
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-19 stars in Burnley

Burnley Bound: A Tutu Tale, Post #3427

Oh my darlings! You won't believe where I've landed this week! That's right, I, your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is strutting my stuff in Burnley! It's a bit of a change from the usual sparkly clubs and swanky balls I'm used to, but let me tell you, this northern town has charm, darling!

It all started, you see, with a little postcard. A local arts festival in Burnley was inviting acts of all kinds - from singers and dancers to, well, you guessed it, drag queens! Now, who could resist a chance to bring the pinkest tutu this side of the Pennines to a fresh, exciting audience? Not me! I threw my pink suitcase, bursting with sequins and feather boas, into the back of my trusty Vauxhall (you wouldn't believe how much glitter it's accumulated!) and set off for a whirlwind trip of sparkle, performance, and most importantly, tutus!

A Journey Through the English Countryside

I always prefer to travel by train, you see. The journey is just as exciting as the destination! And there's something about the gentle rhythm of the train wheels and the scenery rushing past that just sets my creative juices flowing. It's a chance to daydream, to sketch out potential outfit ideas, and most importantly, to observe people! The faces, the fashion, the stories unfolding right before my very eyes. Every train journey is an inspiration waiting to happen!

But my arrival in Burnley was truly a sight to behold! Think quaint cobblestone streets, Victorian architecture with all the bells and whistles, and a vibe that's just a tad bit edgy, in a charming kind of way. I instantly fell in love with the character of the place!

Finding a Fairytale (And A Free Tutu!)

You see, the festival was a real celebration of the local area. The market square was overflowing with stalls, delicious street food, crafts, and even a puppet show featuring a grumpy hedgehog who'd been invited to the annual Burnley "Wiggle and Jiggle" ball. Honestly, I've seen it all in this glamorous world, but never a hedgehog with a penchant for disco!

One of the stalls caught my eye: it was a lovely little boutique filled with handmade hats, sparkly scarves, and, drumroll please, the most adorable selection of vintage tutus! They were pink, they were purple, they were striped and sequined, all waiting to find a new home on the legs of a glamorous performer (and yes, that's a subtle nudge, darlings!).

Being a complete sucker for a good deal, I found myself chatting with the owner, a lovely woman named Agatha with a twinkle in her eye. Agatha, it turns out, was an avid fan of ballet and had been hoarding these little gems for years. We bonded over our mutual love for the elegance of ballet and the power of a well-chosen tutu to bring a touch of magic to the world. She even gifted me a little pink tutu, perfectly ruffled and sequined, as a welcome present. Now that's what I call a true welcome!

From The Stage to The Shops

Now, the reason for my trip, aside from the delightful vintage tutu score, was of course to perform! And let me tell you, these Burnley folk know how to have a good time! My set was packed, with everyone clapping, cheering, and even dancing along! There were smiles on faces, even a few tears (not mine, dearie, though my mascara did threaten to smudge!) and a whole lot of glitter! I must admit, even I was surprised at the energy and excitement in the air!

The next morning, fueled by black coffee and a breakfast filled with the aromas of Lancashire, I decided to do some proper exploring. I wanted to discover the real Burnley, the hidden corners, the places where local stories unfolded. And where better to start than the heart of the town - the market square!

Now, you might be thinking that the market square in Burnley is just a bunch of stalls selling fruit and vegetables. And yes, they do have those, but it's much more than that. It's a hive of activity, a constant flurry of life! I saw elderly women with overflowing baskets of tomatoes and garlic, giggling school girls gossiping about boys, and a group of men huddled around a table discussing their favourite football team. It's truly a microcosm of life in this vibrant little town.

I wandered around the stalls, my senses overflowing with sights, sounds, and smells. A young girl handed me a pink plastic bag full of fragrant lavender, a farmer offered me a fresh piece of locally grown apple (I declined - can't let the sugar rush affect my dance moves, darling!), and I even witnessed a playful exchange between a street performer and a flock of pigeons, who seemed more interested in his hat than his music!

Burnley: A Love Letter to Life

By midday, I felt completely invigorated. I discovered an old book shop crammed with fascinating finds (and scored myself a first edition copy of "The Complete Guide to Ballet Technique," I might add) and even bumped into a lovely gentleman who invited me to tea and cake at his antique store (a hidden treasure trove of porcelain teacups and crystal chandeliers). What I really appreciated was how welcoming everyone was. The warmth, the charm, the willingness to help a strange woman with a giant pink tutu and an even bigger smile!

I have to say, Burnley really got under my skin! It was a whirlwind of energy, kindness, and community. You could feel the love and pride people have for their town, and that really is contagious!

But Wait, There's More!

And the best part, darlings? My experience didn't end with the performance and the exploration! As I was saying goodbye to Agatha at the tutu shop, she handed me a map of Burnley and said: "You absolutely must see the Thompson Park! It's a little haven of greenery right in the heart of town. And there's even a Victorian bandstand with music on Saturdays!" How could I resist?

The next morning, I set off for Thompson Park. It was a perfect day - the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air was fresh. The park itself is stunning, a mix of manicured gardens, wild woodland, and even a pond with swans (and the occasional overzealous squirrel, be careful!). I found the bandstand and settled on a bench to listen to the local brass band.

You wouldn't believe it, darlings, but as I was enjoying the music, guess who strolled by, their head held high and a pink tutu floating around their legs? It was me!

That's right! While I was sitting on the bench, taking it all in, the brass band broke into a waltz, the sun beamed down on me, and something just clicked. It felt like the universe itself had conspired to make me twirl! Suddenly, I was on my feet, the wind billowing through the skirt of my tutu, the music swelling in my ears. The park had become my stage, and Burnley, my audience! It was a beautiful, unplanned moment, one that reminded me that magic, darlings, can happen anywhere, even in the most unexpected places.

To Burnley, With Love and Tutu!

And so, I bid farewell to Burnley. It wasn't your typical glitzy and glamous getaway, but it was so much more! It was about connection, discovery, and the undeniable joy of celebrating life in all its quirky and wonderful glory.

Oh, and of course, it was about tutus!

If there's one thing Burnley has taught me, darlings, it's that a pink tutu isn't just about fancy costumes and flamboyant performances - it's about a spirit of fun, an invitation to be playful, and a little reminder that life is meant to be enjoyed with a touch of sparkle! So, until next time, Burnley! I'm leaving my little pink tutu footprint all over town, waiting for the next person to find it, embrace the magic, and perhaps even join the pink-tutu-wearing revolution!

Keep shining, darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (and Alex, when I'm off stage!)

Don't forget to visit Pink Tutu Sparkle's website at www.pink-tutu.com and join the #PinkTutuRevolution today!

And don't forget to follow my adventures on social media @PinkTutuSparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-19 stars in Burnley