
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-12-18 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: Pink Tutu Sparkles Gets Ready for a Seaside Soiree! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hello my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I'm SO excited to be writing post number 3275, straight from the seaside town of Herne Bay! ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

Oh, Herne Bay... you're such a sweet and charming seaside town. From the moment I hopped off the train, I felt like I was in a classic British seaside postcard - salty air, chattering seagulls, and that unmistakable smell of fish and chips! ๐Ÿคค

I don't normally take the train, I confess - much as I love a good scenic carriage journey, the lure of a good trot on my beloved steed, Buttercup, usually wins out. But I was so keen to get to Herne Bay to set up for tonight's show at The Bay Hotel, I just couldn't resist a dash on the train. The plush, crimson seats just beckoned me, and before you know it, I was lost in the world of sequins, ballet, and fabulousness, with a steaming cuppa in hand.

And let's be honest, nothing gets the Pink Tutu Sparkles mojo flowing quite like a fabulous dress-up day! I'd planned this entire ensemble on the train journey, and I can't wait to show you, my lovelies. It's a whole symphony of shimmering pink - we're talking a tutu with the lightest shade of peach silk, and a bustier adorned with real mother-of-pearl beads (a must for a queen with a love for the sea!) Of course, I couldn't resist a pair of fluffy pink boas to complete the look!

But, you see, I'm not all glitter and sparkle. (Although let's be honest, I do adore sparkle). The day job - my 'day job', as I call it - is in the world of fabric science, and boy, is it exciting! I know what you're thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles as a scientist?!" You bet! I spend my days analysing and testing fabrics, finding the perfect ingredients to make them shimmer, flow, and sparkle just so. It's fascinating, really! And all the science actually makes my drag look so much more, well, scientific! You wouldn't believe how much fabric goes into a pink tutu - it's a real equation of perfect draping, the right cut, and all the glitz and glam that goes with it.

Speaking of which, after the fabulous train ride, the next stage of the adventure was, of course, a spot of retail therapy! Herne Bay didn't disappoint. You'd think that a little seaside town would be devoid of sequins and sparkle, but this little haven surprised me. I found a tiny, charming little boutique stuffed full of sparkly jewels and costume trinkets - a real treasure trove for any discerning queen! I left with not just one but two brand new pink tutus, as well as enough fake jewels to bling out a whole street! (And hey, it's not just for myself - don't forget, the Pink Tutu Sparkles movement is all about spreading the pink tutu love!).

By this point, the hunger pangs were starting to kick in - and I wasn't about to let them win. Off I trotted to find the best fish and chips in town. It was a tie, really. Both the little seaside stall on the promenade and the chippy at the end of the high street served up crispy goodness with a smile, all wrapped in newspaper - how classic! And don't forget the lashings of vinegar, my dears - you simply can't go wrong!

Feeling fueled up and fabulous, it was time to head back to the hotel to get ready for the big show. It wasn't your typical, glittering nightclub setting - more a quaint little seaside hotel lounge, decorated with faded seaside prints and mismatched chairs - oh, I love the charm of the unexpected.

Now, you know I love a grand performance, but I must say, the crowd at the Bay Hotel were absolutely phenomenal. Every single one of them joined in, chanting "Pink Tutu! Pink Tutu!" and even a few even had their own tutus! And the music was incredible! We started off with a rendition of "All I Need Is A Dream" with my usual graceful moves and dramatic swirls of my pink tutu, ending with a dramatic leap - the ultimate seaside dream!

The energy was palpable - the whole room erupted in a roar of applause and laughter, even the old chap in the corner with the tweed suit had a twinkle in his eye.

Now, let me tell you - this isn't about fame or fortune. This is about spreading joy and laughter, reminding people that they can be themselves, no matter what! We can dance our hearts out in a pink tutu, giggle till our sides ache, and remind everyone that life's just a little bit more wonderful when we wear a little bit of pink sparkle! And if just one person goes home with a newfound confidence after seeing Pink Tutu Sparkles perform, then the night has been a roaring success.

The journey back was much the same as the trip there - the train was comfy, the windows gave me the perfect opportunity to admire the passing scenery, and the chatter of passengers offered glimpses into lives very different to my own, which I find quite intriguing.

I have to admit, sometimes the life of a Pink Tutu Sparkles feels like a whimsical fairy tale. Here's a small town girl with big dreams, travelling around, inspiring people to embrace their inner pink tutu.

Who knows where the road will lead next? The world's a big, pink-tutu-shaped stage, and I'm here to make the most of it.

See you on the next stage, dearies! And don't forget - Pink is always in! ๐Ÿ’–

**Stay Fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles**


#TutuQueen on 2008-12-18 stars in Herne Bay