
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-29 stars in Carlisle

Carlisle Calling: A Tutu-tastic Adventure (Blog Post #3437)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, all-round fabulous drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Buckle up buttercups, because today's blog post is about my latest trip to the wonderful, historical city of Carlisle!

Now, you might think Iโ€™d take the aeroplane to Carlisle โ€“ everyone does, right? โ€“ but not me, love. No sirree. For me, it's a journey of the grandest kind, by train! Picture this: a scarlet, sleek engine steaming through the countryside, me in my pinkest, most voluminous tutu, sipping on a delightful Earl Grey tea with two sugars and enjoying the rolling hills go whizzing by!

Don't get me wrong, I love a good plane journey โ€“ the glamour, the service, those mini bottles of Baileys โ€“ but the romance, the thrill, the utter joy of watching the world go by on the railway track, with the comforting rumble of the train below, itโ€™s just magical! Plus, with my signature pink Tutu, I am sure to be the most colourful passenger in the carriage!

Of course, travelling in full drag by train takes some careful planning! You wouldn't want your exquisite pink feather boa getting tangled in the luggage racks, or a mishap with your glittery eye shadow resulting in mascara marks all over the window! So I packed everything very carefully in my trusty pink luggage, making sure to pack some snacks too - I just adore my digestive biscuits! And with everything prepped and perfectly organized, itโ€™s time to hit the streets of Carlisle!

Carlisle, my dears, was absolutely enchanting! It's brimming with history - those Roman ruins were incredible - and just had such a warm, welcoming atmosphere. People were so friendly, all eyes on my fabulously pink tulle as I danced my way down the cobblestone streets! I was greeted with genuine smiles and compliments on my unique look. People are usually quite surprised to see someone in full drag in a city like this, but I love challenging expectations! The look on their faces when I flash them my brightest smile and a cheeky wink is just priceless.

Of course, no trip to Carlisle is complete without a visit to the stunning Carlisle Cathedral. Now, that's an impressive piece of architecture! The building itself is so impressive โ€“ all grand and majestic and ancient. But, if Iโ€™m being honest, I was distracted! I just kept thinking how great it would be for a grand drag ball. Just imagine the photos, the amazing backdrops for a photo-shoot!

Speaking of grand backdrops, the cityโ€™s castle is a must-see! Itโ€™s not just a charming little castle either. It's absolutely enormous! I just love those imposing towers, the historical significance, and the cobblestones โ€“ the castle has everything! And I was delighted to discover that the grounds were also home to the iconic Tullie House Museum, a wonderful treasure trove of art, history and natural sciences!

Being in Carlisle, I couldnโ€™t resist checking out the local shops. You know Iโ€™m a bit of a shop-a-holic, and Carlisle delivered big-time! The markets were abuzz with delicious treats and trinkets, and the independent boutiques had some absolute gems โ€“ I snagged a pair of stunning pink, feathered gloves, just perfect for my next show!

But this is just the start of the Carlisle adventures. I had to do what every visiting diva does โ€“ see the amazing Lake District! You know I am a HUGE nature-lover โ€“ the sights, the fresh air, all just lovely! So off I went to explore. The stunning views, the towering mountains, the cascading waterfalls - the scenery was just breathtaking! My camera was clicking like crazy - and of course, all the photos feature me in a tutu. The natural setting looked positively enchanting with me as the main feature โ€“ my fabulous pink Tutu and the lake in the background, just perfect!

Carlisle is just so captivating. It has history, art, beauty, and charm all rolled into one. I love the quaint cafes, the welcoming pubs, the warm atmosphere. But for a girl like me, who needs something extra special, Carlisle really outdid itself. It was just what my dragster soul was looking for.

As I pack up my pink suitcase, I can't help but feel a little sad to be leaving this vibrant city. But the memories โ€“ and those fab photos with me rocking my pink Tutu in the background! โ€“ will keep my spirit up as I head back to my own little world in Derbyshire, awaiting the next stop on my Tutu-tastic adventure. And trust me, my loves, it's coming up soon! Keep checking back on www.pink-tutu.com for all the updates and dazzling delights! Until then, stay fabulous and wear pink!


Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex, your favourite science geek!)

#TutuQueen on 2009-05-29 stars in Carlisle