Chatham Calling! 🩰💖 #TutuQueen
Greetings, my lovely Tutu Twisters!
It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for another sparkling adventure! I'm currently en route to Chatham, which I'm absolutely giddy about! Can you imagine a beautiful town bathed in sunshine, where the smell of fish and chips wafts through the air, and I get to sprinkle a little pink tutu magic? Sigh. It's almost enough to make a girl twirl!
This, my darlings, is post number 3434, a truly epic number that speaks to the sheer volume of joy and sparkle I've been sharing with you all. If you're ever feeling down, pop over to and dip your toes into the glorious pink wonderland that is my little corner of the internet!
Now, where was I? Oh yes, Chatham! I'm going to be performing at the beautiful, historic Town Hall, and the best part? It's a fundraising event for the local ballet school! Honestly, I feel a warm fuzzy glow just thinking about it. Imagine the little ballerinas, all twirling and leaping in their lovely costumes, and a glamorous drag queen gracing them with her presence? I can't wait!
And how did I get here, you ask? Why, by train, of course! I love a good railway journey, watching the world roll by from my window seat, and daydreaming about all the amazing pink tutus I could find on my travels. This particular train journey was particularly special - I had the pleasure of chatting with a charming fellow traveller who was a ballet teacher at the school I was performing for. We got into a fascinating conversation about the art of ballet, the challenges and the triumphs, and I felt such a strong sense of connection. You see, this is what my journey as Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about – spreading a little joy, sharing a passion, and making people smile!
I've got a new pink tutu for this special occasion, one with layers and layers of fluffy tulle and delicate shimmering beads that sparkle like the evening stars. It’s a real show-stopper, let me tell you! It was the perfect fit, it makes me feel like a real-life princess. I love those moments in the dressing room, just me and my reflection, transforming from Alex the scientist (by day, I analyse the latest in fabric technology in a high-tech lab) into Pink Tutu Sparkles, the shining beacon of pink tutu magic (by night, I transform stages with my unique drag performance). It’s all about that transition and celebrating all the amazing women in our lives. It's magical!
I've been preparing for this performance for weeks, choosing the perfect music, adding those extra sparkle details, and creating a show that will captivate and inspire.
Chatham, get ready! Pink Tutu Sparkles is coming to town! And, who knows, maybe by the end of the performance, I'll even convince a few more of you to join the pink tutu revolution! 😉
Love, sparkle and tutus,
Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖
PS. Did you know I grew up in Derbyshire? A beautiful county full of rolling green hills and charming villages. If you’re ever passing through, I highly recommend popping in for a visit! It’s a bit of a change of scenery from a vibrant city like Chatham, but the lovely countryside can have a certain charm about it. My mother’s family, you see, were a lot like a bunch of happy little bluebirds, all chirping away and flitting about. Maybe that’s where my love of all things bright and fun came from!
PPS. Just a reminder that this blog is just a little glimpse into my exciting life. To stay updated and join in on the pink tutu fun, come visit me at !
Day 2:Oh, the adventure just keeps going! Chatham has been absolutely amazing so far! Yesterday, after I had the opportunity to do some impromptu ‘tutu twirling’ outside the town hall, I decided I needed some pampering.
First stop was a lovely little tea room in the heart of Chatham. I went all out, of course – a delicious scone with clotted cream and jam, a delicate pink floral tea (pink everything!), and a beautifully hand-painted porcelain cup! You see, a tea break is just not complete without the perfect teacup, like a little crown to finish the look. I really must pick up some more pink china on my travels - my collection needs expanding!
Next, it was time for a shopping spree! My beloved high street – always a feast for the senses, with its twinkling lights and vibrant window displays. You’ve guessed it – I bought myself some new pink tutus and a beautiful, flowing pink dress! You’d think after all these years I’d have a million pink dresses but you’d be surprised how fast my collection seems to expand. But can you really blame me? A girl’s gotta have options. 😉
Of course, the best part of shopping is finding that perfect, unexpected treasure! Imagine my surprise when I discovered this antique shop with a little cabinet full of the most magnificent vintage costume jewellery. Sparkling brooches and pins, glittering tiaras, and, you guessed it, even a few little pink and white feathers, the kind they used in ballerinas' costumes in the Victorian era. Now, don’t worry, they weren’t going to go on my tutu – the pink was a little faded. No, they went straight into my stash for inspiration. I need to work out a way to bring them all back with me to Derby; I just can’t seem to travel without adding something to my treasure collection!
Oh, and you simply won't believe this – I found the cutest, little vintage teacup today! Not just any teacup, though, it’s a perfectly petite, porcelain teacup painted in pink with tiny ballerinas around the rim! Oh, the magic! It's going to make a beautiful addition to my tea set. Every trip, every moment seems to be overflowing with these tiny little serendipitous discoveries that make me happy. That’s the best part about life, I reckon, those delightful little moments that take you by surprise!
And so, to all my lovely tutu followers out there, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is showtime at the Chatham Town Hall, and Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to bring the sparkle! 💖
Until next time!
Love, sparkle, and tutus,
Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖
PPS: I’ve also had a delightful idea! My wonderful mum has offered to send me a small picnic basket packed with all my favorite things – homemade cakes, scones, and sandwiches! There’s nothing quite like enjoying a beautiful sunny picnic in the park after a performance, surrounded by my loveliest pink tutus! Stay tuned – you might just get a sneak peek of what’s inside.