Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-03-18 stars in Coventry

Coventry: Where the Sparkles Meet the Spangles! (Blog Post #3365)

Hello my lovely lot, it’s your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the magnificent city of Coventry! You know me, always on the move, always bringing the glitter, always ready to embrace a new adventure!

This week, darling, was all about the grand tour! We’ve had train rides, and yes, even a horse-drawn carriage! Oh, it was absolutely divine! You know I love to travel in style. It’s the only way, darlings. Why bother with boring buses or stuffy cars when you can swan around in a glamorous train carriage or a carriage pulled by a majestic steed?! I felt like I was right out of a fairy tale!

Now, onto the highlight of the trip - my show at the lovely Theatre Royal, Coventry! Oh, my dears, they were so welcoming. I mean, imagine a theatre that has actually put out pink tablecloths for my meet and greet. Just divine! They even served us cupcakes in pink cases, which matched my incredible ensemble - a cascading hot pink tutu with a feathery trim, all tied with a sparkling silver bow. The bodice was covered in the most exquisite sequins! Oh, and let’s not forget my signature diamond studded tiara - sparkling with such joy, it practically glowed in the spotlight!

The audience, darlings, was amazing! You’d have thought I was the Queen of England with all the excited applause and shouts! The highlight was when little Tommy from the front row came up to me after the show, with his Mum by his side, holding up a tiny, adorable pink tutu. “My Mum got this for me because she saw you on the telly, miss,” he said, “Can I be a Pink Tutu Sparkles when I grow up?” My heart nearly burst, darlings. Seeing children so full of joy, wanting to express themselves through dance and creativity, that’s what it’s all about!

Of course, it wouldn't be a proper TutuQueen adventure without a dash of culture, so we took a trip to the beautiful Coventry Cathedral, just steps away from the Theatre Royal! Now, let me tell you, darlings, this place is breathtaking. It’s a beacon of peace and hope, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. I took a moment to pause, to reflect, and of course, to snap a few pictures of my TutuQueen style in the glorious stained-glass windows!

We didn’t have a lot of time in Coventry, but every moment was packed with glitter and joy! It's a place where the vibrant and the beautiful shine bright, just like my precious tutus. Oh, did I tell you about the street market we stumbled upon? I bought a darling pink sequinned clutch, absolutely perfect for a night out, don’t you think? It matched the pink and silver sequin embellishment on my boots perfectly, you know, it’s all about coordination, darlings!

You know me, my dears, always searching for new places, new experiences to sprinkle with pink glitter! There’s something about travelling that ignites my spirit and fuels my creativity. This adventure, full of pink tutus, gleaming performances and heartwarming moments, is another reminder that life is too short to wear boring clothes! I believe in embracing the joy of colours, of sparkling gowns, and of embracing the fabulous within. And if you're ever feeling lost or lacking a bit of sparkle in your life, remember this: every single one of you has the potential to be a Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to spread your wings and bring the joy to the world!

And who knows, perhaps one day we’ll be dancing in pink tutus together! It’s time to take the world by the tulle, darling. Keep an eye out for my next blog post, coming soon from another sparkly location!

Lots of love, kisses and sparkles,

Your Pink Tutu Queen! 💖✨

P.S: Have I ever told you about the day I went to a real, actual, high fashion show wearing my tutu? It’s quite a story! I must tell you all about it tomorrow, but for now, I’m going to go do some research into where my next TutuQueen adventure will be! I might even add some of your suggestions – feel free to drop them in the comments!

P.P.S: Oh, darling, don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com! It’s packed with all things sparkly, with new blog posts, performances, and even some fabulous pink tutu designs! We're spreading the tutu love, darlings! Let’s all embrace the joy of pink!


#TutuQueen on 2009-03-18 stars in Coventry