Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-10-26 stars in Braintree

Braintree Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes to the Stage!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Today marks post number 3222 - and guess what? Pink Tutu Sparkles is taking to the stage once again, this time in the lovely town of Braintree.

You see, my darlings, a tutu-loving drag queen can't simply sit at home in Derbyshire, even if there’s a stack of samples waiting to be tested in the lab. No, dearie, Pink Tutu Sparkles needs to shimmy, shake and sparkle, bringing joy to audiences wherever she may roam. And Braintree? Well, it's simply calling to me!

I decided to hop aboard the trusty train, after all, what could be more delightful than a train journey through the English countryside? It's practically a ballet performance itself – the swaying carriages, the rustling of leaves outside the window, the gentle lull of the train track - pure magic, I tell you!

Of course, I had to arrive in style. My pink tutu was simply begging to be seen, so I chose a flowing floral print, complete with a sequined top that sparkled like a thousand tiny rainbows. I always say, a drag queen never leaves the house without her most fabulous accessories! And this time, it was my lucky little unicorn charm – a gift from a lovely lady at a recent performance. It brings me such luck, and it felt like a real good-luck charm for this special trip to Braintree.

And speaking of good luck, Braintree has welcomed me with open arms (and sparkling champagne – well, technically, it was ginger ale, but the bubbles did sparkle just the same!) I'm performing tonight at a local festival, tucked away in the heart of town, and already, I can feel the energy bubbling up, ready to explode with my signature style!

Let me tell you, it’s quite a thing, this transformation into Pink Tutu Sparkles! Every day I am Alex, scientist by day, tucked away in my lab testing new fabrics. I've always been fascinated by fabric - from its feel to its wear and tear - and being able to experiment in my little lab is just dreamy.

But then the sun sets, and the music calls me. A swift trip to my little dressing room and a few twirls in front of the mirror (after all, a queen always needs a bit of rehearsal!) And voilà! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles, a swirl of feathers and rhinestones, ready to dazzle.

Speaking of dazzle, I've got a fantastic little costume planned for tonight. Think "Enchanted Forest" – imagine flowing silk the color of springtime blossoms, shimmering with delicate lace trim and just a hint of silver. The perfect blend of whimsical and glamorous, if I do say so myself. And of course, no outfit is complete without my trusty, sparkling pink tutu! The star of the show, and the reason why I became Pink Tutu Sparkles in the first place.

Let me tell you a little story, darlings. I’ll never forget that day in University. It was a charity event, a fundraiser for a local ballet school. I was studying for my science degree at the time, and was a part of the university's ballet club. Never too shy for a giggle, I tried on a pink tutu. And from that moment on, well, let’s just say it sparked a revolution – not just within me, but within the entire universe!

See, my dears, there's just something about that magical fluffy tutu, that swirl of fabric – a dance with dreams, you might say. And since that day, I’ve dedicated myself to this grand adventure. My little pink tutu travels everywhere with me, a testament to my passion for fashion, ballet, and above all, pure joy! It's been an incredible journey, and it’s all thanks to the lovely folks of Derbyshire, Braintree, and of course, everyone who stops by this blog!

You see, the goal, my darlings, is simple. I’m trying to spread the tutu love. Get everyone in the world to slip on a pink tutu and celebrate life's little sparkles! After all, who can resist a good dance and a generous sprinkle of fairy dust?

And so, the stage awaits! I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the glitter and glam from the Braintree festivities. Stay tuned for photos and maybe even a video - just to show you exactly what Pink Tutu Sparkles is made of!

In the meantime, keep twirling, keep shining, and never be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2008-10-26 stars in Braintree