's face it, no trip to the coast is complete without a good shopping spree! I found myself a darling little boutique selling the most beautiful hand-knitted accessories, including, yes, you guessed it, some perfectly pink tutus! 😉 They're going to look absolutely fabulous with my new coral dress! 🌸

Later that afternoon, I had the absolute pleasure of visiting the Deal Castle. Now, let me tell you, there is something incredibly regal about walking the ancient ramparts of this magnificent medieval fortress. I can almost picture Queen Elizabeth I standing right there, ready to receive a visitor… Maybe with a fabulous pink tutu on! ✨

My evening concluded with a visit to a charming little restaurant, where I had the most delectable fresh seafood. I have to confess, it was almost too pretty to eat, but every mouthful was just divine! And wouldn’t you know it, there were pink ribbons tied around the menu! I’m sure they must have been aware of my arrival. 🎀

This trip to Deal has truly been a journey of discovery, a real testament to the power of the simple pleasures in life: fresh air, stunning scenery, the smell of the sea, and, of course, lots and lots of pink! 🌺

Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly! ✨💖

Your ever-fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles,


P.S. I absolutely love finding charming places where I can wear a tutu in my day-to-day life, and you betcha I'll be strutting my stuff on Deal Pier in a few days, donning my fabulous "Sea Breeze Pink Tutu" – look out for me! 💃

P.P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for a special “Pink Tutu Sparkles” YouTube video with some of my highlights from Deal. It’ll be on my channel tomorrow! 📺 💖

From the Pink Tutu Sparkles archives…

I have so much more to tell you about! To find more Pink Tutu Sparkles blog posts about this fabulous trip and others, have a browse over on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. It's full of delightful memories and stories from all over the UK! I am currently working on my blog series “Pink Tutus on the Road to…", covering the whole of England. So far we've got London, Leeds, Brighton, Blackpool, Cambridge, and more! Keep checking in for new posts each day, as you know I have something special planned every single day.

Getting Here! 🚆

For all of my darlings out there wanting to find their own pink tutu adventures, getting to Deal couldn't be simpler! There are plenty of direct trains from London. It's really the perfect place for a long weekend of exploring!

For you dear ones in the North like me, just grab a train to the London hub, and you can head down South. Just think of the journey! It gives you a great chance to make some fellow travel pals! If you’re in my lovely county of Derbyshire, you've only got a two-hour journey to Euston Station and then a speedy 1 hour 15 minute train to Deal. Simple, sweet, and glamorous!

Where to Stay in Deal! 💖

This is another lovely aspect of this cute coastal town! There are tons of charming bed and breakfasts in town and around Deal's harbour area, or you can get yourself a stay in a swanky seaside hotel overlooking the sea. Or, if you want something a bit more glamorous and special for the whole pink-tutu experience, why not get a stay in a coastal cottage in the historic Cinque Ports of Kent! They are some of the most picturesque in the whole of Britain and there are tons in Deal’s nearby village of Sandwich too, as well as the other towns in the region. There is nothing quite like the sight of an old fishing hut or an old, quaint cottage in the rolling fields! They can have stunning views, cosy interiors, and of course… ample room for pink! 🌺

I recommend booking early for any visit, as Deal really does come to life during the peak season and the accommodation gets booked up really quickly. Don’t forget to look out for special packages and weekend offers online - and if you’re feeling particularly decadent, go all out for a real glamour-filled getaway! 💅

Let's be honest, darlings… Deal is really the only place for you! ✨💖

The atmosphere here is absolutely electrifying, so don’t hesitate to pop down here for a quick trip. Take advantage of all the quaint tea shops, the delightful fish and chip restaurants (and shops, of course), and remember to try a good English cream tea (just for me!), as you won’t get it much better than down on the Kent coast. Then get some exercise by having a stroll along Deal Pier and grab a souvenir from a beach-side stall! I guarantee you will be utterly spoilt for choice! 💖

Now that I've convinced you that Deal should be your next destination, I think it's high time we talk about… pink tutus. 💋

The Tutu Chronicles! 💖

This trip to Deal had an especially brilliant connection with tutus! From spotting ballet students doing some outdoor classes on the harbour-side promenade, to seeing some adorable little girls practicing ballet in the streets. The whole seaside resort really did feel like one giant stage! And that was before I had even been in the fabulous boutiques with their shelves overflowing with pink tutu delights!

As many of you lovely people know, my aim in life is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu, so I simply have to share some ideas with you all…

Tutu Style for Everyone! ✨💖

No need to worry about not knowing how to wear a pink tutu – trust me, darlings, everyone can wear a pink tutu! And by everyone, I mean, everyone! I have my “Pink Tutu Guide" (with my fabulous signature, naturally!) full of all my secrets, and I will tell you more about it later, but just a sneak peek:

First: What’s your vibe? ✨ We are all individuals! Just like any fabulous garment you pick out, ask yourself – are you the sweet, whimsical kind of girl? Maybe try a classic ballerina style, in the very lightest shade of baby pink and just add a sparkly silver ribbon on the sash and tie a tiny bow on one side, or some pink and white butterfly wings!

Do you love some *rock chick grunge vibes?* Go for an extra short tutu! Add a leather jacket, some statement earrings, some chunky ankle boots, and your very best “bad girl” pout!

Looking for *ultimate glam and elegance? Go for a *really long flowy tutu! Try one that has some ruffles or even some pearls. You could also wear a beautiful top with a plunging neckline and an eye-catching sparkly belt – the classic, dramatic look that's bound to turn heads!

And that is just the tip of the iceberg, my lovely people! 💖

And don't even get me started on the colour options! The world is your oyster… I mean, pink! Blush pink, fuchsia pink, watermelon pink, bubblegum pink, even pastel pink… the possibilities are truly endless.

And, don’t think I have forgotten my fellas! A fabulous pink tutu for a man is so dapper, just a simple pink tutu and some killer sunglasses, some glitter and lip gloss, you'll be turning heads everywhere! ✨

You never know where you’ll find the perfect pink tutu. 🩰

I think it's truly fitting that we end our exploration of Deal with a word or two about this glorious pink wonderland – because as all the fabulous fashionistas know, sometimes the very best finds can be unearthed in the most unexpected places!

So keep your eyes open and, for the love of pink, wear a pink tutu – you'll never regret it! ✨💖

#TutuQueen on 2008-05-16 stars in Deal