Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-04-15 stars in Cambridge

Cambridge Calling! - A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Post number 3393

Oh my darlings, get ready for some serious sparkle, because your favourite Pink Tutu Queen is heading to Cambridge! This vibrant, historic city has always had a special place in my heart - all those beautiful buildings, the cobbled streets, the river Cam... it’s a truly magical place. And let me tell you, I'm about to unleash a little bit of that magic onto Cambridge myself.

As you know, darling, I am living my absolute best life in my beautiful, glittery pink tutus! Life really is a whirlwind of feathers, sequins and, of course, fabulousness! You might be wondering what brought me to this gorgeous city... well, dear friends, it’s a triple threat: a ballet performance, a fabulous shopping spree and a truly divine afternoon tea in a quaint tearoom! What could possibly be more delightful?

This whole trip, darling, started with a whispered secret from a very special source. A whisper about a prestigious ballet performance in the historic Cambridge Arts Theatre, a true jewel in the crown of the city's cultural scene! Let’s just say I almost fell out of my tiara when I heard about it. It was destiny, you see, for Pink Tutu Sparkles to dance alongside those graceful ballerinas and be bathed in the glorious light of the stage. My feathers, my sequins... they are practically vibrating with excitement!

You know how I love a bit of a journey, darling. No long haul flights for me! This time I decided to embrace the thrill of the railways. Travelling by train is so quintessentially British, don't you think? You get to relax, look out the window at the passing countryside, and even grab a cheeky cuppa with a scone on the way. And who knows what fabulous people you might meet on board! Perhaps a delightful, flamboyant gentleman with a passion for embroidery, a stylish young lady with a passion for vintage clothing, or maybe even a sassy grandma with a secret stash of candy... Anything can happen on a train!

Anyway, my train journey was pure bliss. The scenery was breathtaking. I had the entire compartment to myself (and let's face it, it’s almost a sin to not travel in style) and I even got to people-watch, with a dash of people-judging, from my cosy window seat! You'll be surprised, darlings, but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows! Oh, the trials and tribulations of a Pink Tutu Queen travelling by train! It all started so innocently. My lovely fellow passenger, a perfectly lovely gentleman in a smart suit, sat opposite me with his rather large briefcase (not my cup of tea, darlings...too boxy and masculine!), but all was fine... Then... the horror. He did it. He unleashed the monstrous, gargantuan, monster of an electronic device from its resting place! Oh dear... It started buzzing and beeping! This is where I draw the line. This is an act I won't tolerate, dear readers! Do you know how hard it is to meditate with the zen of my sparkling pink tutu and my feather boa, in the face of such technological abominations? It took every ounce of my inner strength, but I managed to keep my cool. And... Just as he got ready to click and click and click away... A miracle. My dear, oh dear... I’m not one for lying... But perhaps... it wasn’t a miracle. Perhaps, this was divine intervention? A magical burst of heavenly pixie dust... A loud “bong bong bong”, which I believe to be the sound of a “do not disturb” notification? (Maybe he was in a business meeting? One can only dream! ) The train came to a sudden stop! I gasped in horror... The world might never recover! A true Pink Tutu Queen never, ever tolerates delays. I felt an immediate need to escape... Then, as I started to imagine all the lovely, delectable delicacies awaiting me on my Cambridge adventure... And my performance! I realized my beautiful Pink Tutu soul was just as anxious to continue my trip to that breathtaking city as the rest of the passengers.
I couldn't just sit around sulking! That wouldn't be in my Pink Tutu Spirit! No, my darlings! I had to make the best of it! So I channeled my inner glitter, popped open my fabulous handbag and unleashed a magnificent array of shiny, sparkly makeup! I put on my favorite bright pink lipstick... my Pink Tutu lipstick. With my full face on, darling, I couldn’t possibly stand this interruption. I pulled out a magazine from my purse. Oh, my sweet readers, it was an absolute delight. “Fashion & Beauty: Fabulous Fabrics, Fabulous Fashion.” You wouldn’t believe, the colours... Then... it occurred to me! You know, dear readers... I always wanted to become a journalist. Oh, but... The science! Yes, the fabric testing lab awaits me by day. I do so love those fabulous colourful fabrics, so many different patterns, I find them all so stimulating! Perhaps I could start my own column! "The Fabulous Fashion Lab" . Or perhaps "Fabric Fanatics"!? I love it! Then I thought, how do we combine my love for pink tutus and fabulously fabulous fabric? Hmmm, Pink Tutu fabrics... A fashion label dedicated to pink tutus, in all their pinkness and glory... The "Pink Tutu" label... It was so perfect! A brilliant idea! It will sell like hotcakes! And then... oh my goodness! My mind was buzzing... so much inspiration... the colours! The glittery sequins, my pink tutu sequins... I couldn’t stop dreaming... Then, as soon as it started, the wonderful, oh so sweet moment was interrupted! "Next Stop Cambridge!” The voice echoed, in a calm, gentle tone, a gentle, gentle man in a tweed hat… and suddenly… my delightful, little adventure felt like a wonderful, glamorous, little pink tutu dream!

From the train station, I simply hopped on the horse-drawn carriage. Such luxury, darling. Now I know you may not have your own personal horse-drawn carriage on a regular basis, but you absolutely must try it. It’s absolutely magnificent and it allows you to explore Cambridge at your own pace! A true Pink Tutu Queen simply can’t afford to miss an experience of a lifetime! And I know what you're thinking: How chic, how delightful, how simply marvelous. My, my darling, you already know what my next trip will include! And this one, oh darlings, just gets better and better!

Let’s just say it's going to be an absolutely magical time in Cambridge, packed with adventures, excitement, and, of course, fabulousness. So be sure to check back with me daily. The Pink Tutu Chronicles just won't stop. We have an absolute must-see ballet performance waiting. A dance extravaganza for the ages. Imagine the grace, the passion, the skill! I almost cried when I booked those coveted tickets! I mean, darling, it's not just about watching these incredible dancers move around. It's about feeling the magic in the air, the energy of the crowd, the shared experience of witnessing pure artistry. It's something you just have to experience.

And speaking of fabulous, you already know, darlings, Pink Tutu Queen can’t resist a little bit of retail therapy. That’s why Cambridge’s boutiques are just as important as the theatres and museums. Oh my! The endless selection of clothes, accessories and, of course, shoes! I know what you're thinking! We all adore an extra special shopping trip. And you can trust a Pink Tutu Queen to show you what is hot and what is not in the fashion scene this season, with all the latest, and frankly, fantastic Pink Tutu styles! But my love for shopping doesn’t end with fashion. It's all about those hidden treasures waiting to be discovered! You’ll find me scouring for antique trinkets, quirky vintage accessories and even an adorable teapot shaped like a little pink ballerina... because of course! And just a little bit of window shopping can't hurt. After all, it's all about the eye candy...

And what’s an unforgettable trip without an absolutely delicious high tea? It is the ultimate British experience, and you simply can’t resist those dainty sandwiches and heavenly scones slathered with cream!

This trip is going to be a Pink Tutu blast, my sweet dears, and I’ll be documenting every second of it for your enjoyment. Stay tuned, you don’t want to miss a single sequin, my darling.

Love always,
Pink Tutu Sparkles x


#TutuQueen on 2009-04-15 stars in Cambridge