
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-16 stars in Barnet

Barnet, Darling! TutuQueen's Adventure Continues!

Hello, darlings! Your favourite TutuQueen here, and today we're off on another thrilling escapade! Post number 3243, and the adventure continues on www.pink-tutu.com.

Now, you all know I live for pink, I adore tutus, and I simply can't resist a good ballet show or a swishy class, am I right? But what about the thrills of a proper train journey, complete with a picnic basket filled with cucumber sandwiches and a good dose of gossip with my lovely travel companion, Miss Daisy the Chihuahua? Yes, you heard right, a horse. She's my ride-or-die gal, always up for an adventure.

Now, let me tell you all about Barnet, because trust me, it's not just your average suburb! This place is teeming with potential! I was told that the best part of this town was the Barnet Fair that takes place every year, right on the outskirts of the town centre. That's a big "YES PLEASE" from this TutuQueen. This was just the kind of place where I could spread my wings, bring a little sparkle and dare I say it tutu magic, and spread the pink tutu gospel!

So, how do you get from a lab testing fabric to performing in front of thousands of cheering fans, you might ask? Well, darlings, it all started at university! I was a bright-eyed student, hunched over textbooks, when fate intervened. The uni's ballet club needed a dancer for a charity event and Iโ€ฆ well, let's just say my life hasn't been the same since! My first pink tutu. That's when the real magic began, darlings. That magical feeling of being someone else, of being bold, of owning the stageโ€ฆ well, let's just say it led me straight to becoming the glorious drag queen you all know and love! By day, Alex, the scientist. By night, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

The Journey to Barnet!

Let's be honest, getting from Derbyshire to Barnet ain't exactly a short train ride. But it's all about the journey! The scenery whizzing past my window, the comfy plush seat (because this Queen always travels in style, naturally), the cuppa that gets me buzzing, and the friendly chat with the other passengers. (And I will make sure to slip a few compliments and tips for stylish outfits to my fellow train travellers. Because everyone deserves a touch of pink tutu sparkle!)

Daisy, my trusty sidekick, has a little snuggle basket next to me. She may not get to join me for my performance (safety first, love!), but she gets the whole "look but don't touch" experience, from her special padded horse seat to a special view from the window!

Barnet Fair - Oh, What a Time!

The Barnet Fair is a whirlwind of colour, sound, and delicious smells! Think churros, candy floss, the enticing scent of grilled sausage sandwiches... and did I mention, ALL of this is perfectly acceptable while rocking a pink tutu? It's a fairground where all the princesses are free!

The real joy came from seeing the reaction of the children! Their eyes were so wide with wonder, watching the dancers (including yours truly!), listening to the upbeat music, enjoying the whole fairytale atmosphere! I got so many lovely little faces painted with pink and white tutus, you would have thought the fair had become a full-blown pink tutu convention. I'm not complaining. I managed to get some of them to join in, showing off some simple dance moves! Remember, darlings, itโ€™s about having fun and being yourself.

Performance Time!

Barnet Fair, meet Pink Tutu Sparkles. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation. My pink tutu glowed under the spotlights. The crowd loved it! Who wouldn't love it? My routine is a mix of sassy strutting, twirling, a few daring leaps (no, not exactly like a professional ballet dancer, but the audience enjoyed it! I'm aiming for "entertaining" not "choreography" here!). All of that, combined with the pink tutu, my playful expression and a huge dose of positivityโ€ฆ well, I'll let you be the judge, but I got the biggest round of applause that night.

Oh, I forgot to mention my sparkly pink lipstick. Of course!

Fashion Find!

My travels would be incomplete without a shopping spree, would they? And this time, oh, darlings, I found the most fantastic thing! In one of the little booths at the fair, I found a gorgeous pair of sparkly pink shoes that were literally begging me to take them home! They were practically singing to me: "Wear me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, wear me!" How could I resist? The moment I saw them, my dance routine (and my heart) did a little skip! They went straight in the suitcase. Now, my ballet collection just got that bit more flamboyant.

Ending on a High Note

Leaving Barnet, my suitcase weighed a little heavier, thanks to the new sparkly shoes, but my heart was even lighter. I left the Barnet Fair knowing I made a little difference, brought some sparkle and joy to people's faces, and spread the gospel of pink tutus!

Don't forget to check out the full photo album on www.pink-tutu.com! (and yes, there are many photos of my new shoes, just because.)

See you in the next adventure! Until then, darlings, be bold, be beautiful, be yourself, and wear your pink tutu with pride!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

P.S. You can find Pink Tutu Sparkles on Instagram and TikTok @PinkTutuSparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-16 stars in Barnet