
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-10 stars in Stevenage

Stevenage Sparkle: Pink Tutu Takes On The North! (Post #3418)

Hello my darling dears, and welcome to another exciting post from yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today's adventures take us on a magical journey from the sunny hills of Derbyshire right up to the charming town of Stevenage. Yes, my lovelies, I'm off on a trip, and this time, it's by train! I've got my travel essentials - a sparkly pink overnight bag, a feather boa (because a queen needs her dramatic accessories), and, of course, my signature pink tutu, ready to dazzle the world with its majestic flouncy goodness!

Now, I've been thinking lately - and don't we all, love? - about how I'm on a mission to bring a little pink tutu joy into everyone's lives. Imagine, just imagine, a world where pink tutus are the norm, a world where we embrace our inner sparkle and twirl with confidence. Can you picture it? It's almost as good as a plate of afternoon tea, only way more fabulous.

This journey to Stevenage started with a phone call. You know how it is, you answer the phone, and it's all "Hello? Yes, yes, we've heard about your amazing show, and we'd love to have you… blah blah blah…" Honestly, it's quite thrilling! My manager always says I should wear earplugs when I receive booking calls, to stop my head exploding from excitement. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!

This time, however, I couldn't wear earplugs. This call was from a lovely lady who works at a rather fabulous looking community center. She mentioned their yearly summer festival and how they needed a dazzling star to headline the entertainment. Now, my lovelies, when you hear a request like that, you know you have to take the opportunity by the pink tulle and give it a big, dramatic twirl! After all, a queen doesn't say "no" to an opportunity to spread her sparkle.

And that's how I found myself on a packed, slightly cramped train heading towards the lovely town of Stevenage. The scenery outside whizzed by - rolling green hills and sleepy villages, perfect for an imaginary ballet performance with Mother Nature as my partner. Don't worry, I kept my tutus neatly stowed away (after all, you don't want to snag your masterpiece on an unruly train window!). The fellow passengers seemed interested in my bright pink overnight bag with its sparkly sequins, which only added to my own sense of playful excitement. After all, a pink tutu-wearing queen simply cannot be ignored!

Oh, I must confess, there was one other highlight of my train journey. An adorable family sat a couple of rows in front of me, with a little girl dressed in a sweet little floral dress, gazing out of the window with big, sparkly eyes. It reminded me so much of myself as a little girl, filled with dreams and fantastical ideas. I decided to whip out my pocket mirror and check my makeup for any signs of train-journey stress. And oh darling, the reflection showed my signature pink eyeliner wing was perfection - a testament to the resilience of a true diva.

When the train finally pulled into the station, I stood up, gathered my boa, my pink tutu, my feather boas and the rest of my fabulous self, and strutted off the train. I couldn't help but think this journey was the perfect prelude to the magical day ahead! I could just feel the audience cheering, the lights of the stage, and the joyful laughter filling the air! But before I got to the community centre, there was a slight detour to a local craft store. Now, every queen knows, when you're on the road, a little self-care is essential.

The craft store had the most adorable selection of sequins, feather boas, and glitter pens - you wouldn't believe it, they even had pink, sequin-covered headbands! I simply had to stock up on new accessories! The friendly shopkeeper, bless her cotton socks, helped me pick out a selection of sparkling pink bows that were positively screaming my name. My mind is already racing with new stage ideas – a dramatic bow, perhaps a multicoloured boa, a feathered-hat that truly catches the eye? The possibilities, as always, are endless.

Finally, my darlings, I arrived at the community center, where the atmosphere was vibrant and full of excited chatter. I spotted a bright pink stage that could rival even the most elaborate of London theatres and immediately my inner queen just couldn't resist the urge to give it a twirl! I must confess, it was a bit of a tight squeeze in that stage, but when I gave the fabric a whirl, well, you can just imagine the magic in the air. A pink tutu is practically guaranteed to create an atmosphere of joyous chaos and dazzling energy.

Before my performance, there was a moment where I took a deep breath, and just savored the energy buzzing around the venue. This was a family-friendly show, filled with giggles and joyous sounds. A child even skipped up to me with the biggest, brightest grin. She said something along the lines of, "Are you a princess?" (Oh darlings, you can never be too careful around the younger generation!). I simply grinned back, said, "I'm a queen," and she practically burst into an excited giggle! It warmed my heart, made my sparkly top feel lighter, and that's the most incredible reward a performer can get!

The show itself? Oh my darlings, you wouldn't believe the energy! I gave them my usual mix of song, dance, comedy and glitter. The audience loved my flamboyant costumes, the vibrant makeup, and the sparkly sequins were almost blinding (but in a good way, of course). They were completely captivated!

But I think the true highlight of the night came during my grand finale. I finished my show, dripping in sweat but radiant in a sea of light and sparkles, and then – just as I took my final bow - a group of young children all rushed to the stage. There they stood, each with a different coloured tutu – purple, blue, even yellow! And all of them beamed at me. You can imagine my reaction: it was a heart-stopping moment, truly an incredible gift of joyful acceptance, a rainbow-filled, tutu-tastic triumph for this queen's heart.

It was, simply put, a perfect ending to a truly extraordinary journey. We live in a world where people are constantly trying to put each other into boxes. But that's just what I love about my job - it allows me to spread glitter and twirls. To inspire everyone to tap into their own inner sparkles and be the most fabulous version of themselves! So the next time you're feeling a little lost or overwhelmed, my dears, just picture yourself in a pink tutu, spinning in the center of a grand hall. I promise, the feeling will set your soul ablaze with confidence. Don't forget to share your sparkle with the world!

See you next time, darlings.


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-10 stars in Stevenage