Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-12-30 stars in Whitley Bay

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits Whitley Bay! (Blog Post #3287)

Darling! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and let me tell you, my darlings, this has been a trip!

Whitley Bay – you are fabulous! And you've been oh-so-kind to this travelling queen! This journey was all about sparkly trains, sea air, and of course, the perfect pink tutu for a seaside soirĂ©e. Let’s get right to the heart of the matter, darlings. It was absolutely breathtaking!

I had the honour of performing in the town square, right in the middle of it all. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Whitley Bay? What's a glam girl like you doing there?" Oh, darling, don't you know? Whitley Bay is where the magic happens! It's the place where the ocean meets the sky, where laughter fills the air, and where dreams, well, let’s just say, they get a little bit

Before I arrived, darling, I spent hours choosing the perfect ensemble! This was my fourth time performing in a town by the sea – you just can't have a beach performance without a proper dose of seaside chic! I needed something glamorous, but also comfy enough for all that bustling around. This is, after all, where the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic starts! This time, my choice fell on a heavenly confection in a shade of pink that can only be described as “Sunrise over the English Channel.” You know, that soft blush of a dawn, kissed by the sun? My tutu, darling, it flowed like a wave! I even adorned my pink-hued bodice with shimmering shells that I found washed up on the beach (don't worry, darlings, it was already clean, naturally!) And of course, the feathers! Oh, my darling, the feathers! I used a shimmering pastel mix in shades that captured the very essence of a dreamy seashell, to accentuate the movement of the tutu as I danced. I love how they reflected the sunlight and gave the impression that I was dancing in a shower of shimmering diamonds.

But wait, there's more, my darlings! I wanted to be truly in sync with my audience – they are so important! So I thought, "What better way to bring the beach vibe to the stage than to add a few sparkly beach ball accents?” Well, let's just say those bouncy orbs proved to be the cherry on top of the Pink Tutu Sparkles sundae! They were my absolute favourites to play with! And those children? Well, let’s just say that was a hit! There were so many gleeful screams of excitement, laughter echoing through the town square as they jumped around in glee trying to catch the balls.

I also learned that Whitley Bay is a town where ballet meets street performance. Let me tell you, I absolutely fell in love with the local Ballet Academy's performance! It was so delightful! And you know what's even more fun? The owner was just the most delightful chap - so we did some "Pink Tutu Sparkles" on-the-spot brainstorming to see how we can work together! Oh, the possibilities! You just know there's some magic waiting to be born right there. Maybe a guest spot, perhaps even a dance lesson in pink tutus?! Imagine! I know I'm in for a treat!

Before we talk more about the ballet, darling, you know that I couldn’t travel all this way without visiting the Whitley Bay Aquarium! This was not only the place where I met some pretty fascinating marine creatures, but it's also the spot where I found inspiration for a new ballet performance! You know, something that really evokes the magic of the undersea world! The shimmering fishes, the graceful jellyfishes, and the mischievous seahorses? Oh, my! Imagine all those gorgeous colours in an underwater balletic waltz, don't you just love it? My new routine is going to have more flowing movements and maybe a few glittery fins in Pink Tutu Sparkles' unique signature style. Oh, darlings, I already have butterflies thinking about it. I have just got to take these little inspirations and put them all together! This is going to be my masterpiece. It will be a delight for all, especially those with a passion for all things sparkly and fishy! (Please don't let the word “fishy” make you think I've gone overboard! Sometimes, we all just need a little dose of seaside fun!)

Speaking of delight, oh my darling, the children were just the sweetest. Every little princess in her best glittery frock – how perfect! I even got to meet a group of aspiring young dancers at the town's theatre! Those children had such a fantastic energy! And you know what's more charming? Every single one of them asked me about my tutu. Oh darling! They are just adorable. Some of them were in awe and so, so quiet, while others couldn't stop asking about my feather boa and the sparkly shoes! I can't wait to bring even more children’s delight and a sprinkle of pink-tutu magic into their world in the future. I mean, it’s in the genes, you know!

But of course, it's not just about the kids. You know your girl knows a good time! The Whitley Bay community really came together to welcome this little queen! I am eternally grateful for their incredible enthusiasm. And guess what, darlings? They made sure to bring their “A-Game” in terms of glamour and festivity. There was laughter, dancing, and even a bit of singing in the streets! What could be better, darling? You see? This is why Whitley Bay stole a piece of my heart – its spirit of pure unadulterated fun is infectious, and you know your girl loves nothing better than sharing her bubbly and colourful brand of magic with the world. It's a beautiful reminder that joy is found not only in fancy ballrooms but in every street corner of this gorgeous nation!

Well, my darlings, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog if I didn’t share a little about my journey. This is where my little slice of pink heaven is, but, you know, this girly girl just had to travel in style! This time, I hopped aboard a beautiful pink and white carriage train - a little bit of 1950's glamour, all for Pink Tutu Sparkles. We have the most delightful carriages that were like travelling time capsules! The plush velvet seats, the glistening brass details, and of course, the delightful aroma of a vintage British train! (And perhaps a scone, a little sugar, and a dash of cream on the side! Now that’s travel at its best, darling!). You see, I'm a huge train enthusiast! A true fan of "steam" style. Don’t tell anyone, darling, but a real princess always travels in the most gorgeous fashion.

Before my arrival in Whitley Bay, darling, you just have to know, that I made a detour on my travels - A ballet lesson in Derbyshire, the county I call home! (We all need to stay grounded in our roots from time to time). This trip involved a gorgeous pair of sparkling pink pointe shoes. You know how it is! Pink Tutu Sparkles had to get a proper warm-up and it turns out my dear old family is just as loving as the seaside. It was truly a whirlwind experience – with an even bigger highlight – the performance itself, in our beloved local village hall. Don’t let them fool you! They are so wonderfully enthusiastic and I get so many great suggestions and ideas for upcoming acts there. That evening, it was truly like returning home. You just can’t get that feeling anywhere else! It felt like an exciting and joyous return to my humble beginnings.

Well, darlings, I simply had to share all of this fun and fabulousness with you. Now, go and find your perfect shade of pink, dance around, and embrace life with the infectious spirit of a pink tutu – don’t let anyone tell you you can't!

Don’t forget, darlings, I will keep you updated on the adventures of this pink-tutu-loving princess on my daily blog at www.pink-tutu.com! Now go on and “Tutu This!”.


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

(Alex, if you’re reading this - please make sure to have another scone waiting for me for next week, we’ll make it a grand “Pink Tutu Sparkles" themed scone, ok? And also darling, it would be truly perfect if I could borrow those shimmering, sparkly pink shoes! I need a matching pair.)

#TutuQueen on 2008-12-30 stars in Whitley Bay