Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-19 stars in Greenford

Greenford Glitz: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Stage!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today's post is a real doozy – we're on a whirl-wind tour, heading straight for Greenford, London, for a night of pure theatrical fabulousness! As I sit here, perched atop my chaise longue with a cuppa in hand (the china's floral, obvs!), I can't help but reminisce about the journey. Oh, Greenford, what an adventure you've been!

The Great Train Adventure

The journey to Greenford, nestled snugly in the heart of west London, was an absolute joy. My heart always skips a beat when the train whistle blows, beckoning me towards a new destination. The click-clack of the wheels, the rush of the wind against the windows, it's a symphony of adventure that I simply adore! I have to say, fellow Tutu Queens, the train carriage was practically overflowing with fellow travellers and tourists, each adding their own distinct flavour to the bustling atmosphere. Even in a crammed train carriage, there was such a warmth, so many happy faces and excited voices – just how I like it!

The First Impressions of Greenford

Stepping off the train into the heart of Greenford felt like stepping into a colourful dream. The cobbled streets were adorned with vibrant shops, brimming with enticing wares. As I strolled along, I noticed so many adorable little cafes with cheerful painted signs and colourful awnings, oh, how I just longed to indulge in a spot of tea and a slice of delicious cake. Sadly, though, my darling Tutu Queens, it wasn’t a time for indulging, my schedule is a tight one, especially as I had a show to put together and some local press to meet with. Greenford had such a sweet charm to it – I even saw a couple of ladies carrying wicker baskets filled with vibrant pink tulips – a sign, darlings, a sign!

Finding the Venue and Setting up Shop

My trusty GPS, trusty in the way my friends find me, never fails me (except when the internet doesn't cooperate!) guided me to my performance venue. Now, dear darlings, I won’t go into all the details (sometimes less is more!), but suffice it to say the location was utterly charming! It had a quaint courtyard and ivy-covered walls, the perfect backdrop for a Pink Tutu Sparkles spectacular. You’ll have to visit the website later for a look at the pics!

Speaking of my show, darling! The team were just so sweet! Oh my, how I adore it when the stage crew are dedicated and passionate – I had a moment there where I honestly thought I might cry! We had the stage dressed and the sound checks done with plenty of time to spare (not always the case, darlings, but a perk of being as punctual as a ballet teacher!).

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Stage!

Well, Tutu Queens, it’s hard to describe the rush you get stepping onto a stage – every single time! It’s the energy, the adrenaline, the excitement of making an impact, of making people happy, of sharing the magic. For this show, I opted for a classic blush pink tulle tutu, oh, my goodness, it had the most beautiful shimmering fabric with sequins and rhinestones. This beauty was coupled with a fitted sparkling pink crop top, revealing a sliver of glittering midriff (nothing excessive darling! Just a hint!) and some white leather platform heels. My makeup was perfectly contoured – a light but glamorous look, a subtle splash of shimmering eye shadow and just a touch of pink blush for a cheeky touch, it just felt... divine!

I can still see the stunned looks on some faces as the music boomed and the spotlight hit me, bathed in pink and glittery goodness. This show was extra special, I’ve been developing a brand-new dance sequence – a mix of street and classical ballet. I think it's important to keep the tutu tradition alive and blend it with new influences. This, darlings, is what makes being Pink Tutu Sparkles so exciting. I have this incredible opportunity to be whoever I want and do whatever I like, while spreading the pink tutu gospel, of course!

Greenford - An Enchanted Night

You know what's fabulous, Tutu Queens? I feel like I have to make this blog post shorter so you can scroll down and click to check out the video of the Greenford show! We did a set of about an hour, the dance routines were the main feature – think ‘sparkly ballerina’ but with some street flair. Then there was some stand-up, light, fun and flirty, about life as a Tutu Queen on the road and all those embarrassing situations a travelling queen gets into (it’s a constant series of unfortunate events!)

This Greenford show really did turn into a magical experience. So many lovely people, a whole team of lovely people who loved every single minute of the show. They wanted to join in on the routines, so we had to find a couple of local lads to get them into tutus and show them how it’s done! Greenford will have its pink tutu memory forever (as long as my photos turn out okay) and I can’t wait for you all to take a peek and have a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic.

Pink Tutu Sparkles: More Than a Tutu

This isn't just about the pink, my dearest Tutu Queens. This is about taking that giant leap of faith. This is about unleashing the sparkle that's been hidden within. So put on your pink tutus and join me! Wear them with confidence. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

Until next time, my sweethearts!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

Post No. 3246


#TutuQueen on 2008-11-19 stars in Greenford